Lonely and Just want to talk with virtual friends here

Posted by EllAmster @ellamster, Jun 6, 2022

Due to 'life' I never had the opportunity to make friends. I hardly ever went out, am single, and feel desperately lonely. I can take care of myself and always have but have learned my caring skills weren't particularly good. They kept me alive but I have not lived.
No holidays, trips, bar, no beach or forest, nothing. And no friends to go out with or to simply have a chat.
I still work and I think my clients would be perplexed. They know me as a sunny and mischievous teacher who pulls their legs so they learn more, and trick them into doing things wrong to help understand it all even better. Little do they know. I am very alone and lonely. Being alone is not that big of a biggie: I know how to do that. But the loneliness is hollowing me out.
I wondered about making friends. I never had friends, I feel very awkward about friendship. I miss the person I am with clients in my daily life. I really would like someone to chat with. It would be so nice to even fall in love. To feel I am being loved. I never had that. It's so strange to realise so many are loved; is it normal to be loved, to find someone who loves you? Or is it the golden shine of being lucky and blessed enough to find this?

It would do me a lot of good to find people to chat with. Video for instance would be nice to get to know people. To chat, have a virtual cup of tea, or a real one of course! And to not be too ashamed of myself to hide behind the smiles and fun but to open up and maybe one day even be accepted.

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Yes, I’ve watched it. Great film. He’s also written many great books: The Botany of Desire comes to mind, and This Is Your Mind on Plants. Sadly, there is such a stigma associated with drugs, and so many draconian and needless laws and rules around drug use (unless they’re societally approved drugs) that research is barely possible and the prisons are stuffed.



I would love to talk to you. I too am single and lonely.

Feel free to contact me via Mayo Discussions.

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Hello Nazleer,
Thanks for your reply. I have a lot of questions. First off, why are you single and lonely? I know why I am. Secondly, I like to discuss what is happening in the world. Full disclosure: I am a progressive Democrat. If you are not, I am not sure if we have anything to discuss. Thirdly, I am anti religion. I think this has been divisive, especially now. So if still would like to chat, get back to me.


Hello Nazleer,
Thanks for your reply. I have a lot of questions. First off, why are you single and lonely? I know why I am. Secondly, I like to discuss what is happening in the world. Full disclosure: I am a progressive Democrat. If you are not, I am not sure if we have anything to discuss. Thirdly, I am anti religion. I think this has been divisive, especially now. So if still would like to chat, get back to me.

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You GO, Marilyn 😹
It's good to set some basic ground rules. On the other hand I have enjoyed The Guardian articles 'Dining across the divide'. This is the latest one: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/sep/29/dining-across-divide-love-to-see-lefty-lucy-again


Hello Nazleer,
Thanks for your reply. I have a lot of questions. First off, why are you single and lonely? I know why I am. Secondly, I like to discuss what is happening in the world. Full disclosure: I am a progressive Democrat. If you are not, I am not sure if we have anything to discuss. Thirdly, I am anti religion. I think this has been divisive, especially now. So if still would like to chat, get back to me.

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How sad that if one does not hold the same political and spiritual points of view as you then there is no use talking. I think we so need an attitude of open minded inquiry in public and private life today, well, always.


How sad that if one does not hold the same political and spiritual points of view as you then there is no use talking. I think we so need an attitude of open minded inquiry in public and private life today, well, always.

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Yes 😊
I really like that series because it brings together people who otherwise would not get to talk, it is fun and endearing, I love it. I also like to be surprised and if we would all think alike it would really be boring. Respect and appreciation are key. 💖


You have a point. However we have become so divisive. It has become so bad that you really cannot express your viewpoint anymore. So I just decided to be upfront.


Yes 😊
I really like that series because it brings together people who otherwise would not get to talk, it is fun and endearing, I love it. I also like to be surprised and if we would all think alike it would really be boring. Respect and appreciation are key. 💖

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What series, please?


You have a point. However we have become so divisive. It has become so bad that you really cannot express your viewpoint anymore. So I just decided to be upfront.

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I think the divisiveness is created by one party, or both, let's just start with being open. Respect, a sense of humour (and being able to accept being teased), it's all in the game. But when it gets nasty yes, get out of there!


Hello Nazleer,
Thanks for your reply. I have a lot of questions. First off, why are you single and lonely? I know why I am. Secondly, I like to discuss what is happening in the world. Full disclosure: I am a progressive Democrat. If you are not, I am not sure if we have anything to discuss. Thirdly, I am anti religion. I think this has been divisive, especially now. So if still would like to chat, get back to me.

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Thanks for your response and your frankness. If we can talk about other subjects besides politics and religion (not my favorite) then we are a match.

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