Living Donor: It's a huge responsibility

Posted by fbgibbons672 @fbgibbons672, Sep 11, 2017

I am a match for my sister's kidney transplant and will be heading to Mayo next month for evaluation. My sister has told everyone she knows about me, even refers to me as her "kidney mama". I understand she is excited and I am as well, but now I wonder how I will feel if I don't "pass" and she has to continue her waiting and dialysis. Its a huge responsibility and a huge honor to be able to do this, but.....

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@fbgibbons672, @lcamino, @fauneconner, @grammyx4, @uchimaobi, @hopeful33250, @contentandwell,

I would like to send you a personal note of "Thanks" on this week of the Thanksgiving Holiday - for promoting Living Organ Donation. You are especially in my thoughts today, because 9 years ago on this day, my name was added to the list of patients on the organ transplant waiting list. I assure you that organ donation is 'A Gift of Life'.
I hope that you and your loved ones will be able to continue to make progress in a healing direction.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.

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@rosemary - and a heartfelt thank you to you for your ministry. The downside of this virtual world is that I can't give people hugs. Have a wonderful holiday.


Thank you Rosemary for your sweet Thanksgiving message! We just returned this weekend from the Mayo in Rochester where our son had his final testing to be my husbands living kidney donor. He is a match, but has a few minor things to to work on to be in perfect shape himself for the surgery. As soon as he meets those requirements, transplant surgery will be scheduled. We are so excited and thankful for his great gift. There are just no words....... We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

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@uchimaobi, Awesome news for you, and for someone needing a kidney! Please accept my prayers as you move forward.

I do not want to interfere with the confidences and privacy of this situation, but later on when the time is right, would you send us an update?


@fbgibbons672, @lcamino, @fauneconner, @grammyx4, @uchimaobi, @hopeful33250, @contentandwell,

I would like to send you a personal note of "Thanks" on this week of the Thanksgiving Holiday - for promoting Living Organ Donation. You are especially in my thoughts today, because 9 years ago on this day, my name was added to the list of patients on the organ transplant waiting list. I assure you that organ donation is 'A Gift of Life'.
I hope that you and your loved ones will be able to continue to make progress in a healing direction.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.

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@rosemarya I too often think gratefully of all the people who are donors and whose families have followed on that. There really is so much to be thankful, so let me join in with with Rosemary on her wishes. I don't remember the exact date but it was sometime around the end of March, 2015 when I was put on the list. I still think so frequently of what a miracle it is that I am here today.


@fbgibbons672, @lcamino, @fauneconner, @grammyx4, @uchimaobi, @hopeful33250, @contentandwell,

I would like to send you a personal note of "Thanks" on this week of the Thanksgiving Holiday - for promoting Living Organ Donation. You are especially in my thoughts today, because 9 years ago on this day, my name was added to the list of patients on the organ transplant waiting list. I assure you that organ donation is 'A Gift of Life'.
I hope that you and your loved ones will be able to continue to make progress in a healing direction.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.

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Rosemary, thank you for all the tireless work you do in coordinating all the questions and contacts. You are definitely using your gift of life to help others who are facing health challenges and the service you are providing is a great encouragement to others. It takes a very selfless person to do that and donate their time that way. Hope your Thanksgiving is great!


@fbgibbons672, @lcamino, @contentandwell, @fauneconner, @grammyx4 ,
I hope that all of you are in good health and making satisfactory progress.
I would like to introduce you to a new member, @mauraacro, who has a scheduled date for living donor surgery, and some questions.

@mauraacro, I invite you to join this conversation.
What questions or concerns do you have about being a living donor that you would like to ask this group?


@fbgibbons672, @lcamino, @contentandwell, @fauneconner, @grammyx4 ,
I hope that all of you are in good health and making satisfactory progress.
I would like to introduce you to a new member, @mauraacro, who has a scheduled date for living donor surgery, and some questions.

@mauraacro, I invite you to join this conversation.
What questions or concerns do you have about being a living donor that you would like to ask this group?

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Adding another member of ours, @uneeq1, who recently donated a kidney to a friend.


My husband had a living kidney donor (neighbor) in 2009 at age of 66 at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. He has been through bladder cancer since and transplanted kidney is still doing great. Getting a healthy living donor can give a dialysis patient many more years of normal life.


My husband had a living kidney donor (neighbor) in 2009 at age of 66 at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. He has been through bladder cancer since and transplanted kidney is still doing great. Getting a healthy living donor can give a dialysis patient many more years of normal life.

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@ktaubman, I want to say Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. We are thrilled to hear from you with this powerful message about your husband's living donor experience. I am a firm believer that by sharing our stories, that we are providing hope and encouragement to all current and future donors and recipients. Thank you for joining us and sharing with us.

I am glad to hear that your husband continues to do well with his transplanted kidney. 2009 was indeed a good year: that is the year that I received my transplant, also at Mayo Rochester:-)


My husband had his bladder removed in June 2016 here at Mayo in Phoenix and they removed his old kidneys. His transplanted kidney kidney held up during this 12 hour surgery. It was like a second miracle.

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