Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

Posted by rabbit10 @rabbit10, Apr 9, 2016

Anyone here dealing with peripheral neuropathy?

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My pain doctor did an EMG then he prescribed Lyrica/Amitriptyline because I could not sleep. I had this weird electricity shooting through my body ever time I laid down at night. It finally stopped but I'm afraid I will be on these drugs the rest of my life.


My pain doctor did an EMG then he prescribed Lyrica/Amitriptyline because I could not sleep. I had this weird electricity shooting through my body ever time I laid down at night. It finally stopped but I'm afraid I will be on these drugs the rest of my life.

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Welcome @mymayoportal24, Glad to hear the treatment gave you some relief. Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy?


Welcome @mymayoportal24, Glad to hear the treatment gave you some relief. Have you been diagnosed with neuropathy?

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Yes, it's neuro-related but my doctor did not say it's neuropathy. I will clarify it next time I see him. He also said it was spine related and I have arthritis in my lower back. He also injected medicine in my lower back to help with pain.


Yes, it's neuro-related but my doctor did not say it's neuropathy. I will clarify it next time I see him. He also said it was spine related and I have arthritis in my lower back. He also injected medicine in my lower back to help with pain.

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Yes, pain was killin’ me but inly walking. Sitting down was ok. My pain was under my back down to the back legs. Ot only, my weakness in my right leg and falling down to much.

Finally, I had a doctor that sees my bone/spine under the bottom of my right back and had a nerve between it. I had surgery a few weeks ago fixed my lower back, my pain is gone. That was 50% off and know the weakness/bad balance/little feeling on my right foot is still here.

Walking is my 4-roll/tire by walking and exercise from my rear-ends to the bottom. Over time to get normal? I hope so.

I’m sorry of your archritis (sp?). My wife has that too.


I have peripheral neuropathy of my feet but I don’t have diabetes.
I have done some research on the use of alpha lipoic acid but it always refers to diabetic neuropathy. Does this imply that
Lipoic acid is of no use for none diabetic neuropathy

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Alpha Liopic Acid works on neuropathy. Mine is autoimmune neuropathy but I tried taking Alpha Lipoic Acid. It worked somewhat but it does not reduce the nerve pain for me. Germany has been doing the IV form and it’s proven to work the best. I tried it and swelled up huge and quit taking it. It threw my labs off also. My liver enzymes were high. I stopped and they went back to normal. The doctors say there has not been enough studies into it but there has. Just be careful of anything abnormal I did not catch the side effects because I naturally swell up with the neuropathy.


My solution for my peripheral neuropathy includes Vitamin B 1 , Thiamine. I buy at the pharmacy’Nature Made’ B Complex. It has 2,000 times normal dose. I sleep every night since starting. I’ve been taking for 4 years.


I take gabapentin 800 mg three times daily for my neuropathy. I also am a diabetic and then a Pain Clinic setting which I follow on another site that mayo offers, but it still isn’t working. We’ve gone down two of them. I was taking a five day now I’m down to three but my feet still tangled and I’m always losing my step. What do other people do this?


My solution for my peripheral neuropathy includes Vitamin B 1 , Thiamine. I buy at the pharmacy’Nature Made’ B Complex. It has 2,000 times normal dose. I sleep every night since starting. I’ve been taking for 4 years.

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Do you take B12 also or just B1


It’s a B complex, so has a few of B vitamins including Vit B 6 and 12 ++. The B1 Thiamin is actually listed on label as 8333%. Again, it is called Super B Complex with other Vit and Minerals. Hope it helps you.


It’s a B complex, so has a few of B vitamins including Vit B 6 and 12 ++. The B1 Thiamin is actually listed on label as 8333%. Again, it is called Super B Complex with other Vit and Minerals. Hope it helps you.

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I take this also. I am not diabetic, don't know cause of the neuropathy in feet. Soles of feet have been numb for a long time, only started having foot/ankle cramps at night a couple yrs. ago.

There is a foam cream called Theraworx that I rub on feet at bedtime that seems to usually prevent cramps. Available at most drugstores.

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