Is your loved one with dementia sleeping a lot (too much)?

Posted by bayviewgal @bayviewgal, Mar 13, 2024

Is anyone else's loved have a hard time falling asleep AND sleeping too much? My 63 yo husband has been living with dementia caused by alz for 3 years and just recently he is sleeping between 10-14 hours a night. At his last neurologist's appt 2 weeks ago she suggested taking his Aricept during the day instead of bedtime cuz she says it can act as a stimulant and keep him awake. He's been taking melatonin for a while now but it doesn't seem to be working much for him anymore with regards to helping him fall asleep but once he finally does fall asleep he sleeps SO much. His dr. said to keep him on it to help him fall asleep but he is so wound up that it takes up to 4 hours to kick in.
Does anyone has a similar experience with this? And if so, what have you done to help combat this? Because of all this, i'm not sleeping cuz i need to know what he's up while he's awake (at 3 or 4am)

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For me, 12 yrs ago, I had an accident and moved from normal to TBI, instead. From my anti-seizure meds makes me tired & sleeping more than “normal”. And nothing to do makes me tired

Now, 12 years ago, I moved to do things like cutting our grass, cutting bushes, put lights inside our garage, and more. Ok, I fell down, 2 yers ago, hit my back-ends - not my head - then moved my body with my legs, read-ends, falling down with a bad balance from my right leg.

I still take my anti-seizure, 3-times a da, I’m back and 8, maybe 9, hour a day of waking up and doing better stuff by exercising my body from my back-ends to the bottom of my feet, reading (is a problems on my TBI & takes me longer & understanding) on line stuff - news, priced new/used music stuff, & FB - .


Oppps - I had a suurgey (sp?) 3+ weeks ago. Thankfully, my Doctor A - can’t remember the whole names of people from my TBI - got rid of or changed my nerve of what I needed. The pain, thankfully, is gone. That means to exercise my body to get back of a sorta “normal” walking, working, taking care at our hose, and on… No pain! Thank Christ that I’ve been there, but I’m still here ❤️


As the dementia moves further along they sleep more & more this is very common. Their brain is broken, the signals have become disrupted,

My step-mother just passed from FTD, the closer she got to death the more she slept. She had FTD for 10+ years, spending the last 6 in AL & then MC.

Too many times caregivers try to compare their routines with those who have dementia, doesn't work that way they cannot be molded into a caregivers way of thinking life should be...with dementia....all bets are off, whole new set of guidelines apply.


As the dementia moves further along they sleep more & more this is very common. Their brain is broken, the signals have become disrupted,

My step-mother just passed from FTD, the closer she got to death the more she slept. She had FTD for 10+ years, spending the last 6 in AL & then MC.

Too many times caregivers try to compare their routines with those who have dementia, doesn't work that way they cannot be molded into a caregivers way of thinking life should be...with dementia....all bets are off, whole new set of guidelines apply.

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@dollyme I wish Tom wouldn't sleep so much but this isn't about me and I think i understand why he long as he sleeps he doesn't have to use his brain ....when his brain doesn't want to cooperate with him. And his Dr is okay with this for now since no new problems have arisen.
As for routines, I'm on his routine schedule. I try to get him to participate with what I need to tend to outside the home and if he doesn't want to go, I either put it off til later or get someone to sit with him if I can get it done in a short amount of time


Yes, I remember my brother seemed to sleep 22 hours a day, just woke for bathroom and meal time.....remember to take time for need to relax and refresh


I am new to this site. I am a caregiver to a 92 yr old man. When I started with him he went to bed at 7 pm and got up every morning at 6 am. That was 6 yrs ago. Then he started staying up until 9 pm and getting up at 6 am. He recently had a heart rhythm change, was in the hospital for 5 days. Came out, now he is going to bed between 7-8 pm and getting up anywhere fro 5-10 am. Falls asleep in the recliner for most of the day. I make it a point to be up whenever he gets up, but this is a bit much for me. Mainly because they expect me to take his glucose reading first thing in the morning when he gets up. I am up getting my work done until 11 pm on a regular basis. For a few nights there, I went to bed by 8:30 because I had time to take my last breathing treatment of the day as soon as he went to bed, but it doesn't always turn out that way. I must admit, it did feel could to be in bed so early. I am ok when he is regulated but here lately, he is everything but regulated. Any thoughts would be appreciated.


I am new to this site. I am a caregiver to a 92 yr old man. When I started with him he went to bed at 7 pm and got up every morning at 6 am. That was 6 yrs ago. Then he started staying up until 9 pm and getting up at 6 am. He recently had a heart rhythm change, was in the hospital for 5 days. Came out, now he is going to bed between 7-8 pm and getting up anywhere fro 5-10 am. Falls asleep in the recliner for most of the day. I make it a point to be up whenever he gets up, but this is a bit much for me. Mainly because they expect me to take his glucose reading first thing in the morning when he gets up. I am up getting my work done until 11 pm on a regular basis. For a few nights there, I went to bed by 8:30 because I had time to take my last breathing treatment of the day as soon as he went to bed, but it doesn't always turn out that way. I must admit, it did feel could to be in bed so early. I am ok when he is regulated but here lately, he is everything but regulated. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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@karmar Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! You certainly have long work hours! What do you have to do until 11pm? You should be able to sleep when he does—at least for your mental health.
Were you hired by the family or an agency? Can you talk with the person who hired you to see if you can get a relief aide to help in the evenings?
I’m sure some members will join soon and give you their experiences and tips.


I work until 11 to complete my own work. It is my home in which he lives. Only I am responsible for up keep in all that deals with home ownership. I take four breathing treatments a day, all 4 of which he is asleep. If I slept when he does, I wouldn't have enough time to get the work done. I volunteered my home and my services to take care of him because I have a high respect for him and his service to this country, which I take seriously as well. None of his family have any use for him, which I find horrible to treat your father that way. I'd give anything to have my dad back. He died in 1988, way to early at age 65. I am also a big believer in you take care of your own. He is not my father, but he is a father, deserving of love and care.


Yes, I remember my brother seemed to sleep 22 hours a day, just woke for bathroom and meal time.....remember to take time for need to relax and refresh

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I do grab a power nap on most days, some days it is impossible. Night time is not deep sleep because I always keep ears open for noises from his room. There are a lot of good days too, I guess I am maybe magnifying the times it gets the best of me. Thank you for listening.


Good Morning allQuick question I’m going thru Dementia with mother-in-law and she has started soiling herself as I did get depends and also my biggest concern now is she’s sleeping all the time does not want to get up my thing is she needs to take her meds and she won’t get up she’s sometimes coherent and says ok but does not get up won’t eat my husband has had to get her up to take her meds but in 3days she’s hardly eaten or drank anything we do have a docs appointment tomorrow Monday early 🙏🏼

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