Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Chronic Pain Support Group.

Hi, I’m Natalie. I’ve had Burning Mouth Syndrome for nearly 17 years now. It’s like hot charcoal sitting on my tongue.


Hi, I'm Debbie, a retired special ed teacher. I had back surgery in 2011 and still have chronic pain daily, even tho I'm on morphine, which is no longer helping. My pain dr refuses to speak to me about relief thru CBD or THC even tho I live in a legal state. Nothing helps and I need to know is it safe to try something like this because I also have diabetes adult onset , chronic kidney disease, hashimotos thyroid disease , and now there worried about me being extremely anemic, not iron related and my blood pressure is up. If anyone could let me know if they have a similiar situation I would like to connect please and thank you, to all who can help or have advice . Be safe and enjoy life, Debbie


Hi. My name is Ana i have had 2 back surgeries i get pain but it is not that bad. But for the last year i have sacroilitis that pain is so bad.pain runs down my thighs buttocks can't sit to long or stand to long getting steroids injection it helps a little. Am i going to have to live like this? I am 74 yrs old

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Hi Ana @titi2, welcome to Connect. I'm sorry for your sacroilitis pain. That sounds awful.

Here is a conversation about sacroilitis that may be helpful:

Is The Pain From Hip or Back -

Thankfully you do find some relief from injections. Does physical therapy or stretching help at all?


I'm Pat and I have chronic headaches. They were diagnosed as migraines but are mild, thank heavens, and more like sinus headaches. During the seven years I've struggled with chronic pain, I've tried a whole battery of treatments, from Aimovig shots to heavy duty prescription pills (Cataflam, Nortriptiline, etc) to medical marijuana, with mixed results. Currently I'm trying a cognitive behavioral approach and using Curable Health's app, that combines meditation, brain visualization, writing and education to relieve pain. It is helping so far but I still have pain.

Has anyone else tried the cognitive behavioral method?


I'm Pat and I have chronic headaches. They were diagnosed as migraines but are mild, thank heavens, and more like sinus headaches. During the seven years I've struggled with chronic pain, I've tried a whole battery of treatments, from Aimovig shots to heavy duty prescription pills (Cataflam, Nortriptiline, etc) to medical marijuana, with mixed results. Currently I'm trying a cognitive behavioral approach and using Curable Health's app, that combines meditation, brain visualization, writing and education to relieve pain. It is helping so far but I still have pain.

Has anyone else tried the cognitive behavioral method?

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I am a therapist by profession and living in a small community and of course I knew every therapist. I finally got my tush there and started work. After a while I started really working hard. She understood chronic pain, able to work well with my adhd and free to deal with me anger about the pain always feeling yucky. I also joined a women’s chronic pain and illness group. A huge pearl was understanding what my wife experiences as a result of my illness My North Star


Hi I'm Emilie,new member.Had Cholesytectomy 30th September, 4wks later feel it hasn't been removed,pain right side under ribs feels distended only now pain travels across stomach to left side &up under ribs,get gurgling noise,never experienced before,have intermittent hoarseness.Had CT scan on 17/1, technician said I had quite a bit scar tissue,but will have to wait 10 days for results from doctor.Its very waring.


49. Female Cauda Equina syndrome. Left leg numbness and constant pain. Take gabapentin etc. incurable condition. 1 year since 2nd surgery.


Hi, I’m Natalie. I’ve had Burning Mouth Syndrome for nearly 17 years now. It’s like hot charcoal sitting on my tongue.

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Hi, @dustycat52 , thank you for introducing yourself in this thread. Burning mouth syndrome does not sound pleasant at all. I'm able to somewhat relate as I have Central Sensitization Syndrome and have odd sensory symptoms throughout my body, including my mouth.

Natalie, after almost 17 years you must have some good coping skills. Do you care to share what helps you through discomfort?


Hi, I'm Debbie, a retired special ed teacher. I had back surgery in 2011 and still have chronic pain daily, even tho I'm on morphine, which is no longer helping. My pain dr refuses to speak to me about relief thru CBD or THC even tho I live in a legal state. Nothing helps and I need to know is it safe to try something like this because I also have diabetes adult onset , chronic kidney disease, hashimotos thyroid disease , and now there worried about me being extremely anemic, not iron related and my blood pressure is up. If anyone could let me know if they have a similiar situation I would like to connect please and thank you, to all who can help or have advice . Be safe and enjoy life, Debbie

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Hey there Debbie @razzydeb58, welcome to Connect. Thanks for joining the conversation. I think you'll find a good amount of support and experience here.

I'm sorry about your chronic back pain after having surgery. All too often surgery leaves behind an upregulation of chronic symptoms via the central nervous system, and the end result is chronic pain management. You have a plethora of things to manage, unfortunately.

Why does your PM doctor say he/she won't discuss THC or CBD? Have you spoke to your general practioner about how either may affect your diseases?


I'm Pat and I have chronic headaches. They were diagnosed as migraines but are mild, thank heavens, and more like sinus headaches. During the seven years I've struggled with chronic pain, I've tried a whole battery of treatments, from Aimovig shots to heavy duty prescription pills (Cataflam, Nortriptiline, etc) to medical marijuana, with mixed results. Currently I'm trying a cognitive behavioral approach and using Curable Health's app, that combines meditation, brain visualization, writing and education to relieve pain. It is helping so far but I still have pain.

Has anyone else tried the cognitive behavioral method?

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Hello Pat @patmcell, welcome, it's so nice to have you join us.

I have empathy for your struggle with migraine and chronic pain. You mention many treatments I also have tried yet never found adequate, lasting relief from.

Good for you and your exploration of CBT approach! Pain is a delicate space of understanding the difference between acute and chronic, and accepting that chronic does not leave, even with CBT, but learning skills and self-help tools to manage chronic pain is the best medicine we can give side effects that add to symptoms!

I have benefited from CBT, and have heard great things about the Curable App. Many members speak highly of Curable. You may want to check this conversation out:

Amazing Website App - Dealing with Chronic Pain through Curable App:


How long have you been using Curable? What has been your biggest help or takeaway thus far?

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