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Blood Cancers & Disorders Support Group

Public Support Group
986 total results
Discussions (63)
Primary Myelofibrosis with JAK2: Anyone have Ojjaara (momelotinib)?
I was wondering if anyone can share their experience with Ojjaara treatment. I started having anemia, high platelets, and high white count two years ago....
Last active: Nov 16 2:57pm
JAK2 Mutation and enlarged spleen: What might it mean?
Good morning,I've been lurking here a few weeks but now would love some advice.To cut a long story short, about 18 months ago, I was...
Last active: Nov 3 6:14pm
JAK2 Mutation, Low Iron and High Platelet count
I was being treated for low iron - was sent to a Oncology Hematologist- had Iron Infusions - gradually the iron values increased. Only received...
Last active: May 24, 2021
JAK2 V617F Essential Thrombocythemia: Hydroxyurea causes headaches
On routine annual labwork in December of 2022, platelets were elevated (over 600 X1000/UL). At referral appointment with a hematologist in January 2023, platelets were...
Last active: Jul 17, 2023
High platelets, Jak2, ET, and pre-fib new diagnosis
Just was diagnosed and had a bone marrow biopsy yesterday. Going on Pegasys...anyone traveled this road before me? I'm 67 and new to all this,...
Last active: Apr 5 1:49pm
Polycythaemia Ruba Vera, Jak2 mutation & link to Sleep Apnea
I was diagnosed with Polycythaemia Ruba Vera with a jak2 mutation almost 2 years ago via blood test of course. I saw a post here...
Last active: Mar 19 11:33am
I have JAK2 ET and MPN: Anyone else have these symptoms?
Hi all, I've suffered for many years with this MPN disorder, but it seems not many others have the same symptoms, so I'l posting this...
Last active: Jun 19 5:40am
Need help newly diagnosed with a high platelet count and the JAK2 gene
Hi, I am new here and need some help. My platelet counts have been running high around 680. I just had a bone marrow biopsy,...
Last active: Sep 29 9:06am
Jak2 positive, biopsy next: Does it mean I have blood cancer?
Hi, I've been told I'm jak2 positive. I'm due to have a bone marrow biopsy in a day or two. My question is, if it...
Last active: Sep 17 8:37am
Jak 2 Positive with Elevated Platelets: What symptoms do you have?
42 yo female with platelet count at 478. Jak2 positive. Bone marrow biopsy recently done and confirmed. Started aspirin regimen today. I can't say I...
Last active: May 10, 2023
Jak 2 mutations
Just told that I have a Jak 2 mutation. Anyone else been thru this ?
Last active: Dec 6, 2023
Jak 2 and Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia
Hi to all on this group. I was diagnosed with jak 2 and mgus in 2016 and then Waldromstrom Macroglobulinemia(WM) in august 2019. The hematology/oncology...
Last active: Mar 10, 2021
A link between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Essential Thrombocythemia?
Does anyone know if there is a link between Rheumatoid Arthritis and ET? Is one more prone to RA with a JAK2 mutation?
Last active: Feb 9 8:48am
Polycythemia vera (PV): Does altitude matter?
I am PV JAK2 and live at an altitude of 6000 feet. Could this altitude harm my condition? What altitude should I avoid?
Last active: May 12, 2023
After 3 months on hydroxyurea, I am going to ask to switch to Besremi
I was diagnosed with PV in March. When my hematocrit leveled off at around 44 after 10 weeks of phlebotomy, my hematologist put me on...
Last active: Oct 17 7:43pm
Lightheadedness, Brain fog, Itchy: Side effects of HU or ET itself?
I am ET/Jak2 — 72 years oldDiagnosed July 2024HU 500mg dailyAre the following symptoms from the HU or ET itself:Lightheaded (feel a bit unbalanced/dizzyBrain fogItchyI...
Last active: Nov 27 7:20am
Any recommendations for ongoing mild headaches with Hydroxyurea?
Any recommendations for ongoing mild headaches since taking Hydroxyurea (500 mg per day). Trying not to take more drugs Have ET (Jak2) diagnosed August 2022...
Last active: Jan 6, 2023
BESREMi anyone?
Diagnosed with PV with JAK2 mutation In November. Did not do well on Hydroxyurea. I just started BESREMi at 100mg every 2 weeks. I have...
Last active: Aug 12, 2023
fevers from ET or HU
I have had ET JAK2 pos x 2 yr plts around 500 taking 2 baby asa daily. My Plts jumped to 702 and I was...
Last active: 5 days ago
MGUS with Polycythemia Vera (PV)
Had a bone marrow biopsy done in 2017 and was diagnosed with MGUS. Additional BMBs in 2018 & 2019 showed a slow progression of my...
Last active: May 6, 2023