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171 total results
Comments (157)
@pinkpain51 I'm terribly sorry for the level of suffering you experience. Pain is such a hard...
I've attempted a number of times, and ... to, and thanks to some meds and my CPAP
I have a bipap. I have oxygen connected to my bipap. I have a paralyzed rt...
My numbers are 16/12. ... The first time I tried it my numbers ... We had to adjust numbers so it would ... Like any cpap or bipap, if you never
Welcome @davidlhine, There could be a number of different reasons the AHI has increased after you...
Welcome @davidlhine, There could be a number ... increased after you switched from a CPAP
I can't speak for anyone else but it took me about a year before feeling the...
before feeling the benefits of using my CPAP ... but find that when I can keep my AHI numbers
An update - my sleep med appointment was scheduled out in late February, but I put...
Had been regularly reviewing my CPAP ... with OSCAR, and trying to drop the number ... Had tried numerous things, but finally
I personally have had a Split King sleep number bed for almost 12 years. I also...
personally have had a Split King sleep number ... our heads at the top because I use a cpap
To each of you who is considering purchase of a breathing exerciser, here are a few...
nebulizer cups & mouthpieces and CPAP ... Or, if disposable, a number of days
Welcome @csherman66, Thanks for sharing such a detailed experience. I am still using a CPAP and...
I am still using a CPAP and I also elevate ... papers I found from 2023:
"Numerous ... mentioned you do not have to use a CPAP
The chin strap never worked for me and I tried several different ones. Some things I...
allowed me not to have to use the CPAP ... I have one of those sleep number beds ... and GREAT so I dont have to use the CPAP
I think I was one of the first to post about body vibrations when failing asleep...
The CPAP may have changed the breathing ... probably not interested since they number
I got the Sleep Study results on my electronic record, but have not yet had a...
apnea, periodic limb movements and numerous ... interesting to see if I end up with a CPAP
I'm 64 same issues. The vibrations wake me up. This morning I managed to sleep until...
I started the cpap a couple months ago ... I slept with the cpap for about a week ... I wore the cpap the minimum 4 hours ... It is amazing at the number of people
Thanks John! I have been using my CPAP (Resmed Airsense 10) for over a year. The...
I have been using my CPAP (Resmed Airsense ... later I went to another sleep study my number
I’ve been an on again off again subscriber to cpap therapy since 2015. Recently I discovered...
an on again off again subscriber to cpap ... pulmonary medicine advice to use the cpap ... My friend says I watch the numbers too ... disheartening result I keep looking at the numbers
Hi @sicko, Welcome to Connect. When I first started using a CPAP that was what they...
When I first started using a CPAP that ... didn't pay attention to any AHI numbers ... How long have you been using a CPAP
I just have a slight allergy which seems to be aggravated by Revlimid. I always got...
quitting the drugs and seeing how my numbers ... allergist said I was allergic to my CPAP
Hello, and welcome to Mayo Connect. As you may already have seen, both MAC and pseudomonas...
problem when an oxygen concentrator or CPAP ... Second, the story of numerous antibiotics
I have had my Cpap for 10 years. I have had many trials and tribulations during...
I have had my Cpap for 10 years. ... I'm on my second
cpap machine ... The treatment besides the cpap was I ... I cannot sleep on my back or my number
Hi @novaeva, Welcome to Connect. That is a great question - how can you reduce the...
the per hour events when using your CPAP ... I started using a CPAP about 4 years ... got 7 to 8 hours of sleep using the CPAP ... to sleep on my back which makes my numbers ... What type of CPAP mask do you use, is
Hello @rbcoast, Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. We like you are patients and are only able...
realize the full benefits of using a CPAP ... readings a little better about AHI numbers ... you been able to discuss your sleep number
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