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2,202 total results
Comments (1,998)
Waking is a 'stress response' of sorts, and as stated earlier by peugh314, the body generates...
might be useful to get some kind of a sleep ... maybe from obstructive or central apnea ... , maybe from positional apnea due to ... chin-tucking or sleeping on your back
I agree with John completely, definitely check with appropriate provider but I suspect that weight loss...
restrictive air flow which results in your apnea ... But a sleep study would prove whether
@georgia18, @ mamaear, and all...My heart is with each of you dealing withRLS and the lack...
At 72ish, I had another sleep study, ... diagnosed with RLS, severe obstructive apnea ... Sleep told me the docs like to see a ... in years, decades, I saw improved sleep ... 🤷 I sleep well, have better
My first night, without mask, I don't even remember waking up but they said I had...
but they said I had 31 episodes of apnea ... adjust headgear but went right back to sleep
Oh man, @babsellen and @johnbishop unbelievable coincidence . I'm a mouth breather too and have tried...
My apnea events per hour is crazy low ... My sleep doctor loves that!
Hello @santpsha When I was able to reverse my Deja vu seizure most which were in...
Deja vu seizure most which were in my sleep ... have changed, I now have spells of apnea
@johnbishop- Greetings John! I wondered what your thoughts are about having the hose exit above your...
When I've mentioned this to my sleep ... He is more concerned about my apnea&
Hi @mpflood7, I would like to add my welcome to Connect along with @colleenyoung and other...
then scheduled a test for me with sleep ... medicine and I had a sleep study done ... which showed a score of 52 obstructive sleep ... apneas. ... orthopedics, involved cardiology and then sleep
That's great that you already have a follow up scheduled with your pulmonologist, @seleeta. I'm sure...
Do you keep a manual log of your sleep ... mask fits (episodes of leaking) and apnea
@jimhd Hi Jim, Just read your problems with apnea, and I am so sorry about it....
Jim, Just read your problems with apnea ... Since I really know nothing about Apnea ... sinuses dripping down my throat in my sleep ... nasal sprays, and all gasping in my sleep
@jimhd Yeah, the wedge doesn't work if you sleep on your side as it bends you...
the wedge doesn't work if you sleep ... Linda started having to always sleep ... going on in her throat that caused the apnea ... If we had known just how dangerous apnea ... We knew about sleep analysis but Linda
Thank you for sharing your story, you are a wonderful mom! I feel I’m still in...
We just had an inland sleep study last ... episodes of oxygen drops, not full on apnea ... surprising as it wasn’t during the part of Sleep
@colleenyoung, I had mine over the headboard also but it was touching the floor and I...
I think the apnea does cause you to ... I sleep on my sides mostly and have ... When I went to my sleep study appointment
cece55- You are headed in the right direction! Just like so many things in life I...
bit awkward and very different than sleeping ... C-pap gets us back on the path of good sleep ... the risks we were enduring with the apnea ... 's that were interupting our sleep
Yes, thank you. I would like to know what will healthy eating and exercise do to...
diabetes( non- insulin dependent) sleep ... apena, obesity, high blood pressure
@johnbishop- RATS, I love that John! You are doing great! Trial & error is the name...
is another night that you eliminate apnea ... Happy Rem sleep to all!
Day 2 of using the CPAP went well. AHI number was down from 17.4 to 9...
17.4 to 9 and the total obstructive apneas ... for roughly the same amount of time sleeping
Jim, I can't personally compare the Airtouch to the standard full face mask as prior to...
My son-in-law has severe apnea and his ... the Airtouch and I feel that I am sleeping
Hi Jen, I was diagnosed in 1995, and the meds that really helped me were (and...
really helped me were (and are) the sleep ... If you are not getting quality sleep ... they find that folks have apnea that ... interrupts their sleep cycle. ... would wager that if you improve your sleep
I didn't realize people can die of apnea. Sleep deprivation?
I didn't realize people can die of apnea ... Sleep deprivation?
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