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57 total results
Comments (47)
Hi @cindysummit, Hoping you get some answers at your doctors appointment today. I did a search...
Connect for others who have had the lithotripsy ... search=Lithotripsy
Ask about lithotripsy. It is for kidney stones, not gallstones. No incision. CindyC
Ask about lithotripsy.
I had a 7mm stone requiring a stent placement because of infection for about 3 weeks....
I then had lithotripsy i.e. ... Surgeon removed stent, did lithotripsy
I had a lithotripsy procedure years ago using sound waves to break up a kidney stone....
I had a lithotripsy procedure years
@v14 I just had a 27mm stone removed by Laser lithotripsy and the blood flowed the...
had a 27mm stone removed by Laser lithotripsy
@c111fidler Welcome to Mayo Connect! We are not doctors, but patients, caregivers, and family members, sharing...
He had lithotripsy done a couple of ... with that will not pair well with lithotripsy ... thoughts why they do not want to do lithotripsy
@jakedduck1, I am so sorry, Leonard! I wondered where you were. Several years ago sonograms and...
this because at this point, for me lithotripsy ... But for you, lithotripsy might help. ... IDK if you already had lithotripsy and ... been tried yet but I do know a second lithotripsy ... surgery to remove a stuck stone because lithotripsy
I have been to London a few times for lithotripsy in 2015 kidney stones so will...
have been to London a few times for lithotripsy
@mykidneyssuck1988 Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect! I have attached a link that discusses lithotripsy for kidney...
have attached a link that discusses lithotripsy ...
@wendyw. I had an FMT on February 28th. Mine was for recurring Cdiff. It definitely helped...
now he has one that’s too big for lithotripsy ... ’s had laser by cystoscope & a lithotripsy
Thank you for your efforts. At the moment his UC is under control, but we would...
He is still having 8 weekly lithotripsy
I am advised to set up an appointment with a surgeon for my 1.5 cm GB...
dreading this and will be pushing for lithotripsy
I had lithotripsy on 11/13/23 for a 6.5mm stone, urine was pink-clear by 11/14/23 am. That...
I had lithotripsy on 11/13/23 for a
This all occurred over 20 years ago. I had inpatient and outpatient shock wave lithotripsy surgery...
inpatient and outpatient shock wave lithotripsy
I had a stone removed 2-weeks ago via Lithotripsy with a stent. The stent was removed...
had a stone removed 2-weeks ago via Lithotripsy
@v14, you're right. It is normal to have blood in your urine (red or blood-tinged urine)...
urine) for a few days after Shock Wave Lithotripsy
@tracilynn0418 Hello, and thank you for joining us here at Mayo Connect! How did you find...
was prone to kidney stones, and had lithotripsy ... My sister had lithotripsy once for a
@abdulomoh Something with citric acid, like lemonade or orange juice, helps prevent stones from forming or...
Most kidney stones were treated with lithotripsy
Thankyou Phil. I really appreciate that. Apparently my new guy is "a reconstructive urologist, with expertise...
Endoscopic removal and shock wave lithotripsy
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