585 total results
Do any of my Long Covid Friends have Orthostatic Hypotension and POTS...I thought I had this...
Wow! I can’t believe how closely your experience mirrors mine. I posted last week under “Has...
When should I see a physician? Two weeks post COVID
Hello and good morning, I have had COVID for 2 weeks now and continue with shortness of breath, especially on exertion (going up one flight...
7 year old with post Covid- need advice
Hi, my 7 year old son is one week post Covid, since then he has been breaking out in these random sweats throughout the day...
COVID-19 Long Haulers: Symptoms lasting 30 days plus
My name is Lindsay I’m 38 and a physician assistant. I most likely contracted Covid from a sick patient I was caring for. I started...
Anyone with longcovid checked ammonia levels?
Almost three years with longcovid here and no end in sight. 35, previously healthy, now totally debilitated. I can’t even fold a load of laundry...
New normal after 2nd covid booster
I got my 2nd booster in April. I noticed I was back to my (pre-covid, fibromyalgia, my normal) however the past few days the post...
COVID-19 Coronavirus and Lung Health: What can you do?
Good morning- I have hesitated to post anything about this new and dangerous group of viruses because I am certainly not qualified to discuss any...
New To Living With Long Term Covid
Hello, my name is Pam. I'm 55 years old and learning to live with Long Term Covid. My husband and I both got Covid in...
Has LC decimated anyone's life?
Hello all, I'm a 56 yr old male who's life has been decimated due to COVID My life has been ruined and I have nothing...
Long COVID: Accepting my new normal
Has anybody else just gave up and said....This is my new normal?Long story short...I have been vaccinated and 1 booster.2+ years ago i got covid...
Long Covid Syndrome
I had COVID for the first time a year and a half ago since then. I am coughing non-stop with lots of mucous. I have...