Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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I have been fighting this for over two years. Now on Pulmacort inhaler 2x morning 2x night. Use in morning helps in clearing lungs of thick mucus. Also on Montelukast sodium night only and Fluticasone nasal spray 3x morning only. Thus combination has provided about a 50% ease of symptoms. Also drinking lots of water. Have tried Claritin and non steroid Nasalcrom prior to the above combination with no positive effect. Good luck to you!

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Hi Pbiersz, I've been using Pulmacort Flexhaler successfully 1X morning 1X night. Sure helps. Now my pharmacy and doc say it is no longer on the formulary for my insurance and insurance will no longer cover Pulmacort unless I can show that 2 (or 3) less expensive meds do not work. The first substitution came a few days ago; it is a powder I'm to inhale, then rinse mouth with water. Sounds cumbersome and awkward.


I have the problem of phlegm, belching and bloating at the same time, which has been happening to me for the last three years. I believe that the accumulation of phlegm in the back of the throat causes the air trapping in the throat and esophagus, even a part of the accumulated air may enter the stomach. As soon as my nasal congestion is relieved or phlegm is removed from the wall of my throat, the bloating and belching are also relieved.


Hello, I'm Brian and just joined. I contracted COVID19 in December 2020, 8 weeks later Long Covid symptoms began. I have several symptoms, including SEVERE nasal congestion. I wish I had nasal drip so the mucus would drain, and I could breath. Since Long Covid I get severe nasal congestion starting in March and lasting until the weather is consistently cold. I have seen, PCP, ENT (looked at my sinuses, airway all the way down, and vocal cords. This was done twice and nothing abnormal). I also seen a pulmonologist, she said I have borderline asthma but not enough to diagnose. My PCP says she's convinced I have some sort of allergy. The soonest I could get in with an allergist was 1 year and 2 months away! Obviously I didn't make that appointment. Head only happens when I am sitting up in bed. I can sit in a chair and I don't happen, so it has something to do with my legs being elevated. It always last around 6 weeks and then we'll go away for about 4 weeks, this happens all spring summer and fall. I've been prescribed several inhalers, nasal sprays and other allergy, or sinus medications and nothing works. This is still a mystery.


I have it sometimes, and am on the same treatments that you mentioned. One thing I try is double pillows at night and crack the window open. Hope and pray all gets better....this long COVID is so trying and difficult. Take care.


Nose washing is currently a useful measure of relief. Last year, I had a stuffy nose and a runny nose. The nose is particularly dry this year. But there's still discharge. I wash it every morning。Keep warm and windproof


I’ve had Long Covid for 15 months. It’s worse at night when I go to bed.


Hi Farzad,

Did your post-nasal drip after covid go away? I had a mild, mild case of covid this winter. Not even as bad as a cold. Ever since, my nose runs, especially at night.

I'm just wondering if your case resolved. All the best. Joe


Yes, I can definitely relate! It’s an ongoing struggle for me and gets worse at night. At least that’s when I notice it the most.


So relieved to see this. I have had thick phlegm in my throat for three years now, since the first time I had Covid. Sometimes it almost chokes me. I have asked doctors about it, but was told it was not related to Covid.
Use saline products all the time, but not gargling with salt water. Will try this regularly. Thank you!!


yes, that is exactly my situation. PND ever since my first bout of covid. it's constant, but sometimes a little better, and always worse when I'm fighting a virus, covid (I've had it a few times) or other virus.

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