How to comment, reply, react, bookmark, and more

Apr 16, 2021 | Colleen Young, Connect Director | @colleenyoung | Comments (22)

There are many ways to interact with other members on Mayo Clinic Connect. You can comment, reply, react, bookmark, and more.

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  • Actions for a comment or reply include:
    • Get the URL for the post
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For 30 minutes after posting, you will also see the action Edit this Comment.

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Hi and thank you for the reply. It is actually my husband who has been diagnosed with Epithelioid Fibrosarcoma stage 4. He starts chemo soon. I don't know much about cancer so I'm looking for help with what to expect and helpful tips. Thanks!

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@joyismystrength, I'd encourage you to post about you and your husband's diagnosis to this discussion in the Cancer Support Group
– Diagnosed with Sarcoma? Let's Share

Once you post there, I will help you connect with other member with soft tissue sarcoma.


Thank you for the info...Do you have this same autoimmune disease PERM ???

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@ellenanne33, I see you have successfully started a discussion in the Autoimmune Diseases Support Group to connect with others here:
- Progressive encephalomyelitis with rigidity and myoclonus (PERM): Help

You may also be interested in this discussion:
- Stiff Person Syndrome: Want to connect with others


@joyismystrength, I'd encourage you to post about you and your husband's diagnosis to this discussion in the Cancer Support Group
– Diagnosed with Sarcoma? Let's Share

Once you post there, I will help you connect with other member with soft tissue sarcoma.

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Thank you for taking the time to respond .


@colleenyoung Where can I find emojis please.
Thabk you

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I use Windows Emojis and I get to them by clicking the Windows key [four squares] and the "period" key. It should bring up the box and you can select the category or there is a search box the you can type into, such as "smile", "flower", "heart", etc. When it brings up the box, after you have used it, it will bring up the most recent emojis you have used. I hope that is helpful. There may be easier ways, but I have used this method so long that it is my "go-to".


can't complete: have completed most of questions re Me, Health Conderns. Not able to get next section (I think re insurance, etc.).

Need help in NOT having to repeat. Please.


can't complete: have completed most of questions re Me, Health Conderns. Not able to get next section (I think re insurance, etc.).

Need help in NOT having to repeat. Please.

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Hi @cabarb43. Could you clarify what you mean when you say you cannot complete the questions? Which questions are you trying to answer and which section are you trying to get to? This is Mayo Clinic Connect, an online patient community. Are you working on a health questionnaire?


Hi @cabarb43. Could you clarify what you mean when you say you cannot complete the questions? Which questions are you trying to answer and which section are you trying to get to? This is Mayo Clinic Connect, an online patient community. Are you working on a health questionnaire?

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I input information requested in order to make an appointment. I got to insurance info and as I started to input the info it stopped and wouldn't allow me to go on. I certainly hope all my info I input was not lost. Now what??


I input information requested in order to make an appointment. I got to insurance info and as I started to input the info it stopped and wouldn't allow me to go on. I certainly hope all my info I input was not lost. Now what??

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I input information requested in order to make an appointment. I got to insurance info and as I started to input the info it stopped and wouldn't allow me to go on. I certainly hope all my info I input was not lost. Now what??

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Sounds like your having problems with patient portal, you can try help desk:
877-858-0398, M - F, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m., Central Time



Are you still with me?

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Hi @cabarb43 and welcome to Connect. Connect isn’t a “live feed “ in the sense that someone is monitoring every conversation and discussion as it happens. We do this by notification that someone has made a comment or reacted to a discussion. There are literally hundreds of discussions occurring all of the time here.
Those of us who respond are for the most part patients or previous patients who volunteer our time to help others such as you with insight from our experience. I for one work with patients primarily in the Head and Neck Cancer group as is my background. These patients are from many countries around the world. There is no way I can have a live conversation with the guy in Australia whilst communicating with the girl in England. I live in the US. But like you now if your notifications are turned on, I will get notifications from these fine people and perhaps respond over breakfast or late this afternoon. After all, I like most current and former patients are volunteering here. We do this when we can, if we can.
And now that you are here, I hope you can help others with your experience as well. Good healing.

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