What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

For those members that have the ability to size your photos before you upload them to the discussion, may I suggest using the following sizes:
– 500 x 335 pixels (landscape)
– 210 x 210 pixels (square)

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So glad I didn't knock down that Robin's nest on the rafters of my front porch last week. I saw the mother up there a month or so ago but hadn't seen any activity at all lately and was thinking about knocking it down but then I looked out my front door and saw some babies pop up out of the nest, then the mother flew away. I took one picture with my cellphone and then went downstairs and got my camera and took a few more.

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@johnbishop That picture on the right took my breath away~!! You have a great eye!! May I try to paint it?💞


I finished working on my backyard sculpture made from my thrift store finds. I drink a lot of hot tea so this piece makes me smile and makes go inside to get another cup of tea.😀


@johnbishop That picture on the right took my breath away~!! You have a great eye!! May I try to paint it?💞

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I finished working on my backyard sculpture made from my thrift store finds. I drink a lot of hot tea so this piece makes me smile and makes go inside to get another cup of tea.😀

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Oooh, that looks pretty neat! @alive. I would need to make sure it was no where close to where I could walk and wobble into it. Are the store finds attached securely?


I finished working on my backyard sculpture made from my thrift store finds. I drink a lot of hot tea so this piece makes me smile and makes go inside to get another cup of tea.😀

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Ohhh this just made me smile too and I love your whimsical sculpture! So colorful and happy!
Your little dog is a cutie pie. Had to do a double take to make sure it wasn’t a little ceramic pet. ☺️


Oooh, that looks pretty neat! @alive. I would need to make sure it was no where close to where I could walk and wobble into it. Are the store finds attached securely?

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Thank you, John! I used E6000 glue to put the pieces together and they are set on a microwave turntable foundation with big rocks holding it down. We’ve had wind gusts up to 20mph since I assembled it. The real test will be in July/August when we get our summer monsoon season. I hope it’s still standing at the end of the year!


I finished working on my backyard sculpture made from my thrift store finds. I drink a lot of hot tea so this piece makes me smile and makes go inside to get another cup of tea.😀

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That is crazy. crazy beautiful...and what a suncatcher...love the pup too. Beautiful job..artistic💞


Ohhh this just made me smile too and I love your whimsical sculpture! So colorful and happy!
Your little dog is a cutie pie. Had to do a double take to make sure it wasn’t a little ceramic pet. ☺️

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Thank you, Lori! I have a teapot collection on top of my cabinets in the kitchen. I love them very much - they have such beautiful shapes and designs! My husband wouldn’t let me use any of my teapots for this project, so I had a fun time shopping at Goodwill stores in Tucson, Phoenix and Green Valley, searching for my pieces. That’s one nice thing about all the retirees and snowbirds in Arizona - they donate some nice china!

The dog is very real. Her name is Willow.

In reply to @johnbishop "Absolutely!" + (show)


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@johnbishop Your pictures are so terrific...I'll have a host of subjects to keep me busy for a long time!💞


Thank you, Lori! I have a teapot collection on top of my cabinets in the kitchen. I love them very much - they have such beautiful shapes and designs! My husband wouldn’t let me use any of my teapots for this project, so I had a fun time shopping at Goodwill stores in Tucson, Phoenix and Green Valley, searching for my pieces. That’s one nice thing about all the retirees and snowbirds in Arizona - they donate some nice china!

The dog is very real. Her name is Willow.

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Please pet Willow for me.

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