Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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Same thing happened to me and my daughter. We ended gaining over 30 pounds of weight since we caught Covid in May/22. I’m not sure if it was due to Covid or the two Pfizer shot or the combination of both, but our lives have been drastically affected. I now have nerve pain, I lost a ton of hair, I have vision issues, but the worst is the weight gain despite me not having changed anything about my diet and I even workout more, the weight just keeps climbing. We both have experienced joint issues my bones sound like they’re cracking constantly and our lower backs feel like the bones are grinding on each other, and really bad lower back pain. I’m 43 my daughter is 22, we have the same symptoms and we both got the Covid shots at the same time and Covid at the same time, This is how I know our issues are a direct result of the two. I have literally gone through 20 different types of supplements, diets you name it to lose the weight and nothing works. I also found out my DHEAS is elevated, and I never had an issue with that before ever. I also have zero energy to do anything and feel lethargic most of the time, no matter what I eat or how much I workout.

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To add, I also have trouble sleeping and my memory has gotten really bad in the course of a year


Its basically just a ton of anti oxidant vegetables, fruits, supplements. I will make a much more detailed post later but so far its helping a lot.

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Have you noticed anymore changes? Any tips to share?


I have a similar situation. I gain 10 pounds after my first case of COVID in 2021. Then I had it again in 2022 and gained another 10 pounds. I also feel that my weight gain was unwarranted. Nothing really changed with my diet and exercise. To test it, in April I really focused on getting a lot of exercise every day and logging over 10k steps a day for a month, and the scale never changed. Finally this past week, I have seen a decrease of 2 pounds! I'm hoping that my metabolism is starting to reset. I haven't done anything special to try to lose the weight lately. I figure I may just be stuck with it.


Yes I experienced this as well! I gained around 40 lbs within a six-month period after I got Covid last year. Luckily I had a great doctor who checked my thyroid antibodies and all this other blood work and saw that Covid triggered an autoimmune disease and that I had Hashimoto's. I went on Armour Thyroid and also she prescribed me Trizepetide and I have since gone back to my old weight.


Absolutely yes, gained 15#. It completely threw me off on activity level and exercise with exercise intolerance. For me activity level is the biggest calorie burn and both work together to keep me disciplined and balanced.


I have put on 23 pounds
Since June 16,2023.
I useto work and walked a lot at work
I have not been working due to long COVID.
I have no energy,brain fog,
Chest pain,nerve problems
I try to do things but Within about 1 hours I am so exhausted for serveral hrs.
Just tried of this !!!!I want my life back


I have put on 23 pounds
Since June 16,2023.
I useto work and walked a lot at work
I have not been working due to long COVID.
I have no energy,brain fog,
Chest pain,nerve problems
I try to do things but Within about 1 hours I am so exhausted for serveral hrs.
Just tried of this !!!!I want my life back

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I’m so sorry. I wish I could help.

Mine got better eventually. Relapses, but understand this may take you months to reset.

But I hear you.


I'm 50 years old, have always weighed 115-120 lbs since I was a teenager. I got covid and gained 35 lbs within 2 months.


i too have gained 35 lbs and can't get it off, my whole digestive system is a mess....when i lose a little my body fights me and i gain it right back....


Yes. Pack a lot of weight on. Won't even budge to come off.

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