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3,627 total results
Comments (3,471)
@colleenyoung Thank you. Just got off of lorazepam which I took many years primarily for sleep...
Not too thrilled to try Lyrica for depression
I wrote in another neuropathy group yesterday about my surgery mistake damaged my intercostal nerves. That...
neurologist wanted me to use gabapenatal/Lyrica
Hi I’m new to this group and new to neuropathy. Mine is a result of intercostal...
physical therapist said her friend was on Lyrica
I’ve had SFN, i.e. PN in my feet for ~2.5 years. FWIW, I’ve been taking Oxycodone...
This followed attempts with Lyrica and
@kbirchem, I think the answer to how Mayo Clinic treats peripheral neuropathy depends on your specific...
Gabapentin and Lyrica are probably the
Heaven's, what governor puts medications on a controlled substance list? I thought that list was created...
Gabapentin and Lyrica, and all of the
Hello John, thank you for your reply. I received NO help from the pain clinic, they...
told me to ask my neurologist about Lyrica
@lorena1egas Hi, I’ve just started taking CBD oil, for depression, anxiety, panic. I believe it helps...
these last 5 months with coming off Lyrica
Happy to hear you decided not to have gamma knife. All Dr's in Boston hospitals will...
I am on cymbalta.Same as lyrica.
I have had CPRS for 2 1/2 years with pain every day. This occured after knee...
I currently take 150 mg of Lyrica, 60
Hello. I am Will from Brazil. I am a 6th year medical student in here. My...
has been treated with OxyContin and Lyrica
Almost all of your symptoms sound very much like mine. I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia....
I was on gabapentin and then Lyrica
Hello - I thought my pain was well controlled, but lately it is not. I don't...
take gabapentin - my doctor favors Lyrica
I have had six plus years of pain very similar to yours. It was caused by...
cornucopia of gabapentin, clonopin, Lyrica
I have this pain in the right butt for three years now. My family thinks it’s...
I am on Lyrica for 3 plus years &
I have a syndrome called Fibromyalgia that cause muscle cramps pain as well as feelings of...
name-amitriptyline , then neurotin and now 75mg of Lyrica
Thanks to both of you for your responses, which are re-assuring. My concern stems from having...
Fortunately a course of Lyrica cleared
Welcome @cookieinaz, I know it has to be difficult to live with LSN and a chronic...
did see a small study saying that Lyrica
@faithwalker007.... How many opiods do you take? or were you taking? The doctor lets my husband...
Last time they tried me on one Lyrica
I was in a similar boat after being diagnosed with SFN. My Dr. labeled me with...
one to ask him about supplements, Lyrica
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