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3,610 total results
Discussions (151)
Lyrica / Pregabalin: What dose helps you with Fibromyalgia pain?
Lyrica / Pregabalin: What dose helps
Pregabalin generic for Lyrica. Other Options treating spasms and pain+
Pregabalin generic for Lyrica.
Withdrawal from Lexapro, Welbutrin, Lyrica, prescribed Ziprasidone.
Withdrawal from Lexapro, Welbutrin, Lyrica ... withdrawing from Lexapro, Welbutrin, and Lyrica
Lyrica vs. Neurontin for nerve pain caused by cervical neck stenosis.
Lyrica vs. ... She now may want me to switch to Lyrica ... I have done research and Lyrica is pretty ... insisting I get the epidural and go on Lyrica
Tapering off Lyrica gave me panic, nausea, extreme anxiety
Tapering off Lyrica gave me panic, nausea ... I have been taking Lyrica 150 mg two
Anyone using Amitriptyline HCL for Neuropathy instead of Gaba or Lyric
for Neuropathy instead of Gaba or Lyric ... pain in my feet instead of Gaba or Lyrica
Which prescription medication helps you best for peripheral neuropathy
Lyrica works best for me.
Post lumbar spinal fusion with nerve pain in knee/leg
I have been on Lyrica now for three ... It seems the lyrica is losing effectiveness
Anyone have updates on clinical trials for peripheral neuropathy?
I've tried lyrica and gabapentine
Neuropathy & applying for Disability
I’m on lyrica and medical marijuana ... Then there’s the side affects of lyrica
Sciatic pain treatment ideas
s gotten worse after discontinuing lyrica
Do not take gabapentin, makes it worse
I have taken gabapentin and Lyrica.
Trigeminal Neuralgia*
switched him from Amitriptyline to Lyrica ... Amitriptyline and on the full dose of Lyrica
TKR / Numbness
and neuropathy in the feet and on Lyrica ... Lyrica makes me drowsy so I can'
What are your experiences with Nucynta for neuropathy pain?
drug options aside from GABA & Lyrica
Have had the hiccups for three years. Very little, if any relief.
No relief tried gabapentin, Lyrica,
Kratom use for abdominal neuropathy
life without pain relievers which are Lyrica ... Need Lyrica and 3 tabs of Ibuprofin.
Nerve Pain
have tried the usuals: Gabapentin, Lyrica
Is there a medication that helps cervical disc disease?
taking 2 Aleve with 2 Tylenol and Lyrica