Vaginal atrophy

Posted by HomeAgainLA @llynch17056, Sep 21, 2023

TO THE LADIES ONLY: As I got older I started developing vaginal atrophy. Then I started developing open splits on my labia that were extremely painful. I went to urgent care one weekend and was prescribed vaginal estrogen medicine. It did the trick but I didn’t want to use estrogen. I went to a GYN that recommending organic coconut oil to use externally only. This was a few years ago and it has worked perfectly. I have never had another problem. At all. I wanted to pass along a natural inexpensive solution to vaginal atrophy.

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This is all very helpful, thank you. I realize now the “uti” my internist diagnosed wasn’t a uti at all. It never went away with antibiotics he prescribed.
I wonder what dosage of estradiol is the general recommendation. I’ve been told ½ gm 2x/wk and also 1gm 3x/week. That’s a big difference! Any input appreciated!

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My doctor prescribed 1/2 gram 3 times a week.


I use estrogen cream and alternate it with coconut oil. I also had pelvic floor PT as I was diagnosed with pelvic floor prolapse. Both effective.

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I also use estrogen cream but the dryness is still terrible. I went to my gyn and she told me that I have some “vaginal prolapse”. I can tell that my bladder is being affected as well because I have to urinate frequently. The gyn is sending me to a gyn/urologist in May to see what can be done. I know that I don’t want any surgery but I don’t want this prolapse to get any worse.


I also use estrogen cream but the dryness is still terrible. I went to my gyn and she told me that I have some “vaginal prolapse”. I can tell that my bladder is being affected as well because I have to urinate frequently. The gyn is sending me to a gyn/urologist in May to see what can be done. I know that I don’t want any surgery but I don’t want this prolapse to get any worse.

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Pelvic floor physical therapy might take care of the problem.


I wonder if doing pelvic floor exercises will help as a preventive measure. I don’t want to make things too uptight.


Pelvic floor physical therapy might take care of the problem.

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That would be wonderful if that could be the cure! Can pelvic floor physical therapy reverse a vaginal prolapse? Thanks so much for your input!


I wonder if doing pelvic floor exercises will help as a preventive measure. I don’t want to make things too uptight.

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I would have to learn how to do those exercises, but if they could solve my problem, I would be so happy! Thank you for that advice.


That would be wonderful if that could be the cure! Can pelvic floor physical therapy reverse a vaginal prolapse? Thanks so much for your input!

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Pelvic floor physical therapy
Along with estrogen cream took care of my problem. I had a lot of pain - felt as if I had a uti all the time.


Pelvic floor physical therapy
Along with estrogen cream took care of my problem. I had a lot of pain - felt as if I had a uti all the time.

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Thanks so much!


I would have to learn how to do those exercises, but if they could solve my problem, I would be so happy! Thank you for that advice.

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Same here. I don’t know how to do them either, but if I could learn, it may be helpful!


I am glad I found this post. So I just finished dcis breast cancer surgery and radiation I have been coping with bladder issues for one year my oncologist just put me on vagifem. I have a new GP which I see April 15th I'm asking for an internal because the pressure I feel inside is driving me crazy no one has done an internal on me in over 2 years .I don't know if I have vaginal dryness if my bladder is prolapsed or what's going on but I feel like I'm going crazy some days it's so uncomfortable. If you have vaginal dryness does it feel like it's burning inside because some days that's what I feel and I didn't know if I should use also a moisturizer with the vagifem. My oncologist just increased me to use it every night. Does anyone else use it every night. I was using it every 3 days. I have recently seen a urologist and had a cystoscope where everything looked normal. I do utiva cranberry supplements and d-mannose it has helped decrease the bladder infections. Just frustrated 😠

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I’ve had burning sensation for three weeks. All came on after intercourse. I had a pelvic exam a few days ago and she thinks its just atrophy so prescribed estradiol cream
But last night I felt a bulge and now thinking it might be prolapse. Though my gyno didn’t see that. Please let me know what your dr says after your April 15 appt
Hope you can soon get the relief you need

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