Vaginal atrophy

Posted by HomeAgainLA @llynch17056, Sep 21, 2023

TO THE LADIES ONLY: As I got older I started developing vaginal atrophy. Then I started developing open splits on my labia that were extremely painful. I went to urgent care one weekend and was prescribed vaginal estrogen medicine. It did the trick but I didn’t want to use estrogen. I went to a GYN that recommending organic coconut oil to use externally only. This was a few years ago and it has worked perfectly. I have never had another problem. At all. I wanted to pass along a natural inexpensive solution to vaginal atrophy.

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I am so happy for you. Estrogen has risks. When we are told about medical risks it is never that every person using the medication will experience a particular side effect, it is to warn you which side effects you could have. I hope you and your daughter never have the cancer side effect of estrogen use, or any other side effect, but that does not change that some people will have the cancer side effect to their horror. The nature of risk is that you roll the dice and hope it’s not you. Just about everything has risk. Each person has to decide which risks they want to take. For me, personally, I chose not to take the estrogen risk when coconut oil will ease my vaginal discomfort without risk.

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There isn't a drug on the market that doesn't have risks. Every drug has a side effect. I have primary immunodeficiency and have to give myself infusions of other peoples plasma to get their antibodies because I don't make my own to bacteria and viruses. I could get a blood clot from that but that doesn't mean that the benefits don't out way the side effects.


There isn't a drug on the market that doesn't have risks. Every drug has a side effect. I have primary immunodeficiency and have to give myself infusions of other peoples plasma to get their antibodies because I don't make my own to bacteria and viruses. I could get a blood clot from that but that doesn't mean that the benefits don't out way the side effects.

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Of course. I sometimes agree to a medication when necessary and there are no other options. In the case of vaginal atrophy, I used estogen for a short time and accepted the risks, but then I found that coconut oil worked with no risk. So, then I went for the no risk.


I am 64 years old and Went through change a five years ago. I do experience some dryness but I use vitamin E oil in the morning and at night. Not sure about any other remedy.


It’s just that, according to my understanding, I don’t think it’s just a matter of moisture. The hormones are what promotes integrity of the structure and underlying structures. I’m going to try to ask a doctor this specifically.


It’s just that, according to my understanding, I don’t think it’s just a matter of moisture. The hormones are what promotes integrity of the structure and underlying structures. I’m going to try to ask a doctor this specifically.

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I have no doubt that the estrogen is doing more than simply adding moisture. My chief complaint, only complaint, was dryness which was solved with coconut oil. If you have other issues that coconut oil won’t solve, then…different story. I always go for natural whenever possible.


I am 69 and have been using estradiol for 10 years or more for vaginal atrophy symptoms. I also use an OTC called vulva care. I am a breast cancer survivor; I was a little worried after reading comments. I found this last night so for me it means it should be safe because, in regards to uterine or ovarian cancer, I have had a total hysterectomy. Like people said, everyone is different. I am going to start using the coconut oil in between estradiol, though, since I already use it for my diet.......much cheaper than the vulva care! Thanks 🙂


This is all very helpful, thank you. I realize now the “uti” my internist diagnosed wasn’t a uti at all. It never went away with antibiotics he prescribed.
I wonder what dosage of estradiol is the general recommendation. I’ve been told ½ gm 2x/wk and also 1gm 3x/week. That’s a big difference! Any input appreciated!


I am 69 and have been using estradiol for 10 years or more for vaginal atrophy symptoms. I also use an OTC called vulva care. I am a breast cancer survivor; I was a little worried after reading comments. I found this last night so for me it means it should be safe because, in regards to uterine or ovarian cancer, I have had a total hysterectomy. Like people said, everyone is different. I am going to start using the coconut oil in between estradiol, though, since I already use it for my diet.......much cheaper than the vulva care! Thanks 🙂

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This reflects the comments I heard from the prominent online urologists. It’s good to know. I’m not in that situation, but it still helps.


I am glad I found this post. So I just finished dcis breast cancer surgery and radiation I have been coping with bladder issues for one year my oncologist just put me on vagifem. I have a new GP which I see April 15th I'm asking for an internal because the pressure I feel inside is driving me crazy no one has done an internal on me in over 2 years .I don't know if I have vaginal dryness if my bladder is prolapsed or what's going on but I feel like I'm going crazy some days it's so uncomfortable. If you have vaginal dryness does it feel like it's burning inside because some days that's what I feel and I didn't know if I should use also a moisturizer with the vagifem. My oncologist just increased me to use it every night. Does anyone else use it every night. I was using it every 3 days. I have recently seen a urologist and had a cystoscope where everything looked normal. I do utiva cranberry supplements and d-mannose it has helped decrease the bladder infections. Just frustrated 😠


Bless you, you have been, and are still going through, a lot. I’m so sorry. I had vaginal dryness. It caused my labia to split in places. It felt like knife cuts and was very painful. It was not a “burning” sensation, it looked like and felt like knife cuts that would send me through the roof when I urinated. The walk-in clinic gave me estrogen vaginal inserts. It cured it, but I wanted to find a more “natural” way. My GYN suggested coconut oil. I tried it. The coconut oil cured it. It is years later and never had vaginal pain since. It can’t cure everything. Ask your doctor. I sincerely hope you get relief soon.

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