Living with Neuropathy - Welcome to the group

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Okay, now here’s something that I almost didn’t believe when I first saw it…

Different foods have what’s called an ORAC score that measures antioxidant activity.

The higher the score, the better that food fights free radicals in your body.

Now get this…

Broccoli has an ORAC score of 890…
Kale has an ORAC score of 1,770…
But raw cacao powder has an ORAC antioxidant score of 95,500.
That’s nearly 107X MORE free-radical fighting-power than broccoli!
Don't feel guilty about eating chocolate.


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I wish I could have dark chocolate but it is a trigger for my migraines. I can have milk chocolate but not a lot.


Thanks for the kind welcome. I apologize if I am replying to the wrong people, just new to this. Either way, thanks again


Happiest belated birthday Jake! 🎂🎁 may I ask how you lost your weight? Can you tell me what you ate and how much of it, maybe an example of a couple of days and nights. I asked because I intentionally lost 200 lb but it was really the fifth time I've lost a great chunk of weight but this is the only time I have kept it off for three years. It was brutal deprivation, very low calories. How long have you kept this weight off? You sound like me in your love of sweets! I wish you many blessings and a very safe and happy coming year. I just turned 68 on the 8th of February. It's really sounding so close to 70! Warmest m regards, Sunny flower 😊

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@sunnyflower @jakedduck1
Wow you guys, I am starting to feel like I am at my high school reunion with all the 68 year olds here, of which I too am one. (I miss Eisenhower 😊) Best, Hank


Okay, now here’s something that I almost didn’t believe when I first saw it…

Different foods have what’s called an ORAC score that measures antioxidant activity.

The higher the score, the better that food fights free radicals in your body.

Now get this…

Broccoli has an ORAC score of 890…
Kale has an ORAC score of 1,770…
But raw cacao powder has an ORAC antioxidant score of 95,500.
That’s nearly 107X MORE free-radical fighting-power than broccoli!
Don't feel guilty about eating chocolate.


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@jakedduck1 @bustrbrwn22
Boy I am glad you said that about cocoa Leonard, I was about to say it to Jen myself. My wife and I eat a lot of high cocoa content chocolate. I have read it is VERY good for you, very very good. Linda eats plenty and she does not in any way feel it is harmful for her PN. She adds a whopping spoonful of Trader Joes cocoa powder to her morning coffee every day also. She has to be careful not to eat too much chocolate late at night due to the theobromine content, but otherwise, it's very healthy as long as the sugar content is low. BTW, TJ's cocoa powder is a screamin deal and tastes WAY better than what Whole Foods sells at 3X the $$. Best, Hank


I think of breaking something too. I have osteoporosis from seizure meds. I just fell down the steps in the garage. Something hit my back but not like last time. A few weeks ago I was crawling around the house for 2 weeks. I didn’t think it was possible to fall when you’re crawling on your hands and knees but let me assure you it is.
Be safe,

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@jakedduck1, So sorry this happened to you, Leonard. I know for sure that when my back goes out everything stops.


@jakedduck1 @bustrbrwn22
Boy I am glad you said that about cocoa Leonard, I was about to say it to Jen myself. My wife and I eat a lot of high cocoa content chocolate. I have read it is VERY good for you, very very good. Linda eats plenty and she does not in any way feel it is harmful for her PN. She adds a whopping spoonful of Trader Joes cocoa powder to her morning coffee every day also. She has to be careful not to eat too much chocolate late at night due to the theobromine content, but otherwise, it's very healthy as long as the sugar content is low. BTW, TJ's cocoa powder is a screamin deal and tastes WAY better than what Whole Foods sells at 3X the $$. Best, Hank

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Cacao, from which cocoa is derived, is supposed to be excellent for health! It should be very dark chocolate or cacao. It’s helpful for reducing ones risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. Very high in flavonoids. I use cacao nibs in order to not get the sugar. I grind it and put it in my morning protein shake. I started using it as my anti rejection meds make me prone to diabetes and hypertension. Be aware it is high in caffeine (hence some people get headaches from it) and may interfere with high blood pressure and diabetes meds.

Oh, and I meant to add that caffeine, and thus cocoa, does slightly worsen my tremors, but I take a low dose. And I figure I have the tremors anyway so I may as well enjoy my half a cup coffee and small amount of cacao in the morning! I’m hopeful the health benefits out weigh any risks.


DON'T EVER THINK LIKE THAT and that's an order!!!
IF it was Steven Johnson it could have been fatal.
it’s important to try to control the anxiety/depression. it increases seizures in some people.
Your not weak or whiney. I'd be changing doctors if I were you.
Take care,

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@jakedduck1 thanks so much for your caring words! Very appreciated!


Sorry I’ve had to correct more dosages and regimens from psychiatrists than any other doctors who prescribe including nurse practitioners and dentists.

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@faithwalker007 now that’s scary! Thanks for sharing


Psychiatrist. I should’ve known. They should not be playing with meds like that without a course in “Leaving My Pharmacy Stupidity at Home,” and an advance course in “The Drugs that Nobody But Neurologists Should Prescribe for Life and Death Reasons.”

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@faithwalker007 now that made me laugh out loud!


@avmcbellar Thankyou SO much for your informative reply. Yes, you sure would expect seniors' rez's to cater to the needs of us old folks, but that's the nature of the beast, here. It's a great place, and the meals are excellent, but I can't eat them! (still looking for that pony!)
During dinner this evening I was talking about all this with my friend, and she is giving me a brand new Bullet that she's never used! I found the pony!! 😆
I'll check out Amazon for the smoothie mixes and, also, maybe I can find frozen food that's been cooked. Maybe not though?
I do use lactose free dairy milk for my cereal and coffee with no problem 😊.
I can't get to a store to shop but have just discovered Amazon and learning how to order, with not too much difficulty. Makes me feel like Thoroughly Modern Millie.
Thanks again

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@artist01 I actually saw Thoroughly Modern Mary when I was on grade school. Do you remember Do the Tapioca?

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