325 total results
Anyone tried CBD/CBN Tincture for insomnia?
Has anyone had success with CBD/CBN Tincture for insomnia? If so, what dose works for you and how late can it be taken to avoid...
I can’t sleep without Twmpezpam.
I am struggling thru life . My husband has cancer . I take many meds to function . I have terrible anxiety and take Klonopin...
I have slept a total of 5 hours in 6 days. What's wrong with me?
I'm on day 7 with an acute onset of near total insomnia. I have slept a collective of 5 hours in these past 6 nights...
Shaky and Sleepless
Hello, I'm new to Mayo Connect but have been researching endlessly, as I have gone from having mild insomnia (treated effectively with trazadone) for many...