Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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Ohhhh yea I had to stop that years ago to because it affected my bladder nerves 😢


It doesn't matter what you weigh because you know you are the same person!!! I gained 50lbs overnight honest. I have slowly gotten it off and you will to. Don’t be sooo hard on yourself. You take care of you!

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Thank you for this reminder! It’s so devastating to have no clue what’s happening in your own body…


Mine is the opposite, I weighed a very healthy and active 127 lbs at 5'4" and went down to 89 lbs at one point and I'm still not in the 3 digits. I've seen so many specialists, had soooooo many tests and no one can figure out why.

I just had a HIDA scan done and gallbladder is fine. This beast and man made weapon that Covid is has a mind of it's own and takes over our cells in our body wreaking havoc beyond imagination.

Hopefully soon they will figure it out and we can get the help we need.


I have gained 30+ lbs while dealing with post covid I have thyroiditis with hyperthyroidism blood results, have had multiple bouts of colitis and have a very limited diet with low calorie intake because of the Nausea and intention issues but my weight keeps going up and my doctors don’t seem to have any ideas besides the decrease in physical activity due to the fatigue - but I still get about 5k steps a day, so it’s not no activity… my weight was a steady 125 for 30 years before covid and it’s going up 5 to 10 lbs every couple of months. All my doctors say I should be having weight loss problems and seem baffled.


Hi @jamie08. Think so many posts validate the covid created weight issues that you and so many of us are told “this doesn't make sense” by those we seek help from whether PCP, dietitian, nutritionist, . . . Our brains, metabolism, thyroid, you name it, affected so seems time needed for those things to repair to enable weight management to be successful🙃 As with everything else on this indescribable journey, keep trying nutritional eating with small adjustments to figure out what specific food (s) allow your healthy weight management with your tolerated activity level. Literally took me months to find out how to keep my body from “starvation” mode that didnt fit the” norm” of how our metabolism or daily function should be affected🙃. Successful steps to everyones healing journey🌈


I have gained 50 in the last 28 months since I was diagnosed. I get it though, I am almost completely sedentary. I have been trying to go to the pool and walk 10 minutes a day. Such a difference from my old normal:)


I have gained 50 in the last 28 months since I was diagnosed. I get it though, I am almost completely sedentary. I have been trying to go to the pool and walk 10 minutes a day. Such a difference from my old normal:)

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I've gained about 8 lbs and eat much less than I did pre-Covid. I have attributed it to the reduction in physical activity. I used to take Aerobic Dancing, walk miles, garden, never sit down during the day - on and on. So frustrating because I'm a very healthy eater but can't seem to shed the lbs - clothes don't fit right, etc. I had COVID in August 2020. I still struggle with what I can do in a day - PEM is not good.


Yes! I was very active prior to this…now I have to make myself do activities. I did reevaluate what is important…I looked at what my values are … mine are family. It seems if I include my children/grands in activities I seem to do more:). The beach does it too…that was a big reason we moved to FL.

Crazy illness.
#covid sucks


I have gained 30+ lbs while dealing with post covid I have thyroiditis with hyperthyroidism blood results, have had multiple bouts of colitis and have a very limited diet with low calorie intake because of the Nausea and intention issues but my weight keeps going up and my doctors don’t seem to have any ideas besides the decrease in physical activity due to the fatigue - but I still get about 5k steps a day, so it’s not no activity… my weight was a steady 125 for 30 years before covid and it’s going up 5 to 10 lbs every couple of months. All my doctors say I should be having weight loss problems and seem baffled.

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same thing is happening to me, if you find an answer please post it here

im testing different diets and supplements but no luck so far.


I've had this fine new disease since February. I have very little appetite. I've actually lost around 20# and am not overweight at all. I'm looking quite frail.

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