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372 total results
So, it is most common that our abusers and enablers do not address or take responsibility...
months old, 6-months in a body cast, pressure ... sores inside the cast neglected treatment ... a year in another body cast, more pressure ... sore infections and added shame, was
@lioness Congrats on your new ‘pie biters’. Hehe. Joking aside, I’m sorry your gums are sore....
Joking aside, I’m sorry your gums are sore ... Pressure sores are miserable but are ... away some of the acrylic over the sore
It seemed to be that the warnings/contraindications apply to that low frequency setting as well. What...
events were reported including pain, pressure ... sores on the feet, autonomic dysreflexia
I am currently dealing with SBO from ostomy reversal surgery 7/31/18. After 6 days, with increasing...
Got pressure sores from drain and had
I hope it won't come across as obvious or patronizing...not intended...just trying to be forthright and...
marks (have such forceful pressures ... not resulted in pressure sores by now ... is always good, but leaves you with sore ... areas and pressure indentations, then ... But the pressure is making the experience
My Father's Mystery Illness
father first noticed symptoms such as sore ... were the same as in 1999, including sore ... Later, the soreness and swelling traveled ... fevers, light sensitivity in eyes, sore ... history not fully known):
High blood pressure
Reoccuring symptoms: Is this part of long haul COVID?
have problems with my heart, blood pressure ... Sorry, forgot to mention mouth sores
Pain And Changes In Weather...Am I Alone????
down my arms, to skin that just feels sore ... clock that also provides barometric pressure ... is a dramatic swing in barometric pressure
Chronic Mono? 5 years undiagnosed
with no exposure) for almost 5 years: sore ... 50, normal weight/BMI, normal blood pressure
Suddenly have popping in throat when swallowing. Will it go away?
positions, and if I apply too much pressure ... both my nose and chest, sneezing, sore