3,173 total results
Quercitin - over the counter 500mg/day and cromolyn 200 mg 3X/day have helped me- the cromolyn...
Hello! Actually, I'm not sure if the medication would be used for the anxiety attacks themselves...
I can understand your frustration. I had covid April 2022 and am still experiencing heart rates...
I want my life back too🥲My oxygen fluctuates with exercise and sometimes without.Can drop to 83...
Charlie Horses and Cramping: What helps?
Hello! I have been experiencing tremendously painful Charlie Horses / cramps in my feet, legs and even abdomen if I bend over. I don’t even...
Newly developed allergies, excema in ears
I got Covid/pneumonia in September of 2021. Since I have developed numerous allergies; tree nuts, several grasses, poison ivy, wine, blue cheese, laundry detergent, and...
Concussion therapy for long Covid
I am wondering if anyone has tried concussion therapies for long Covid. I have read that brain injury from Covid is similar to concussion injury....
COVID-19 and Transplant Patients
As a kidney transplant recipient I have been extra vigilant/worried about protecting myself as COVID-19 spreads. Like most transplant patients I am used to washing...
Has anyone gotten Ulcerative Colitis after having Covid ?
Hi..has anyone gotten Ulcerative Colitis and digestive issues after having Covid? I wound up with this disease right after I got Covid on December 19th...
Anyone else have ear pain?
I’ve had post COVID symptoms since November 2022, including ear aches, headaches, nausea, tinnitus, dizziness, fatigue, postnatal drip, Afib, parasthesia, and muscle spasms. Fortunately, my...
Diagnosed a while ago with POTS but my BP...
I was diagnosed with POTS about 8 months ago when at my PCPs, I was dizzy and my face went numb. 180/120. A quick dose...
Reactions of others to your long Covid
I've recently realize that I have long Covid, with most pronounced symptoms shortness of breath with exertion and GI problems. As any of you have...
Approved July 2022 Novavax: New COVID Vaccine May be Available Soon
I'm excited to see a new COVID vaccine named Novavax making great progress in third phase trials. It uses a more traditional approach similar to...
Respiratory issues post-COVID
Has anyone suspected respiratory issues...but chest x-rays are clear and pulse ox is also normal? I still have a slight wheeze that has been resistant...