Fibromyalgia..Is It an autoimmune disease?

Posted by Darlia @darlia, Feb 13, 2018

Hi all! I have Fibro. I also have many autoimmune diseases. I am being challenged by my comment to a FB discussion on Fibromyalgia about whether or not it is an autoimmune diseases.. any info appreciated! Thank you and ..just keep swimming.. just keep swimming!

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It hurts way down deep when people don't believe me. I doubt Drs would give us chemicals unless they are sure we are ill. It is so hard to convince my son. My daughter just thinks I am weak and should drop all drugs and work it off with exercise and take fake drugs. Mind you I am 75 76 in two months. The drugs allow me to live. I have she'd a lot of tears

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I truly understand...I have shed hundreds of thousands of tears...My family and kids and friends never believed how horrible the pain and migraines were...
They saw me...
Buy thought it was a made up disease?
No support was hard...I was diagnosed in 1989...
I recently was diagnosed with Sjogrens....I am pretty devastated...I already have heart disease and it's scary how sick I have been...
I just wanted to say You do what ever makes you feel better....Blessings 🦋🌈


I truly understand...I have shed hundreds of thousands of tears...My family and kids and friends never believed how horrible the pain and migraines were...
They saw me...
Buy thought it was a made up disease?
No support was hard...I was diagnosed in 1989...
I recently was diagnosed with Sjogrens....I am pretty devastated...I already have heart disease and it's scary how sick I have been...
I just wanted to say You do what ever makes you feel better....Blessings 🦋🌈

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I hear you! Diagnosed in 2002. No one believed I was sick. My son said I was just lazy. So much pain, confusion, anxiety. So, I cried, wanting to die. Tried to die. But, I kept going, little by little, I got more active. Then my wife had a stroke. Had to step up. Then in 2022, diagnosed with Lupus. Was it Lupus all along? Not sure. I am still in a lot of pain daily. I stretch, do P/t, take steroid shots a couple times each year. Have a rheumatologist. But I think the main thing that keeps me going is My stubbornness. I refuse to let it beat me.
Yes, some awful days. But, also some great days.
I send love and light to you❤️


Pain as an adolescent, they called it growing pains. 2003 diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but never tested me for anything else.
No one believed it was a real disorder then, now? Add in some Osteoarthritis and some other weird symptoms. In 2022, a rash on my face and body went crazy. Lupus they said . Have I had it all along? Maybe. My rheumatologist does believe in Fibromyalgia. Uses steroid injections in my hips which seem to help a little. Lupus not showing now, remission? Who knows. The pain never goes away. I just cope better now and use vitamins, cannabis, other to maintain my active lifestyle. ❤️

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I also have fibromyalgia. Can you offer more information on what vitamins and type of cannabis you use? My DNP suggested several supplements, but I haven't noticed they make a difference. I'm also in my state's medical marijuana program and use sleep gummies, which help a bit. But I haven't found any cannabis product to use during the day for pain. I welcome any suggestions. Thanks.


I also have fibromyalgia. Can you offer more information on what vitamins and type of cannabis you use? My DNP suggested several supplements, but I haven't noticed they make a difference. I'm also in my state's medical marijuana program and use sleep gummies, which help a bit. But I haven't found any cannabis product to use during the day for pain. I welcome any suggestions. Thanks.

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I take Manesium, CoQ10, vit D, vit b12, daily.
Macha &Green tea daily
Tylenol extra strength and/ or Ibuprofen when pain gets bad. Also, Baclofen- muscle relaxer
Moist heat pads
Rheumatologist gave me Hydroxyquaraquine(platquinal) sp? I am not sure it does much
Cannabis- sativa gummies for energy
I try not to smoke but I get better effects from smoking flower.
Indica gummies for sleep
Dosage is different for everyone. Experiment!
THC massage oil & voltaren gel on sensitive areas.
Exercise any way you can even for 5-10 min
I use a Exercise ball to stretch on
Massage therapy and other bodywork like energy healing
Keep going!💖
Physical therapy


Thanks for the reply, Ronnie. I really understand because I\'ve had it must of my life too. Diagnosed in early 80\'s, but had symptoms for like 5+ years before that. I\'ve read where the jury is out on if it\'s autoimmune or not, yet.. but I have many other actual autoimmune diseases so I Believe this disorder that we call Fibromyalgia is a complication that comes as a result of having autoimmune diseases. When I post on the Fibromyalgia Mastery onFB that it is autoimmune, several people, one specifically, freaked out on how it\'s not an autoimmune diseases but a neurological one!. Well, I have peripheral neuropathy and that\'s neurological plus the cause is having a rare antibody that is also neurological!. So I appreciate your imput!

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Wow. What are the other autoimmune issues


It is helpful to hear your stories - similar to mine, so it makes me feel a little bit less crazy! I have tried all the medications recommended, but at this point, there are NO pain medications I can tolerate or take because of interactions with meds for other health issues. one thing that has given me a little relief is Low Dose Naltrexone, It's hard to get a prescription for it, it's off-label use, and it has to be made at a pharmacy that will do compound meds. I take 6 mg, and it does provide some relief, particularly allowing me reduced pain for sleeping. It's certainly not a miracle cure - but anything that helps a little that I can take with no side effects is better than nothing. If you're not familiar with it, there has been some research done related to fibro. Search for Low Dose Naltrexone and fibromyalgia.


My doctor who is the head of the University of Washington pain clinic says the brain attacks the pain censors in the muscles. They are doing a lot of research in the UK and finding out it may be auto immune disease. But I said to him well if it's the body attacking itself It makes it autoimmune? He said basically just a little different.


My doctor who is the head of the University of Washington pain clinic says the brain attacks the pain censors in the muscles. They are doing a lot of research in the UK and finding out it may be auto immune disease. But I said to him well if it's the body attacking itself It makes it autoimmune? He said basically just a little different.

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I am so interested in this theory!
I have a number of diseases and fibermyalgia is the only one that isn't autoimmune. I have often wondered if it was. Please keep posting any information that you can. My rheumatologist loves learning and there is allot of research being done at U. B.C. and other Canadian universities. Maybe the UK and Canada could share info.

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