256 total results
MCTD: Preparing for evaluation appointment at Mayo Clinic
Recently diagnosed with MCTD (Lupus & PA/OA, tested positive for RA, but no symptoms yet) Prescribed Plaquenil & just started Tremfya (1st injection was last...
Process for getting Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD) diagnosis
Hello, I just found this group online and I’m hoping there’s someone who can give me some encouragement. I have lived with chronic pain and...
Botox for chronic migraines: is it safe(ish) for MCTD person?
My wife has battled with autoimmune disease(s) for several years, and tried dozens of medications. She is facing Botox injections to counter her chronic migraines....
Does MCTD (mixed connective tissue disease) ever go into remission?
I was diagnosed a year ago with mctd. I am a very active busy person. But have lost muscle tone and strength. Which makes me...
MCTD flares and hip/thigh pain that is limiting mobility and activity.
Has anyone with MCTD experienced a flare up that has lasted for months? My hips and thighs get so tight I can barely walk, stairs...
Diagnosed with MCTD recently. RNP 1.5, Reynauds and swollen fingers.
Hi, I am new to this group and in general to support groups. This is my first. I am a 37 old female. All was...
How do you cope with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease (MCTD)?
Would someone else please join this discussion and let me know how you cope with Mixed Connective Tissue Disease? How can you explain it to...
MCTD shows as a “speckled pattern” on lab tests. I have a combination of lupus, scleroderma...
I also have MCTD, fibro, raynauds and half a dozen other autoimmune diagnoses. I’ve never been...
Hi @jonfortier, I merged your 2 discussions into one discussion that appears in both groups. I...
Looking for the best lifestyle changes to reduce symptoms
Hi, everyone! My name is Secoyia and I am a 27 year old female. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with Fibromyalgia and MCTD after...