Anyone Else With PTSD?

Posted by Parus @parus, Jul 21, 2017


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I surely am not alone.

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@hopeful33250 Can be a lonely journey. Could be worse. I do not think she meant I was a hopeless case. Think I was too far out of the box again.


I surely am not alone.

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Personally, I've never like boxes - I prefer to be a bit distinctive - something we have in common!



I surely am not alone.

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@hopeful33250 Thing is I do not try to be distinctive. Have always walked ti the beat of my own little drum and cannot continue walking to the beat of another's drum. We are who we are...
I am tired and thinking about calling it a day at 7:30 p.m.


I surely am not alone.

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Rest well



I surely am not alone.

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@hopeful33250 Likely could be part of the problem. Perhaps too insightful and think way too far out of the box. This PTSD thing is messing up my being as creative as I would like to be. I had lost interest in working with the therapist as I was not learning any new skills nor are there any groups that I might benefit from. I have gone from believing what others tell me to a complete skeptic. Surely I will find a gray arena I can feel safe in. I am so easily distracted. Living mostly in fight or flight mode is wearisome. I need to lighten up before I implode-an extreme comment.


I surely am not alone.

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@parus Your insight is undoubtedly a gift. I take it that there are no NAMI groups in your area? What about ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics or Other Dysfunctions)?



I surely am not alone.

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@hopeful33250 I went to one NAMI meeting-a horrid experience of which I did leave never again to return!!! ACA I have not heard of and will check into. Thank you as I need something and I came from an extremely dysfunctional family. Time to get something done.


I surely am not alone.

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@parus, Here is a link to their meeting list:



I surely am not alone.

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@hopeful33250 Thank you for the information. I checked things out and nothing local. Probably just as well. I have not done well in groups in the past. So many group leaders cannot keep things under control. I did look into it though. I know I need something. Due to health issues volunteering is not an option.
I enjoy adult coloring even though I am painting my own drawings. I have tried to get some others into adult coloring and have a day a week to spend time together coloring. Have tried a game thing.
I come here. Surprisingly there are some nice adult coloring groups on fb. I am amazed at the creativity there. I also belong to a couple of art groups. Takes a while.
If anyone is interested in adult coloring and wanting to learn/share it is an idea for those of us with limited social contact.
Aside from this type of thing I am not a fan of fb. One need to be selective.

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