Vaginal atrophy

Posted by HomeAgainLA @llynch17056, Sep 21, 2023

TO THE LADIES ONLY: As I got older I started developing vaginal atrophy. Then I started developing open splits on my labia that were extremely painful. I went to urgent care one weekend and was prescribed vaginal estrogen medicine. It did the trick but I didn’t want to use estrogen. I went to a GYN that recommending organic coconut oil to use externally only. This was a few years ago and it has worked perfectly. I have never had another problem. At all. I wanted to pass along a natural inexpensive solution to vaginal atrophy.

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There is what I believe might be a new medical specialty called a Urogynocologist who specializes in treating women who have problems with both urgency and frequency. I now have a nickel sized item called an ecoin installed near my ankle that twice a week stimulates the tibial nerve which astoundingly extends to near the bladder. Both urgency and frequency are now well controlled. I believe before the ecoin or similar device is considered the doc will have the patient try Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) which is a similar stimulation done with a very fine needle similar to an acupuncture needle and tapped into the area near the tibial nerve at the ankle. If that works for the patient, the ecoin or similar device will likely also work.

Women now have options to wearing pads through their later years.


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That is incredible news! Thank to.


That is incredible news! Thank to.

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Thank “you,” not “to.”


That has been my solution, too. I do yoga.

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I am told that yoga is good as well . Good luck to both of us.


I have had an impotent partner for 10 years…he doesn’t even want to touch me. This is a problem…men don’t like to admit to their impotence. Vaginal dryness & atrophy is our equivalent. However, we can masturbate to kingdom come & don’t need a man for that! Hope this helps!

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I too have an “impotent” partner. We are both 78.
However, I have experienced more pleasure, than any other relationship, ever! He is a very affectionate person, and I am, too! We touch, stroke, kiss, etc., to bring each other to the climax status we enjoy!! I feel so loved and attended to!
A considerate and open minded partner is essential, and I’m thankful that at 78, I finally have sexual fulfillment! Don’t give up!!!


There is what I believe might be a new medical specialty called a Urogynocologist who specializes in treating women who have problems with both urgency and frequency. I now have a nickel sized item called an ecoin installed near my ankle that twice a week stimulates the tibial nerve which astoundingly extends to near the bladder. Both urgency and frequency are now well controlled. I believe before the ecoin or similar device is considered the doc will have the patient try Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) which is a similar stimulation done with a very fine needle similar to an acupuncture needle and tapped into the area near the tibial nerve at the ankle. If that works for the patient, the ecoin or similar device will likely also work.

Women now have options to wearing pads through their later years.


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I’m intrigued with the device you describe. I wonder if it could help my mom. She has severe urinary incontinence.

Separate topic. Is there any benefit to having a doctor do your pelvic exam as opposed to a PA? Could they both access you for pelvic strength, stability, etc?


I’m intrigued with the device you describe. I wonder if it could help my mom. She has severe urinary incontinence.

Separate topic. Is there any benefit to having a doctor do your pelvic exam as opposed to a PA? Could they both access you for pelvic strength, stability, etc?

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Do a search for PTNS or Ecoin. Urologists who are not urogynocologists also do these procedures. Good luck to your Mom.


There is what I believe might be a new medical specialty called a Urogynocologist who specializes in treating women who have problems with both urgency and frequency. I now have a nickel sized item called an ecoin installed near my ankle that twice a week stimulates the tibial nerve which astoundingly extends to near the bladder. Both urgency and frequency are now well controlled. I believe before the ecoin or similar device is considered the doc will have the patient try Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) which is a similar stimulation done with a very fine needle similar to an acupuncture needle and tapped into the area near the tibial nerve at the ankle. If that works for the patient, the ecoin or similar device will likely also work.

Women now have options to wearing pads through their later years.


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I see a uro-gynecologist. She was the only person to understand that I had pelvic floor problems.
She sent me to pelvic floor PT and prescribed estrogen cream alternating with coconut oil. This has taken care of problems. It had felt like a uti.
Your device is very interesting.


I see a uro-gynecologist. She was the only person to understand that I had pelvic floor problems.
She sent me to pelvic floor PT and prescribed estrogen cream alternating with coconut oil. This has taken care of problems. It had felt like a uti.
Your device is very interesting.

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My uro explored other avenues and treatments with me before we tried the PTNS. There are even medications which help but which I could not take as I am on blood pressure meds. I think women think urinary incontinence is just a way of life as we age and don't mention it to their primary doc so there is no discussion about seeing a specialist. We now have options and treatments and no more pads.


There is what I believe might be a new medical specialty called a Urogynocologist who specializes in treating women who have problems with both urgency and frequency. I now have a nickel sized item called an ecoin installed near my ankle that twice a week stimulates the tibial nerve which astoundingly extends to near the bladder. Both urgency and frequency are now well controlled. I believe before the ecoin or similar device is considered the doc will have the patient try Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) which is a similar stimulation done with a very fine needle similar to an acupuncture needle and tapped into the area near the tibial nerve at the ankle. If that works for the patient, the ecoin or similar device will likely also work.

Women now have options to wearing pads through their later years.


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Wow. I go to a urogynocologist and this was not listed as an option. The medication she suggested is —- ready — $400 a month. Granted, I have cheap Plan D, and maybe will change it up this year to something better. The side effects of the orals also concern me - since I have dry eye, gosh, the idea of getting more dried up do not interest me.

Waiting to hear back for other options on meds. I prefer not to take one more med. though I’m a “healthy” whatever that means, very actice 71 year old, I’m on plenty of pills - mostly due to genetics not lifestyale - however, would love not another pill. At this time I use the vaginal cream twice a week. Thanks for sharing that. Will check it out.


I see a uro-gynecologist. She was the only person to understand that I had pelvic floor problems.
She sent me to pelvic floor PT and prescribed estrogen cream alternating with coconut oil. This has taken care of problems. It had felt like a uti.
Your device is very interesting.

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So the pelvic floor PT work wounds very successful. Cool. I’m with others on the other meds that also can raise blood pressure.

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