Phlegm in my throat and post nasal drip after Covid

Posted by danny2022 @danny2022, Dec 18, 2022

Ever since I had covid in January of 2022 I recovered from the virus but I was left with a constant phlegm in the back of my throat and post nasal drip that will not go away. The feeling of having mucus in the back of my throat actually gets worse when I try to get rid of it by coughing. I have been given steroid inhalers, albuterol, allergy medication, but none of these work. The mucus gets worse especially after I eat. I've never felt like this before and it all started after covid. Can anybody relate to what I am going through?

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No, it’s just been figured out through cardiac and pulmonary. And I’m seeing an ENT in a few weeks. My fear is that I will end up having to wait for Gastroenterology too! The wait time for appointments is crazy! I was lucky to get in on a cancellation to a pulmonary. Not only this LPR but asthma also developed. My cardiologist first came up with the asthma condition (that I’ve never had before) and prescribed a rescue inhaler for some immediate relief. The pulmonologist then prescribed an inhaler treatment that has helped a lot and discussed her suspicion of LPR. Between the two conditions I was a mess. Have you had asthma with it too? I understand they often develop together.

Good luck with your tests. I look forward to hearing about them, the process, the results and the prognosis. Please update!

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I too have been told I have severe asthma or COPD....they gave me a rescue inhaler - it didn't help. Now Trelagy is working but I think it's just treating the symptoms. My nose has stopped running but the phlem is still there. I will take it for a WIN.....for now. Any relief is better than none.


I too have been told I have severe asthma or COPD....they gave me a rescue inhaler - it didn't help. Now Trelagy is working but I think it's just treating the symptoms. My nose has stopped running but the phlem is still there. I will take it for a WIN.....for now. Any relief is better than none.

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What helped the runny nose? I’m trying Flonase (generic), but it’s not helping at all.

I just wanted to say that I have sent my primary 3 PMs over the last 8 months and every time, he has responded back to me within 5 minutes! Can you believe it? I am so lucky!


Actually when I can get any phlegm out it’s like pellets sized like half-a-pea to twice-a-pea. Specialists so far have passed me to the next. Pulmonary, ENT, GI. Next is allergy/immunology. Maybe? Hopefully? If so I’ll share. My research does lead me to histamine intolerance or MCAS, both of which are relatively recent recognitions and kinda like fibromyalgia meaning not fully recognized by mainstream medicine. As if we’re all quacks!

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It's post covid, it's happening everywhere to many people. The phlegm is a symptom of the body's failure to stop the inflammation. In time, I hope we all get over this.


I have that Globus sensation is what they call it. I went to ENT everything’s normal there went to G.I. and now I’m scheduled for an EGD. With pill cam study.

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I am off to the Dr. today...coughed up lots of light green phlegm. I feel soooo much better but maybe it is an infection. Lots of folks got secondary infections after covid. I hope none of you here suffering from this get any sicker. I read in the NIH and Mayo Clinic online periodicals they are VERY cautious about handing out antibiotics, they are just beginning to learn the negative impacts they are having on humans. They serve a purpose but to what end? Be well


My doc, a neurologist, who was a long-COVID researcher for the past two years (before moving to my mid- size city), says that the phlegm is a hold over from COVID. The body produces more mucus. Fortunately, mine simply requires throat clearning, and it does sometime garble speech, much to my dismay and embarrasment. It is much improved with the twice daily use of an Pulmicort Flexhaler.


Trelegy Ellipta 200-62.5-25 mcg inhalation powder is what has helped me with the nose running - phlegm is better, but not gone. I have tried everything, all the tests are finding nothing.....First they cleared me from copd and NOW the polomogist says COPD but I don't care at this point let them label it - if the medicine works - that is all I care about... You should try Trelegy and see....I feel soooo much better - the inflimation is gone down too. Good luck Friends..

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I’ll see pulmonary again in July. I’ll try it. Thanks!


I have that Globus sensation is what they call it. I went to ENT everything’s normal there went to G.I. and now I’m scheduled for an EGD. With pill cam study.

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Keep us posted on that EGD. I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing the same. Biggest fear of course is that they find nothing. Although my barium swallow showed fierce reflux. I do think esomeprazole 40mg twice daily is helping. Chest and head congestion after meals continues so there must still be reflux. Without heartburn the congestion is my main symptom. Chest pain when severe.


Does anyone know how long it takes Flonase to start working? A week?


So glad I found this thread. I have also been wondering why I've been having persistant post nasal drip, which doesn't seem to go away despite taking antihistamines, a muscus solvant, and nasal spray. I've seen an ENT surgeon, had a nasal endoscopy which was clear. Also seen a respiratory physician and did all the lung function tests. All clear. I had a feeling that the post nasal drip was a result of Covid which I had in 2022. And now after reading this thread, I now know that my thoughts and symptoms are shared by others. I'm going to now try some herbal remedies such as tumeric tea, known for it's anti-inflammatory benefits. Trying to persistently cough out this phlegm is physically exhausting. Hoping that it something will work!


Yes, I also have the issue with phlegm in my throat, but usually only after dinner in the evening. Doesn't seem to happen much with breakfast or lunch. I will try gargling with warm salt water. Thanks for the tip. I have also noticed people complaining about GERD after Covid. I wonder if the phlegm is related to the reflux. I will ask my doc about the nasal irrigation.

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Hi, I had GERD years before Covid and never had the phlegm till after I had gotten Covid. The phlegm seems to come and go like my other symptoms.

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