Longest lasting symptom after Covid

Posted by da69 @da69, Sep 11, 2023

Long story short....I had a confirmed case of covid in Jan of 22 and think i had it before tests were available.
Went through some dark times and bad anxiety attacks and depression and cognitive issues.
Thankfully with time and meds i am doing much better....I am not where i was pre covid but so much better.
I am starting to feel human again.
I hope i return to 100% But part of me says this is the best i am gonna get and i am thankful for that as so many are worse off.
The one thing i cant shake is shortness of breath if i do anything physical.
My wife helps me mow the lawn now because i spend a hr afterwards before i my breathing returns to normal.
Its like i cant get enough air and it wipes me out.
Have spoken with others who said their shortness of breath was the last symptom to improve.
i am to the point where maybe asking my pcp if a inhaler might help.
Just wandering what symptoms lasted the longest from those who have had long covid symptoms and what helped?
I know i am older but i am only 54 and it drives me nuts not being able to do the things i could do only 2-3 yrs ago.
Thank you.

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Bless you da69....right there with you to a degree. I had Covid last August and I am still battling fatigue, asthmatic bronchitis right now, pneumonia earlier in the summer & sinus infection that just went away. I have more joint pain than I did, Acid Reflux worsened and I have mucousy saliva in the back of my throat. I was told that Covid attacked my lungs & caused more autoimmune issues...not sure which ones I have right now as the rheumatologist is still not sure. The hot weather took a toll this summer with the high humidity causing asthmatic bronchitis. Some days are better than others, but, i am not where I was before Covid last year. I try to pace myself on the best day and not overdo or I will pay for it. I was using a rescue inhaler (Albuterol) which may be worth asking your doctor about and then I was put on a nebulizer 3 times a day this summer which has helped. Climbing steps is exhausting. I am praying for you right now. We will get through this! Hugs & Prayers....


Bless you da69....right there with you to a degree. I had Covid last August and I am still battling fatigue, asthmatic bronchitis right now, pneumonia earlier in the summer & sinus infection that just went away. I have more joint pain than I did, Acid Reflux worsened and I have mucousy saliva in the back of my throat. I was told that Covid attacked my lungs & caused more autoimmune issues...not sure which ones I have right now as the rheumatologist is still not sure. The hot weather took a toll this summer with the high humidity causing asthmatic bronchitis. Some days are better than others, but, i am not where I was before Covid last year. I try to pace myself on the best day and not overdo or I will pay for it. I was using a rescue inhaler (Albuterol) which may be worth asking your doctor about and then I was put on a nebulizer 3 times a day this summer which has helped. Climbing steps is exhausting. I am praying for you right now. We will get through this! Hugs & Prayers....

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Wishing you the best!


My symptoms similar.
Occurred 5 days after 2nd Pfizer jab.
Now in 4th year.
In hospital 3times, many MRI’s, months of PT.
Nothing effective.


I had continuous air hunger and shortness of breath since 2020. My recent chest scans only showed a small amount of damage and pulmonary tests were fine despite my symptoms. I began to see this as a dysautonomia symptom for me, as a result of COVID damaging my nervous system, so treated it that way with medical guidance using vagus nerve therapy and medication. I have not had shortness of breath for about 2 months now. I also started focusing on nose breathing exclusively and spend about 20 minutes each day just breathing in and out through my nose, slowly, deeply, and gently. No counting, box breathing, or anything else.
I still do have many other symptoms, but in many ways the breathing problems were the worst, affecting sleep, activities, etc.
I hope you get better.

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