Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

Posted by rabbit10 @rabbit10, Apr 9, 2016

Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

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I"ve discovered a doctor with both Western medicine and acupuncture credentials. About 20 mins walk. Maybe I should give it another go. But I'm not aware of any credible evidence that it works.

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Welcome @freckle1, You mentioned you have Chemo Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. You might find the following discussion helpful:
--- Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: What helps get rid of it?:

There are several other CIPN related discussions that might be helpful, here is a link to the search results listing the discussions and comments -


I’m a vet ..served on Okinawa and largely escaped the war. I have PN ..Idiopathic. Not much can be done other than exercise to keep my legs strong.
I want to thank you for your service to our country and wish you well as you struggle with you health problems.

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Thank you so very much for your service and to all the Vets here.


Thanks. I have Chemo Induced Peripheral Neuropathy. Gave acupuncture a go for about 6 months. No improvement.

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Have you tried taking Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L Carnitine supplements for neuropathy pain? They have helped me with some severe small fiber nerve damage/neuropathy pain. I also use Salonpas brand Lidocaine patches (unscented) and capsaicin nerve pain creams.


Have you tried taking Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl L Carnitine supplements for neuropathy pain? They have helped me with some severe small fiber nerve damage/neuropathy pain. I also use Salonpas brand Lidocaine patches (unscented) and capsaicin nerve pain creams.

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Alpha Lipoic Acid has definitely helped some, pregablin helping with none of terrible side effects like Gabapentin did. Haven't tried Acetyl L Carnitine. Solonpas patches didn't help unfortunately. But everyone's body and condition is somewhat different . Trials and Error sadly.


I have been dealing with this condition for almost two years now and although I talked my PC doctor about it, she has not yet addressed concerns to my satisfaction I heard about the mayo hospital online while researching

my condition in my hands and feet. I am at a place where I cannot walk any distance anymore and have trouble sleeping at night because the sensitivity in my feet makes it hard to put cover over my feet. I am still looking for anything that will help ?


I was initially diagnosed with Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy more than ten years ago. Four years back I acquired MPA Vasculitis which significantly increased my challenges with this my PN. Up until then I had been blessed in not having to deal with a lot of pain. I have since been prescribed Gabapentin for it. I believe that there is/are other medications that can be prescribed to relieve the pain. One of the things I do is personal research on all of my health problems. I’ll find organizations which support those with the disease along with the occasional older research paper to read. Thank goodness for Google! There is at least one online group which is specifically for those with Peripheral Neuropathy. It can be found at:
They continue to raise funds for research as well as offering online lectures done by medical specialists in the field. I highly recommend spending some time on the site-you may find answers to many of your questions. Lastly, though I’ve not personally had issues with the weight of blankets, etc causing sleep problems, I recall reading at least one person’s method for relief. She had someone help her make up a type of metal frame to raise the bedcovers at the end of her bed. I’ve always envisioned it to look like a three sided tent? I think it may be possible to find others, who can personally offer ideas, with further Google searching and FB groups. I’m sorry that you have drawn this straw in your life and only wish you all of the very best.

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