Anyone else experience Weight Gain with long COVID?

Posted by RMS @rinadbq, Oct 8, 2021

I have had ~30 pound weight gain since November 2020 when I initially had COVID. It seems disproportionate to my calorie intake. Any one else with this?

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I see I'm not alone! I'm 50 years old male and it's been one year since I got covid in Oct, 2022.
Since then my metabolism changed. I gained 40lbs in 3 months most prominent in the belly. Even diet and doing exercises don't prevent me from gaining weight.
In this year there were two separate weird weeks when the water was spontaneously drained out of my body. I couldn't stop peeing and lost 2lbs each time during these weeks Then my body went back to the new normal, retaining all the water it possibly can and I quickly recovered all I had lost.
I didn't see any doctor yet, it makes me depressed so I decided not to keep track of my weight anymore and try to stay on a diet and keep working out until hopefully my body starts to function again like it was my entire life before covid.


at least there's a study now, look for "Study shows COVID-19 induces body fat and other metabolic changes"

"...The study uncovered that despite following a weight-control diet and consuming fewer calories, the TF% of COVID-19 patients surged over 2% after infection. They also had elevated fasting blood glucose, insulin, and IR compared to uninfected controls.

Future studies should investigate the possible mechanism governing changes in TF% and FFM in COVID-19 subjects. Nevertheless, the study findings could inform customized nutrition therapy to improve COVID-19 outcomes."


Yes, I had Covid in July 2022. In six months Post Covid I gained 60 pounds with no change in my diet. I have tried my usual go to if weight creeps up too high, Weight Watchers. No change. It’s like my metabolism has changed. Dealing with long Covid for the past year. First diagnosis was lymphedema of the lower extremities. I was treated for that for a few months, and by using compression stockings daily and a compression pump for an hour at night that condition is totally under control with no more swelling. I am also being treated with medication daily for an overactive bladder that developed during Covid last year. Shortness of breath on slight exertion developed a few months after testing positive for Covid. I was recently diagnosed with bronchial asthma by a pulmonary doctor. I use a rescue inhaler as needed. Daytime sleepiness post Covid led to a sleep study. The first night of testing I was out on oxygen at 2 AM because the pulse o meter reading was 85% where it should read 95-100. I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea, and the CPAP machine has become my new best friend. I am now getting 6-7 hours sleep each night, only waking up once to use the bathroom. I had been waking 5 times a night, having no idea what woke me up, never gasping for air. I’d try using the bathroom, and thankfully I’d be able to fall back to sleep, although it was disrupted. I’ve had body aches all over in the morning, especially in my joints. My post Covid recovery clinic nurse practitioner referred me to a rheumatologist. He sent me for extensive bloodwork. Based on the bloodwork results I’ve been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and am being treated with medication. Although I’m 72, I was not taking any medication on a daily basis prior to having Covid in 6/22. I am thankful that I am finally getting answers for what has been going on in my body for the past year. Right now, I’ve had to stay away from the scale as not to get depressed. I can still wear the same skirts, pants, and leggings that I wore prior to Covid. But, I’ve gone from XL top to 3X with larger bra size, not expected of a 71 year old😳


Pat814- I feel your pain. I experienced the same scenario when I got Covid in April 2022. Within weeks , while still testing positive, I gained over 10 lbs, which made little sense since I had no taste or smell and was barely eating. As a lifetime member of WW, I went back on plan when I was “recovered “. Well months later and still no weight loss, like you, I fit into my pants, although I was getting a tummy bulge, but no longer could wear my bras, I went up 3 cup sizes. Fast forward to almost 18 months later when I finally got in to see an endocrinologist, I got the answers I needed, I was now insulin resistant and considered pre diabetic. I’m sure this was all brought on by Covid, but I started following a diabetic diet instead of WW, and while it’s been 6 weeks, I’ve finally lost 4lb.


at least there's a study now, look for "Study shows COVID-19 induces body fat and other metabolic changes"

"...The study uncovered that despite following a weight-control diet and consuming fewer calories, the TF% of COVID-19 patients surged over 2% after infection. They also had elevated fasting blood glucose, insulin, and IR compared to uninfected controls.

Future studies should investigate the possible mechanism governing changes in TF% and FFM in COVID-19 subjects. Nevertheless, the study findings could inform customized nutrition therapy to improve COVID-19 outcomes."

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I did have covid in 2020 and gained 20 pounds since. I did think it was because I was home due to illness and ate more, though.


I am sorry for everyone but glad to know it is COVID that has done this. I gained 50 pounds while barely eating. After 3 years I still have issues eating. There are so many foods I do not like or smell horrific. I can't eat large amounts of food at one sitting. My weight fluctuates up to 20 pounds at a time. I have gastroparesis which also plays a role in this. The gastroparesis is part of what COVID is doing to me. It has attacked my autonomic nervous system. I can't exercise due to extreme pain and exhaustion. I am seeing a PT who is helping and have a bit more energy but still have a long way to go. I am 52 but was very healthy prior to COVID. I ate well and exercised. My last blood work showed very elevated blood sugar. Thank you for the information about being insulin resistant. I am going to check on this. I can't stand how fat I am when I barely eat. I hope we all find a way to get past this!


I am sorry for everyone but glad to know it is COVID that has done this. I gained 50 pounds while barely eating. After 3 years I still have issues eating. There are so many foods I do not like or smell horrific. I can't eat large amounts of food at one sitting. My weight fluctuates up to 20 pounds at a time. I have gastroparesis which also plays a role in this. The gastroparesis is part of what COVID is doing to me. It has attacked my autonomic nervous system. I can't exercise due to extreme pain and exhaustion. I am seeing a PT who is helping and have a bit more energy but still have a long way to go. I am 52 but was very healthy prior to COVID. I ate well and exercised. My last blood work showed very elevated blood sugar. Thank you for the information about being insulin resistant. I am going to check on this. I can't stand how fat I am when I barely eat. I hope we all find a way to get past this!

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Wow! For over a year since Covid, July 2022, I have been telling Drs that my illness has been Covid related. I would get bloated, gassy, feel like I was 6 months pregnant. As soon as I ate something I was extremely full and would wake up this way. Feeling this way since September 2022. Even though I was eating 1 meal a day or two at the most, I gained 10 lbs since last year.

I was just diagnosed with Gastroparesis but was told I should be losing weight if this is what I have. Now hearing all of you, the weight gain makes more sense.

I haven't had a Dr that took me seriously about all of this. I've been told my many to "eat less". That's all I've been doing for the past year but no one believes me!

I, too went on WW, which always works for me and couldn't drop a lb.

Thank you for making me feel that I'm not crazy. I wish more Drs knew about all the side effects of Covid!


Wow! For over a year since Covid, July 2022, I have been telling Drs that my illness has been Covid related. I would get bloated, gassy, feel like I was 6 months pregnant. As soon as I ate something I was extremely full and would wake up this way. Feeling this way since September 2022. Even though I was eating 1 meal a day or two at the most, I gained 10 lbs since last year.

I was just diagnosed with Gastroparesis but was told I should be losing weight if this is what I have. Now hearing all of you, the weight gain makes more sense.

I haven't had a Dr that took me seriously about all of this. I've been told my many to "eat less". That's all I've been doing for the past year but no one believes me!

I, too went on WW, which always works for me and couldn't drop a lb.

Thank you for making me feel that I'm not crazy. I wish more Drs knew about all the side effects of Covid!

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Post covid I developed lymphedema, swelling of the lower extremities. After treatment at a local Lymphedema Clinic I asked about a keto diet plan. They recommended a Lymphedema diet, basically eating anti-inflammatory foods. I eliminated gluten from my diet which eliminated the constant stomach bloating after eating. I had hoped to lose weight, but it hangs on especially in the belly and chest. I went up two top sizes, but can wear the same size pants. Still hanging onto the 60 pounds gained in 6 months. I mostly stay away from the scale and try to eat healthy.


I too have gained more than 20 pounds since having COVID in Sept. 2022. I thought it was due to inactivity but given I have had less of an appetite, that should have sort of equaled out. And with the fatigue and breathlessness and my increased heart rate exercise is not a good idea at this time. I too am staying away from my scale and just praying that somehow this all gets better??? Or that the medical community has some research based approaches for all of the issues. The hardest part is the depression that I feel as a result of having to quit work and not being as connected to life. And I hate that I can't do more with my high school aged daughter. This is way harder than breast cancer that I dealt with for two years with three surgeries and years of drugs.


I have been experiencing the same thing now a year later. It was so fast I thought I was going crazy. I went from 145 to 180 in a matter of months nonstop. My physician thought it was hormones because I had just turned 46 and maybe I was going thru the change. I was told I was pre-diabetic she had me on ozempic which I believe led to the last 20lb jump. It’s been so depressing nothing fits me I look like I am pregnant or just had a baby. My hands feet legs and belly are so swollen and puffy. I stay with gastric issues I am scheduled for a colonoscopy soon. No one is listening about the weight gain being because of COVID. I have been working out swimming diving snorkeling hot yoga nothing helps. I am not a bad eater so my doctor to me to eat more. Nothing works. I have lost 3lbs and that’s with fasting for a few days. I have worked hard to maintain a healthy weight and now I feel crappy gassy bloated and very sore and tired a lot. I hope a remedy comes soon it’s hard seeing my self like this and nothing I do works.

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