Vaginal atrophy

Posted by HomeAgainLA @llynch17056, Sep 21, 2023

TO THE LADIES ONLY: As I got older I started developing vaginal atrophy. Then I started developing open splits on my labia that were extremely painful. I went to urgent care one weekend and was prescribed vaginal estrogen medicine. It did the trick but I didn’t want to use estrogen. I went to a GYN that recommending organic coconut oil to use externally only. This was a few years ago and it has worked perfectly. I have never had another problem. At all. I wanted to pass along a natural inexpensive solution to vaginal atrophy.

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I need to research this more, but the comments from the female urologists I have heard online stressed that the lack of local estrogen also causes problems with the bladder and other pelvic structures. I need to search for more published studies on it. So preventative care is a goal for me.

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I agree that vaginal estrogen doesn’t seem to care the same risks as oral estrogen. This is what the Mayo Clinic said about vaginal estrogen. When there are that many cautions, and coconut oil will work, just saying. I would rather stick with coconut oil and not worry about it.

“It is not yet known whether the use of vaginal estrogens increases the risk of breast cancer in women. It is very important that you check your breasts on a regular basis for any unusual lumps or discharge. Report any problems to your doctor. You should also have a mammogram (x-ray picture of the breasts) done if your doctor recommends it.

It is important that you have a regular pelvic exam (pap smear). Your doctor will tell you how often this exam should be done.

Talk to your doctor if you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol (fats in the blood), or diabetes, use tobacco, or are overweight. You may have a higher risk for getting heart disease.

Although the chance is low, use of estrogen may increase your chance of getting cancer of the ovary or uterus (womb). Regular visits to your health professional can help identify these serious side effects early.

If you think that you may be pregnant, stop using the medicine immediately and check with your doctor.“


The estrace cream, depending on your insurance, can be very expensive. Usually I can find a decent price the GoodRX

I use coconut oil as a lubricant, my gynecologist recommended that.


Has anyone heard of or used olive oil instead of coconut oil? I’m sensitive to coconut oil. I was just prescribed estrogen cream but not sure if I want to use it
I’ve had a burning sensation for 14 days and I’m desperate for relief

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I am 82 and have been using estrogen cream for over forty years. Even before menopause which I went through and was all over at 48, I was so dry that I had to have my urethra dilated because of dryness. Believe me not fun. That's when I was put on the cream. My daughter who is 56 is on it also. Not one side effect. I could never take birth control pills because the estrogen bothered me, but this is so different. You usually start with it every night then just twice a week. If I don't use it I can feel things starting to close again.


I am 82 and have been using estrogen cream for over forty years. Even before menopause which I went through and was all over at 48, I was so dry that I had to have my urethra dilated because of dryness. Believe me not fun. That's when I was put on the cream. My daughter who is 56 is on it also. Not one side effect. I could never take birth control pills because the estrogen bothered me, but this is so different. You usually start with it every night then just twice a week. If I don't use it I can feel things starting to close again.

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I am so happy for you. Estrogen has risks. When we are told about medical risks it is never that every person using the medication will experience a particular side effect, it is to warn you which side effects you could have. I hope you and your daughter never have the cancer side effect of estrogen use, or any other side effect, but that does not change that some people will have the cancer side effect to their horror. The nature of risk is that you roll the dice and hope it’s not you. Just about everything has risk. Each person has to decide which risks they want to take. For me, personally, I chose not to take the estrogen risk when coconut oil will ease my vaginal discomfort without risk.


It’s a personal decision for sure. I was just saying that it was my understanding that the estrogen isn’t just for dryness, but also promotes bladder health that an oil wouldn’t provide. My mom has such terrible pelvic/bladder health….omg. It’s horrific. And, my two best friends have huge frequency issues. It seems I’m surrounded by many women who suffer with these issues after menopause. I am so fortunate. I have no idea why. I took oral contraceptives for many years. Does that impact it?

I hope I started the local estrogen in time to preserve my pelvic health.


I need to research this more, but the comments from the female urologists I have heard online stressed that the lack of local estrogen also causes problems with the bladder and other pelvic structures. I need to search for more published studies on it. So preventative care is a goal for me.

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This is correct. I first learned that I had a problem when I had terrible’UTI’ pain. The urology clinic sent me to a uro-gynecologist. This was years ago and I still see her. She diagnosed me with pelvic floor collapse and put me on the estrogen cream. She also sent me to pelvic floor PT. This worked and I keep it up. She and the PT explained that when the vaginal walls thin out, so do the tissues of the urinary track. Thus, pain as with a UTI.


This is correct. I first learned that I had a problem when I had terrible’UTI’ pain. The urology clinic sent me to a uro-gynecologist. This was years ago and I still see her. She diagnosed me with pelvic floor collapse and put me on the estrogen cream. She also sent me to pelvic floor PT. This worked and I keep it up. She and the PT explained that when the vaginal walls thin out, so do the tissues of the urinary track. Thus, pain as with a UTI.

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Glad you got treatment. Do you mind saying how long it’s been? Do you still see therapist or do the work on your own?

I’m curious what degree I must have. I haven’t had a UTI in over 5 years. I started taking Cranberry pills and haven’t had one since! I thought it was a myth that they helped. Idk. Glad I’m using Estradiol now too.


Glad you got treatment. Do you mind saying how long it’s been? Do you still see therapist or do the work on your own?

I’m curious what degree I must have. I haven’t had a UTI in over 5 years. I started taking Cranberry pills and haven’t had one since! I thought it was a myth that they helped. Idk. Glad I’m using Estradiol now too.

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I didn’t actually have a uti. I just felt as if I did. The dry, thinning tissues cause the same symptoms as an actual uti. This first started about five years ago. I started using the estrogen cream which worked almost instantly. At some point, I lapsed and the ‘uti’ symptoms came back. Returned to estrogen cream which solved problem again.


My understanding of estrogen cream is that it doesn’t enter bloodstream the way oral estrogen does and is therefore not a cancer risk. Several doctors have confirmed this.
I hope they are correct because I use it every other day- alternating with coconut oul.

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I use the cream for 10 years. Age 82


I didn’t actually have a uti. I just felt as if I did. The dry, thinning tissues cause the same symptoms as an actual uti. This first started about five years ago. I started using the estrogen cream which worked almost instantly. At some point, I lapsed and the ‘uti’ symptoms came back. Returned to estrogen cream which solved problem again.

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I also use d- mannose with cranberry capsules twice a day. No uti ‘s

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