You can feel better!

Hello. I thought I would post this pic today to hopefully inspire others to keep plodding along with your treatments whether they be antibiotics or taking a natural approach. Never give up on regaining your health! I just finished an hour long bicycle ride. There have been many years where this was an impossibility. There were many years where I couldn't walk 20 feet without sitting to catch my breath. I am welcoming all other success stories.

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Hi Terri, I was just reading through so much stuff! I have not been on any meds for my MAC for 2 years now. I just got a bit worried about not taking meds. My doctors are not very helpful and I have been just so helpless and tired. I was given Brio to inhale and that was a bad experience. I am going to ask my doctor for the sale to inhale and I’ll use it until I go to Mayo Clinic in September! I am so grateful for the privilege to get that appointment!!! I have been very weak and tired everyday. I am so excited to start a new treatment plan an at Mayo Clinic!! Thanks for all the help and it’s great to read all the news and know that I’m not alone in this. Rita.

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@heathert Hi Heather! Wow! You are finally coming off of your meds, Congrats!!!!! We need to celebrate!


Hi Terri, I was just reading through so much stuff! I have not been on any meds for my MAC for 2 years now. I just got a bit worried about not taking meds. My doctors are not very helpful and I have been just so helpless and tired. I was given Brio to inhale and that was a bad experience. I am going to ask my doctor for the sale to inhale and I’ll use it until I go to Mayo Clinic in September! I am so grateful for the privilege to get that appointment!!! I have been very weak and tired everyday. I am so excited to start a new treatment plan an at Mayo Clinic!! Thanks for all the help and it’s great to read all the news and know that I’m not alone in this. Rita.

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@windwalker thanks for that however........ I had forgotten to tell my Dr about my 2 small bleeds, so I emailed her yesterday, she wants to see me again and stay on the meds another 6 months now. That excitement was short lived.


Hi Terri, I was just reading through so much stuff! I have not been on any meds for my MAC for 2 years now. I just got a bit worried about not taking meds. My doctors are not very helpful and I have been just so helpless and tired. I was given Brio to inhale and that was a bad experience. I am going to ask my doctor for the sale to inhale and I’ll use it until I go to Mayo Clinic in September! I am so grateful for the privilege to get that appointment!!! I have been very weak and tired everyday. I am so excited to start a new treatment plan an at Mayo Clinic!! Thanks for all the help and it’s great to read all the news and know that I’m not alone in this. Rita.

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@heathert Well Dam#it !!!! Were those two bleeds from coughing? Are they sure it was from any kind of mac? Or doing it 'just in case'? Arghhhh!


Hi Terri, I was just reading through so much stuff! I have not been on any meds for my MAC for 2 years now. I just got a bit worried about not taking meds. My doctors are not very helpful and I have been just so helpless and tired. I was given Brio to inhale and that was a bad experience. I am going to ask my doctor for the sale to inhale and I’ll use it until I go to Mayo Clinic in September! I am so grateful for the privilege to get that appointment!!! I have been very weak and tired everyday. I am so excited to start a new treatment plan an at Mayo Clinic!! Thanks for all the help and it’s great to read all the news and know that I’m not alone in this. Rita.

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@windwalker yes both from coughing, the first one I had juice from an orange go down my windpipe so dont know if that helped. I will see my specialist on Friday so will know more then, but It sounds like she thinks it could be mac.


So sorry to hear you have to go back on meds. You have been an inspiration to many of us. Thanks. Great picture.


I am so glad to see this. I am just starting my journey after having a virus in January. Everything I see and read from everyone is scaring me to death. I don’t know what to expect. Surgery, meds being horrible, going on disability?? So scared. I need to know that there is hope for me.

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@jameck Good morning Jane. After re-reading this post of yours; I feel like I didn't respond enough to it. Are you still feeling the flu-like symptoms? Ifound that ibuprophen helped me a great deal. It is an anti-inflammatory, so it is good to help keep it down in our lungs. If you have aches, perhaps put a heating pad on those areas. In another post you had mentioned that you are allergic to many things. Are you actually allergic or just hyper-sensitive? I was hyper-sensitive to just about everyhing for years until I was treated at the Mayo in 2013. I was a real pain in the butt. I couldn't stand scents of any kind, could not be around any kind of smoke or automobile fumes, many foods messed me up, and temperatures would effect my breathing. Do you experience anything like that? How are you feeling today?


@windwalker Terri That is fantastic, love that you took your dog along for the ride. I was the same, couldnt do anything for more than 5 mins without having to sit down, now I feel like I can do anything.


@windwalker Terri That is fantastic, love that you took your dog along for the ride. I was the same, couldnt do anything for more than 5 mins without having to sit down, now I feel like I can do anything.

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@heathert Ha! My little dog goes everywhere with me. She has terrible separation anxiety. Good thing she is so portable! I love to hear a success story like yours. Please don't leave us! We need to know that someone out there took the BIG 3 and is better for it. I feel like some folks get better and disappear because they no longer need the support. Thank you for hanging in there with us; I like having you here.


@windwalker Terri That is fantastic, love that you took your dog along for the ride. I was the same, couldnt do anything for more than 5 mins without having to sit down, now I feel like I can do anything.

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@windwalker Thanks Terri , Im not going anywhere, I would miss you all to much. I will stay here until they find an easy cure for us all, wish they would hurry up tho. The big 3 definitely helped me but I also took Amakacin Inhaled for a year, I wouldnt hesitate to take either again.
I know what you mean about small dogs and anxiety, poor wee furbabies.


Hi Terri, I need to know about plants in my house! I have some house that I love and now I’m concerned about breathing the soil. I love plants and don’t know if I should keep them. Please if you know any details about this I would appreciate it. For the past years I have been taking care of them and changing the soil watering them and I did not know that it could hurt me. I will give them up if I need to, my health is so much more than the plants. I am so desperate to learn more! I have been reading all the posts and even on line stuff. I am learning so much on this group and thank God it’s not to late. Thanks Rita.

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