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872 total results
Comments (844)
I too have SFN. I have had it for almost 50 years. It a long time...
I take Alpha Lipoic Acid, and I’m not
My dysautonomia doctor (in my search for answers to my misery) I saw 7 doctors before...
anti-inflammatory diet, mestonin, alpha ... lipoic acid, famotadine.
Hi Lisa, Your thread here has generated some very interesting discussion. I love DrBeen Medical Lectures,...
at bedtime, Magnesium 500 mg day, Alpha ... Lipoic Acid 600 mg day, SAM-E 1 x day
I have a spinal cord injury and suffer with neuropathic foot pain at night and often...
Alpha Lipoic Acid worked for a few weeks
I had burning feet and big red toe and was told it was gout 20 years...
Now take Pure Encapsulations alpha lipoic ... acid.
I have used Alpha Lipoic Acid upon the recommendation of UT Dental School and it has...
I have used Alpha Lipoic Acid upon the
What is the cause of your numbness in your feet? Poor circulation, diabetes, neurological disorder and...
Try Alpha Lipoic Acid - 600 mg. daily ... Alpha Lipoic Acid was the only recommendation
Hi from Norway :) My doctors think I might have Erythromelalgia as a consequence after leukemia...
Yesterday I got a prescription for Alpha ... Lipoic Acid, and now I am wondering
Check out Amazon reviews for Frankincense & Myrrh for neuropathy in feet and Alpha Lipoic Acid...
; Myrrh for neuropathy in feet and Alpha ... Lipoic Acid capsules - these inexpensive
I have a question for anyone trying alpha lipoic acid. I just started using it and...
have a question for anyone trying alpha ... lipoic acid.
Hi Diane, I too have peripheral neuropathy and arthritis in my feet (as well as elsewhere)....
I also take alpha lipoic acid. ... have not noticed any changes w/ the lipoic ... acid but I've continued to take
I was diagnosed with inherited SPN in 2004. Pain is well controlled with prescription meds but...
I read about alpha-lipoic acid helping
Mrs Artavia, I am sorry to read you have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I’ve had it...
garlic, sauerkraut, alcoholic drinks, acidic ... Take these supplements: Alpha Lipoic ... Acid, Acetyl L Carnitine, omega 3 fish
I am an 87 year old female and about 5 years ago I took a very...
Previously I have tried Alpha-Lipoic ... Acid, NA R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, Curcumin
Hi, I am going to give alpha-lipoic acid another try. Can someone tell me there is...
I am going to give alpha-lipoic ... acid another try.
Hi, Nemo1. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words. My faith is what is giving me...
I started to take alpha Lipoic acid
I also experienced some minor Peripheral Neuropathy at about the same 6-month time frame at 6mg...
neurologist suggested that I take Alpha ... Lipoic Acid and my rheumatologist recommended
@cmccaffe81 P.S. I meant to mention that I have fired several doctors who were treating me...
Also, I take Alpha Lipoic Acid and Acetyl
I take stabilized R-Alpha Lipoic Acid 600mg @ 60 tabs for $38. at
I take stabilized R-Alpha Lipoic Acid
@jaaade I am 54 and have had many of your symptoms. It sounds definitely neurological and...
, capsaicin nerve pain creams, and alpha ... Lipoic acid and Acetyl L carnitine
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