New treatments/ therapies to remove kidney stones

Posted by lebamessage @lebamessage, May 15 12:48am

Monitoring and or remove kidney stones

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@lebamessage Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I see that you have posted a new discussion and this appears to be your first post. In looking at the title of your discussion and your post are you interested in learning about options to treat kidney stones? Do you have kidney stones?


Looking for new recent changes or therapies .. for my husband ..
I’ve read about eliminating stones can be zapped eventually completed in an ER visit ..
just wanted to be educated about this new therapy vs inserting stents etc.. thank you


Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!

Attached here is an article from Mayo Clinic, that discusses kidney stones. As you can see, there are four different types stones, each having their own causes. Likewise, there are several different types of treatments, depending on size, discomfort, location.

What has your husband's doctor told him about the type of stone and proposed treatment?


Looking for new recent changes or therapies .. for my husband ..
I’ve read about eliminating stones can be zapped eventually completed in an ER visit ..
just wanted to be educated about this new therapy vs inserting stents etc.. thank you

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Ask about lithotripsy. It is for kidney stones, not gallstones.

No incision.


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