When you truly, honestly hate yourself

Posted by 1k194 @1k194, Aug 23, 2023

Anyone else who loathes themselves?
I have hated myself for as long ago as I have memory. Thought about hurt/kill myself when I was about 5 or 6. Felt like a bad person or something earlier than that. (Can’t quite put those earliest feelings into words…and some of them still)

I’ve tried to improve myself. Tried medication. Tried to…get better; be better….don’t know how. I’m so sick of being stuck with this person I’m in. I hate her so much. I hate how she looks. How she walks; talks; does things.

It makes me angry. I’m chronically, irately angry recently. I can’t stop it. Can’t fix it. I hate me. I feel no faith, hope,…anymore. I’m just done.

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I have compassion for you that you seem stuck in "Self." Very Simply try doing for others and you won't have the time to be so fixated on you. Your world is about you; how self-centered is that? You are responsible for the way you feel; do for others and wake-up!

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