Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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I’ve gained 24 lb since Covid. Have now lost 9 of it after 45 days (slow). I’ve been able to do a slow pace on treadmill & for only 25 min (pre-Covid- fast pace for an hour). What perplexing is that I have to have a 1000 calorie deficit to drop any weight at all! So, if I only eat 1000, I need to burn 2000 calories. Doesn’t make sense! Anyone out there have this issue or found a solution???


Me, too. My weight's always been stable, and I work at it and exercise. Some tendency also to fluid retention. But since Covid Aug 22, gained 24 lbs and retain a lot of water all the time. Internal medicine told me yesterday it was my fault. I should go to a dietitian to look at my diet. He suggested I binge eat! He said only two reasons one gains weight: diet and/or exercise. I've always exercised to the limit of my ability. Not a good doctor. I'm so mad. And mad at myself I didn't set him straight. Good luck with b12. My energy's low, too.

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I'm so sorry about this. Im running into the same problem.

I've been fit all my life and never had a problem losing or gaining weight.

Now with long covid I've gained 30 lbs and I'm stuck at the same weight no matter what I do.

It feels like mostly water weight which is why I'm going to a mens health clinic soon to check hormones since my PCP has no idea what to do.


I have gain a lot of weight, lost a lot of weight, and gained again for over 2 1/2 years. I have no appetite, I set alarms to remember to eat. I eat 3 small meals, with 2 small snacks between meals.

I recently gain 30 lbs in 3 months. My PCP is an internal specialist whom I have been going to for many years. We reviewed what has changed since my last visit. We found out the medication my neurologist gave me for pain has a side effect of weight gain. The medication was bumped slowly until I was taking 3x the start dosage (but still did not help). My PCP wanted me to gradually reduced and stop the med. Since stopping the med, my weight has been coming off.


Severe Covid-19 with related sepsis in late March 2020. Hospitalized. Was a very healthy 62-yr-old, healthy diet, singer, racewalking daily. No physical problems. Long Covid has demolished me.

Three years in, vaxxed and boostered. Exhaustion, brain fog, and a severe cough that has permanently damaged my vocal chords.

Within the first year of LC, I gained 40 pounds even though the coughing was (and still is) so bad that I live primarily on smoothies, water, protein drinks. Suddenly was pre-diabetic (no issues prior) and my previously lifelong low blood pressure is now high (no family history of high BP). Also within first year of LC my hair came out in handfuls, and finally cut my waist-long hair super short. I no longer recognize myself in any way.

The physical challenges are awful. But the loss of so much of my identity as a healthy singer and racewalker who fit into normal-sized clothing and had long hair (always a part of my personal identity) into a body I no longer understand, and that prevents me from getting my life back, is devastating.

I never give up or give in, but I don't recognize myself physically, mentally, or emotionally now.


Severe Covid-19 with related sepsis in late March 2020. Hospitalized. Was a very healthy 62-yr-old, healthy diet, singer, racewalking daily. No physical problems. Long Covid has demolished me.

Three years in, vaxxed and boostered. Exhaustion, brain fog, and a severe cough that has permanently damaged my vocal chords.

Within the first year of LC, I gained 40 pounds even though the coughing was (and still is) so bad that I live primarily on smoothies, water, protein drinks. Suddenly was pre-diabetic (no issues prior) and my previously lifelong low blood pressure is now high (no family history of high BP). Also within first year of LC my hair came out in handfuls, and finally cut my waist-long hair super short. I no longer recognize myself in any way.

The physical challenges are awful. But the loss of so much of my identity as a healthy singer and racewalker who fit into normal-sized clothing and had long hair (always a part of my personal identity) into a body I no longer understand, and that prevents me from getting my life back, is devastating.

I never give up or give in, but I don't recognize myself physically, mentally, or emotionally now.

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I know how you are feeling. I am not able to do a lot of the things I loved to do. I was very crafty. I could transform anything into beautiful objects.

For 13 years, I worked in a health center with elderly people. Most of the time, I worked in the Dementia unit. All this time the residents would tell me that they can not do what they use to. I had the joy to show them they could still do them, with a little modification.

Luckily I have used that thinking after Covid. Things I do are broken down into small steps that can be done in days. I purchased raised beds to grow flowers, so I have to get up and take care of them. I make a bouquet everyday, and sell it roadside at my house. Selling was another task that I had to get up and do something rather than dwelling on what I can not do anymore.

Try to find something that can be broken down into small tasks that will give you something to focus on.


Just a note— the heavy doses of HRT I was on (after I had my child ) was thrown completely out of whack post Covid. My hormone test showed negligible estrogen, and I was on the highest dose poss. It leveled out eventually, but every period my world is rocked.
I lost weight during Covid, but during last 2 long haul surges I have gained a bunch. My thyroid has been off, and all other hormones.
This is NOT intended to be a downer comment…. Just putting out another experience: I was on Hormone Replacement Therapy and had a stable thyroid pre-Covid . Afterwards, it became a Yahtzee game each time I was tested— new numbers every roll. Very frustrating. It’s a theme Ive noticed with female sufferers. ( I gain some peace in this: an elderly male Obgyn said abt women during menopause, “it’s calories in gotta equal calories out.” His nurse, once he left, rolled her eyes and said “he doesn’t know what he’s talking about…” !!!)

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It doesn't matter what you weigh because you know you are the same person!!! I gained 50lbs overnight honest. I have slowly gotten it off and you will to. Don’t be sooo hard on yourself. You take care of you!


Seems to be a common issue but doctors aren't taking it seriously.

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I’m in the same boat! I did Noom and lost 30lbs…got COVID and now I’m back up 20 and I look pregnant. To say I’m devastated is an understatement. I wish they could figure it out and give answers and solutions.


I’m in the same boat! I did Noom and lost 30lbs…got COVID and now I’m back up 20 and I look pregnant. To say I’m devastated is an understatement. I wish they could figure it out and give answers and solutions.

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Our son still carrying huge gut and extra weight after over a year. Diuretics have helped some -- he lost maybe 30 of the 50 he gained. He has a physical job on his feet for 8 hours and eats right. Doesn't sleep well. Dr. Just shrugs and can't explain. All of his blood work is normal. I'm worried but can't get him to get a second opinion.


I have gain a lot of weight, lost a lot of weight, and gained again for over 2 1/2 years. I have no appetite, I set alarms to remember to eat. I eat 3 small meals, with 2 small snacks between meals.

I recently gain 30 lbs in 3 months. My PCP is an internal specialist whom I have been going to for many years. We reviewed what has changed since my last visit. We found out the medication my neurologist gave me for pain has a side effect of weight gain. The medication was bumped slowly until I was taking 3x the start dosage (but still did not help). My PCP wanted me to gradually reduced and stop the med. Since stopping the med, my weight has been coming off.

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What med. If you don’t mind me asking?

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