Heart Rhythm Conditions – Welcome to the group

Welcome to the Heart Rhythm Conditions group on Mayo Clinic Connect.
Did you know that the average heart beats 100,000 times a day? Millions of people live with heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) which occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate heartbeats don't work properly. Let's connect with each other; we can share stories and learn about coping with the challenges, and living well with abnormal heart rhythms. I invite you to follow the group. Simply click the +FOLLOW icon on the group landing page.

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I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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My experience is similar to yours. Doctors say " just don't let it bother you". It's hard to do that when you feel like you are about to keel over. If I walk, they almost always stop. I just noticed yesterday, that if I take both hands and press on my abdomen just below my ribs, they also stop. Have no idea what that's all about.


I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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Similar response on my end. "They're just benign palpitations", and the cardiologists covered under my insurance plan won't even see me. They're reviewed my echo, stress test, blood work and a 2 day holter monitor (which kept becoming unattached but did show some episodes of bradycardia and tachycardia). When I asked to consult with one of them, just for peace of mind (and to pay for it with my private insurance), they would not allow me to have an appointment with them saying, "they're just benign palpitations". Poor patient care, in my opinion. And, it sounds like it's not uncommon care, unfortunately....


I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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Maybe if several doctors experienced what we experience, they would be more serious about research to get answers. Thanks for the tip to press just below the ribs during an episode. Worth the try.


I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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I notice that exercise and taking walks can temporarily relieve pvcs, even after going up 16 stairs. I am out of breath but pulse is regular after that for a while. My cardiologist is very sympathetic and listens to me. I will try the abdomen thing!


I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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Iam going to try the abdomen thing. Do you find when you are getting the palps that you have trouble getting a deep breath?


Hello @jeannieg7 and @mommabyrd. Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! Thank you for posting!

Jeannie, has the yoga and meditation helped? And Sonja, how are you controlling the blackouts?

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I am going to start & will keep you posted


I have had irregular heartbeat on and off since i was in my late 20's. Iam now in my 70's and they have become much worse. I have had several 24 hour halter monitors. So far i have been told i have SVT, premature heartbeats etc. My last 24 hour monitor showed 500 events. The doctor just blew it off. I sometimes find that a walk stops the irregularity. I take propanolol for it.

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When I get my palps every other beat, then I feel a bit winded. It's more like an adrenalin rush for me. I feel it in my shoulders and the top of my head.


I am not winded but i keep trying to get a deep breath...does that make sense?


I am not winded but i keep trying to get a deep breath...does that make sense?

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That makes total sense to me. I've experienced that. Just wanting to get a deep breath and then not being able to.

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