What's outside of your picture window today?

Posted by John, Volunteer Mentor @johnbishop, Nov 25, 2020

As we get ready for the real winter to show up and COVID-19 still playing a major part in our lives I like to spend moments of my day de-stressing about what's going on in the world today. All I have to do is look out the window and observe some of natures beautiful creatures, how they interact and ponder how small it makes my troubles seem. Sometimes I may even get the opportunity to take a photo or two. How about you? Anything going on outside of your window(s) that you want to share?

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The baby grasshoppers are too quick fir my cell phone, perhaps when they're a bit older. I did find one one, maybe from the first round as it's bigger than the babies.

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Cute little guy. I can see where he ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. 🙂


Cute little guy. I can see where he ate breakfast, lunch and dinner. 🙂

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Oh yeah, my yard is for them to enjoy.


The babies are getting close to launch day!

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Oh my gosh, they are precious.
You may want to leave the nest after the launch; a friend of mine had one above her porch light in California and a dove came by each spring, did repairs and had babies.
There's a fish hawk nest above the quad lights at the local soccer field near the Colorado river where we watched each season as babies were born. I'll see if I can find those pictures.


Here is the hawk nest. If you zoom in, you'll see a baby popped its head up.


Praising the Lord for the much needed rain outside and trusting for Canada and the coast that has been effected to get rain. God is so good!


The babies are getting close to launch day!

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John, the birds are precious! Great pix!


The baby grasshoppers are too quick fir my cell phone, perhaps when they're a bit older. I did find one one, maybe from the first round as it's bigger than the babies.

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@vellen, @johnbishop, @loribmt, @californiazebra and all...Well, you are all so funny...Those precious baby grasshoppers ate holes in the plant leaves near them. I have lost some nice plants through the years to darling little grasshoppers and such.

As to your dear coyotes, I like watching and learning about them, but I believe I recently saw or read the government protection of coyotes recently resulted in a huge growth in numbers, affecting wildlife, like your little bunnies, and farm animals like chickens and such. So, while I wish them and their kin no harm, I don't want them around my place ever or in areas where they can cause an imbalance in nature. For me, I'm with the fawns.

We had the same situation in Florida Everglades with alligators. They were protected for several years and came back with a vengeance, and were a menace in populated areas. Several dogs were grabbed in Ponte Vedra, Sawgrass... and other beach areas with ponds. Those dinosaurs are dangerous and multiply like crazy. We now have a real problem with a large number of constrictors from pets let go in the ponds and streams. It's a serious problem for the balance of our waterways. They're causing a lot of harm to nature and to humans.

I'm attaching a couple of pictures of new rescue indoor plants. One is the poor little money tree I recused last winter and now has one live trunk, rather the 3 woven. That saddens me, but the survivor is very happy and thriving. Although, my bank account doesn't seem to reflect the happy money tree!

One picture is of a wonderful 'lemon bean bush', a succulent that I fell in love with that has welcome yellowish/orange flowers in the winter. I think I'm keeping it inside if I can find a bright enough spot. I'm using grow lights on several indoor plants now since my shade is growing. Helps my home temperature, but not good for my sun-loving plants.

I have several hot pink/reddish lilies outside but will send pics of them later if I don't miss them. And my ginger is blooming. So, have some pretty's around me. Although, I haven't done well with my feathered friends. It's rained daily for the last several days and my feeders are empty. I've not felt well enough to go out in the humidity and refill them, so they're having to wait...I hate that and feel so guilty. But, it is what it is. Maybe this evening.

I have a little story for you: Outside my bedroom window is the old, large live oak tree spreading its strong branches and Spanish moss across the expanse of my condominium. I love these trees and the moss. It's a peaceful picture for me every morning as I awake. I keep my draperies open at night so I can see the sky and trees and have nature in my bedroom.

A couple of days ago, I awoke at about 6 as the sun was peeking through the limbs. It was raining a steady, soft rain and I caught sight of a squirrel sitting in the crook of a large limb, taking a shower, yes, unabashedly in public, or at least sort of, as I was probably the only one able to see him. He's been back at the same place for 2 days, in the rain, preening and scratching and shaking and getting set for the day. I feel privileged to witness this each morning and thankful for my tree.

This is probably one of my regulars on the patio eating my birdseed! As you know, I put out several feeders with peanuts for the birds and squirrels. They love them and it saves a bit of the seed for the birds.

Blessings all. Enjoy your days...Elizabeth


@vellen, @johnbishop, @loribmt, @californiazebra and all...Well, you are all so funny...Those precious baby grasshoppers ate holes in the plant leaves near them. I have lost some nice plants through the years to darling little grasshoppers and such.

As to your dear coyotes, I like watching and learning about them, but I believe I recently saw or read the government protection of coyotes recently resulted in a huge growth in numbers, affecting wildlife, like your little bunnies, and farm animals like chickens and such. So, while I wish them and their kin no harm, I don't want them around my place ever or in areas where they can cause an imbalance in nature. For me, I'm with the fawns.

We had the same situation in Florida Everglades with alligators. They were protected for several years and came back with a vengeance, and were a menace in populated areas. Several dogs were grabbed in Ponte Vedra, Sawgrass... and other beach areas with ponds. Those dinosaurs are dangerous and multiply like crazy. We now have a real problem with a large number of constrictors from pets let go in the ponds and streams. It's a serious problem for the balance of our waterways. They're causing a lot of harm to nature and to humans.

I'm attaching a couple of pictures of new rescue indoor plants. One is the poor little money tree I recused last winter and now has one live trunk, rather the 3 woven. That saddens me, but the survivor is very happy and thriving. Although, my bank account doesn't seem to reflect the happy money tree!

One picture is of a wonderful 'lemon bean bush', a succulent that I fell in love with that has welcome yellowish/orange flowers in the winter. I think I'm keeping it inside if I can find a bright enough spot. I'm using grow lights on several indoor plants now since my shade is growing. Helps my home temperature, but not good for my sun-loving plants.

I have several hot pink/reddish lilies outside but will send pics of them later if I don't miss them. And my ginger is blooming. So, have some pretty's around me. Although, I haven't done well with my feathered friends. It's rained daily for the last several days and my feeders are empty. I've not felt well enough to go out in the humidity and refill them, so they're having to wait...I hate that and feel so guilty. But, it is what it is. Maybe this evening.

I have a little story for you: Outside my bedroom window is the old, large live oak tree spreading its strong branches and Spanish moss across the expanse of my condominium. I love these trees and the moss. It's a peaceful picture for me every morning as I awake. I keep my draperies open at night so I can see the sky and trees and have nature in my bedroom.

A couple of days ago, I awoke at about 6 as the sun was peeking through the limbs. It was raining a steady, soft rain and I caught sight of a squirrel sitting in the crook of a large limb, taking a shower, yes, unabashedly in public, or at least sort of, as I was probably the only one able to see him. He's been back at the same place for 2 days, in the rain, preening and scratching and shaking and getting set for the day. I feel privileged to witness this each morning and thankful for my tree.

This is probably one of my regulars on the patio eating my birdseed! As you know, I put out several feeders with peanuts for the birds and squirrels. They love them and it saves a bit of the seed for the birds.

Blessings all. Enjoy your days...Elizabeth

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@johnbishop, @californiazebr,@loribmt,@gingerw,@grammy82, and all...
Here are the photos I promised. Still can't get them synced with my laptop for some reason. So, here they are from phone. I'm sitting in car waiting for heavy, very heavy storm goes by. Have groceries and some new candles, and stuff but stuck. So,here you go...
Blessings, Elizabeth threw in one of me in car...


@johnbishop, @californiazebr,@loribmt,@gingerw,@grammy82, and all...
Here are the photos I promised. Still can't get them synced with my laptop for some reason. So, here they are from phone. I'm sitting in car waiting for heavy, very heavy storm goes by. Have groceries and some new candles, and stuff but stuck. So,here you go...
Blessings, Elizabeth threw in one of me in car...

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Love the photos Elizabeth! Safe travels home!!


@johnbishop, @californiazebr,@loribmt,@gingerw,@grammy82, and all...
Here are the photos I promised. Still can't get them synced with my laptop for some reason. So, here they are from phone. I'm sitting in car waiting for heavy, very heavy storm goes by. Have groceries and some new candles, and stuff but stuck. So,here you go...
Blessings, Elizabeth threw in one of me in car...

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Hi Elizabeth. You have a green thumb by the looks of your plants. They’re all so healthy and lush! The orchid is so pretty and obviously happy in that window to bloom!

One thing this northern girl has got to ask is, How the heck do you look so fabulous while sitting in the car during a rainstorm. Your hair and makeup are perfection! When we’re in Florida no matter what I do I look like an unmade bed. Fortunately I’m usually on the beach with a big hat. So any hair that’s poking out looks ok. But what a lank and unkempt mop the rest of the time. I’m always in awe of southern belles and their ability to look stunning in the worst weather!
Thank you for the lovely photos!! I need to go brush my hair…hahaha. It’s hot and super humid in Wisconsin today. That’s not a good look on me at all, having lost my cherub-like demeanor by 9 this morning. 😂

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