Anyone tried CBD/CBN Tincture for insomnia?

Posted by ripley @ripley, May 2, 2023

Has anyone had success with CBD/CBN Tincture for insomnia? If so, what dose works for you and how late can it be taken to avoid daytime drowsiness? I've had severe insomnia for over a year and wake often during the night, usually unable to go back to sleep after 5:00am. I bought some tincture that has 10mg each of CBD and CBN from hemp, but I'm afraid to try it, wondering now if it's safe. I've tried sleep restriction therapy and had a sleep study done. The only med my doctor will prescribe is Trazodone, which doesn't always work (100-150mg/night). She also suggested Melatonin. I'm only taking 2mg but since it gives me very vivid dreams I think it interferes with deep sleep.

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... I have read that cbd definitely helps re sleep but I cannot take it as have narrow angle glaucoma. Originally they said cbd/thc ? brings eye pressure down... and recommended.. now the Glaucoma Society says no.. that it only brings eye pressure down for 4 hours and would mean you would have to wake up and take it through the night etc... so there goes that sleep aid idea! J.


CBD tincture works well for me. I take .05ml just before bed. Also, my md suggested I keep a jar of dissolvable melatonin in my nightstand, which I take in the event I wake up in the middle of the night. This combo helps me get to sleep and stay asleep. Good luck


CBD tincture works well for me. I take .05ml just before bed. Also, my md suggested I keep a jar of dissolvable melatonin in my nightstand, which I take in the event I wake up in the middle of the night. This combo helps me get to sleep and stay asleep. Good luck

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Would you mind sharing what brand of CBD tincture you use and where it can be purchased? Also, how late in the evening can you take it w/o tiredness the next day? Thank you.


I use dr Solomon’s which is available to med mar
Patients in Florida. I use it shortly before bed and don’t wake up tired.


I tried CBD with a small amount of THC. The THC helps the CBD to work better and since you'll be sleeping the bit of a high shouldn't bother you. It has to be bought from a brick and morter store because of the THC and postal regulations. I would eat a gummy before laying down to sleep. It worked very well but unfortunately though living in Colorado where recreational pot is allowed, it is still out of my budget.
I use 5mg of Ambian for sleep which works ok.


i'm hypomanic only on the bipolar spectrum so sleep has always been difficult without 3 rx at nite; i contracted the covid virus in dec. 2020, before vaccines ever made and eventually a few mo. later i became a long hauler with several symptoms, the primary symptom being relentless insomnia, which is a common side effect. i live in az so i can use mj legally; this last year i have been using, in combo with the existing 3rx, healing resources cbd/cbg/cbn gummies. i was told that any tincture/gummies containing thc will affect the circadian rhythm but these gummies don't have the thc and they have really improved my insomnia and now get 8-9 hrs. i'm 76 and retired and the past 2.5 yr. as a long hauler, several naps a day have helped me. this is my experience only.


I have had sleep issues since menopause: I have no problem falling asleep, but I wake up at 3 or 4 AM every night. I tried everything to prevent this, except Rx meds. Nothing helped. In January 2023 I entered a CBD store in Hot Springs, Arkansas. The manager is a knowledge man, and the atmosphere was nothing like a head shop. He said he had the right tincture for me: “Above” full spectrum hemp oil supplement which contains Delta-8 THC. However, he asked what type of work I did before selling it to me. Although at the dose he suggested I would not experience a high, I would fail any drug test I was subject to. I am retired and told him that was not an issue. I bought the expensive, little bottle. From Night One I had uninterrupted sleep night after night, month after month—until March 2024. It suddenly stopped working. I went to the local SunMed store, and they said that this happens with some people. They recommended I go off the tincture for three full months to clear it from my liver and then restart. I have about three more weeks until I can restart. I am counting the days because I have had not one good night since March 2024. BTW, I have never got a high, a buzz or anything like that from the amount I take. I just get a great full night’s sleep. Don’t ask me how it works. I am merely a consumer with a 17 year history of waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to get back to sleep.


CBD tincture works well for me. I take .05ml just before bed. Also, my md suggested I keep a jar of dissolvable melatonin in my nightstand, which I take in the event I wake up in the middle of the night. This combo helps me get to sleep and stay asleep. Good luck

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I have a few things in my arsenal of sleep aids that I rotate to prevent reaching a tolerance level.
1. I use Pure Melatonin 0.5mg and 250 mg of magnesium, 2 hours before bed. one-half hour before bed I take two 0.3 timed-release Melatonin. I get 7-8 hours of sleep.
2. I use 0.5mg melatonin 45 min before bed. It lets me sleep 3 hours. Then I take a Nature Made "Back to Sleep" chewable and sleep 3- 4 hours more.
3. I suck on a solventless THC gummy. It's 10mg and I cut it in half. It lets me sleep 7-8 hours.
All of them work well for me with no next-day side effects.


One thing I forgot to mention that *helped me a lot* during the time I was weaning off of prescription sleep medication (which caused two chemical psychoses, the worst one being Ambien) was audible sleep stories. When the app "Calm" first became available I used it every night, along with sleep hygiene.
If you live in a state where cannabis is legal there are CBD, CBN, and THC transdermal patches available. For weening off prescription sleep drugs or tolerance build-up, use a small dose of CBD transdermal patch during the day (to help with anxiety) then add a small dose of THC patch at night...and add a sleep story.

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