Wanted: Organ Transplant Recipients Who Have Been Hit By a Car

Posted by Rosemary, Volunteer Mentor @rosemarya, Feb 26, 2018

"Are there any transplant recipients of any organ who have been hit by a car? How did you recover? What helped you to recover from the multiple injuries?
I am posting this discussion question on behalf of one of our members,
@glinda who has recently been hit by a car and asked me to do it for her. Due to multiple injuries, she may not be able to respond right now and can read your messages.
Your support and encouragement will be appreciated as she recovers.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Transplants Support Group.


Spring does exist! Here are some columbines that I saw blooming in the woods today on a hike. They are actually growing out of the side of a huge rock. I don’t think it matters it this is right my side up or sideways!
(it did turn out sideways. The bottom is on your right!)

Sending warm sunshine thoughts to you, Glinda.

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And keep on walking it maybe with help from the staff and physical and occupational therapy but I'm walking and that's all that matters to me it's a little painful but I can handle it my knees don't want to bend all the way yet but that's ok I'm walking and that's all that matters I will be home by the middle of June if not before


Spring does exist! Here are some columbines that I saw blooming in the woods today on a hike. They are actually growing out of the side of a huge rock. I don’t think it matters it this is right my side up or sideways!
(it did turn out sideways. The bottom is on your right!)

Sending warm sunshine thoughts to you, Glinda.

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@glinda ...you go girl!


Spring does exist! Here are some columbines that I saw blooming in the woods today on a hike. They are actually growing out of the side of a huge rock. I don’t think it matters it this is right my side up or sideways!
(it did turn out sideways. The bottom is on your right!)

Sending warm sunshine thoughts to you, Glinda.

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Once again, I have to say that your attitude is an inspiration for all of us.

I am super amazed at the progress and at the rate that you have seen improvement in the last few days. I feel pretty sure that the staff is more than happy to take you on those walks.
I can honestly say that I know how good it feels to walk. And how wonderful it is to be able to strut down the hallway with your walker! (I needed PT when I was hospitalized prior to my transplant. And I also depenmded on a walker for stability and support.) I remember counting my steps and as feeling the rewards of that hard work. I am celebrating with you and for you.

Home is a beautiful word. And home for the summer, is even better.


Spring does exist! Here are some columbines that I saw blooming in the woods today on a hike. They are actually growing out of the side of a huge rock. I don’t think it matters it this is right my side up or sideways!
(it did turn out sideways. The bottom is on your right!)

Sending warm sunshine thoughts to you, Glinda.

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@glinda, Setbacks can happen. It is okay to feel frustrated along the way.


Spring does exist! Here are some columbines that I saw blooming in the woods today on a hike. They are actually growing out of the side of a huge rock. I don’t think it matters it this is right my side up or sideways!
(it did turn out sideways. The bottom is on your right!)

Sending warm sunshine thoughts to you, Glinda.

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@glinda I am so happy for you. We always knew you would succeed but I know the feeling of doubt that you experienced.
I really do feel excited for you to have made this step foward in your progress! I am the type of person who can enjoy experiences vicariously so I am enjoying your progress too!


Spring does exist! Here are some columbines that I saw blooming in the woods today on a hike. They are actually growing out of the side of a huge rock. I don’t think it matters it this is right my side up or sideways!
(it did turn out sideways. The bottom is on your right!)

Sending warm sunshine thoughts to you, Glinda.

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@glinda it will be so wonderful for you to be home in time to enjoy nice summer weather. You are really on the home stretch, congratulations!


Spring does exist! Here are some columbines that I saw blooming in the woods today on a hike. They are actually growing out of the side of a huge rock. I don’t think it matters it this is right my side up or sideways!
(it did turn out sideways. The bottom is on your right!)

Sending warm sunshine thoughts to you, Glinda.

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@glinda your progress makes me truly happy for you. Keep it up.


Happy Day! happy Mother’s Day to you.
My rhododendron are in bloom! I want to share them with you.


Happy Day! happy Mother’s Day to you.
My rhododendron are in bloom! I want to share them with you.

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Thank you Rosemary happy mother's day to you too I love them they are beautiful I have some pink carnations in a vase in my room my friend Micky brought them to me a week and a half ago and I still have some that are blooming I love plants and flowers especially the blooming ones


@glnda, How is the walking coming along? I bet it is getting easier and smoother for you to stroll down the hall. Have you been able to walk outside, yet?
Last year my son was cleaning out their garden and he gave me this ‘pink’ rose - I think someone else got the pink one. I love how vibrant this red was in the sun yesterday!
Anyway, I just want you to know we are still here!

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