Support Groups

Heart & Blood Health Support Group

Public Support Group
1,334 total results
Baby Asprin for Heart Attack Prevention
The latest AHA guidelines (2019) reduce the recommended use of baby aspirin to prevent heart attacks, especially for primary prevention in patients over 70. For...
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: Feb 23, 2021
Is there a good alternative to statins? I was put on Rasusvastatin 10
I'm looking for an alternative to statins. I had an episode of dizziness ( a potential side effect) and fell 10 feet onto my head....
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: 5 days ago
High Coronary Calcium Score: How do others feel emotionally?
I have a calcium score of 1,950 which is extremely high which means I am at a very high risk for a cardiac event,heart attack,stroke...
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: Feb 13 9:01am
Nitrates for Systolic Hypertensio
85 yr old M with 68 yr hx of type l diabetes/ A1c 6.1, well treated hyperlipidemia with statin, BMI 23, known significant CA calcification,...
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: Jan 28 11:25am
Do statins guarantee aneurysms won’t grow
I have had poor results with statins as far as quality of life. My question is if it is inevitable that my aneurysms , on...
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: Apr 30 12:19am
High Calcium, Lipa, C-reactive Protein scores
I am 71 years old, female, exercise 1-2 hours a day, eat a pretty good diet, and still my scores are high and as another...
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: Jul 25, 2018
I'm worried about taking statins and side effects
Hi, I am 69 and just started taking statins two months ago for cholesterol and I am now noticing dents in my calves and near...
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: Mar 8, 2023
Any evidence to support statins and aspirin are better taken at night?
Is there evidence or studies that support this article from the UK that statins and aspirin are better taken at night?
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: Apr 27, 2023
CAC score in 95th Percentile - Next Steps?
Hello, I am turning 50 and recently had my annual physical. My BMI is 21. I am on no drugs currently. I eat a heart-healthy...
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: Nov 22, 2023
What helps you wean off beta blockers with minimal discomfort?
I'm currently in a wean-off period (week 2) of carvedilol that I've been taking for nearly 2 years following Bentall procedure for a TAA. Dosage...
Support Group: Heart & Blood Health
Last active: May 7 6:03pm