Thoracic aortic aneurysm: Anyone had surgery?

Posted by jbsb93 @jbsb93, Jul 28, 2011

I was born with a hole in my heart and have had 2 surgeries. One to fix hole and the other a valve replacement. I've been recently told the I have a thoracic aneurysm and possibly will need more surgery.. Anyone gone th ru this before??

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My aneurysm was 6mm and I was in the hospital for a week until they could get my blood stable with my blood thinners.


My aneurysm was 6mm. I was hospitalized for a week until they could stabilize my blood on the blood thinners.


I was diagnosed by accident with a thoracic aorta aneurysm in 2011. I had no symptoms but was sent to have an ultrasound because I was overweight and had high blood pressure. I had a St. Jude
mechanical heart valve and complete artery replacement. It was a difficult surgery and recovery but so far has been successful. The only downside is taking blood thinners for the rest of my life. I didn't realize that had it ruptured I would probably have died within 15 minutes. I believe they call it the widow maker.
I am now a member of the zipper club.
I still have frequent stress tests, ultrasounds ekg and blood tests.

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Hello @purpleturtle and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. I see that this is just your second post since joining Connect and I'm pleased that you posted information about your experience with thoracic aortic aneurysm.

I'm sure you are glad that it was discovered before it ruptured. It is good to know that your recovery, while difficult at first, is coming along. It is especially helpful when members like you post about rare conditions because it gives other members hope about their journey. I would like to invite you to conversations with others who are facing this type of aneurysm. It would be helpful for them to be able to post with someone who has been through the surgery.

Do you recall the size of the aneurysm when it was discovered? How long were you hospitalized after the surgery?


I was diagnosed by accident with a thoracic aorta aneurysm in 2011. I had no symptoms but was sent to have an ultrasound because I was overweight and had high blood pressure. I had a St. Jude
mechanical heart valve and complete artery replacement. It was a difficult surgery and recovery but so far has been successful. The only downside is taking blood thinners for the rest of my life. I didn't realize that had it ruptured I would probably have died within 15 minutes. I believe they call it the widow maker.
I am now a member of the zipper club.
I still have frequent stress tests, ultrasounds ekg and blood tests.


Hello, I was diagnosed in 2009 with 4.8 cm. The aneurysm is just next to Valve Dr stated the chances of death were much greater with Surgery than odds of artery failure. I also have CKD so I am unable to have a dye CST to determine size. Worry sometimes.

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I have AAA (Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm) 4.3 cm. That is Ascending Aorta. I also have Descending Aneurysm 2.8 cm and 2 Iliac Aneurysms one 0.8 cm and the other 1.2 cm. My Vascular doc says the Descending and the Iliacs need to be 5 cm before they consider doing anything, and then all 3 of those would be fixed with an Angiogram Angioplasti. The Ascending needs to be 7 cm before they even consider surgery, which has to be done by a Cardiovascular Heart Surgeon. Bascally open heart surgery but not involving the heart itself, because the Aneurysm is not in the heart area, it is in the stomach area. My AAA Aneurysm was found in 2015 measuring 3.7 cm so is not really growing rapidly. I cannot have Contrast due to my kidney issues, so they do MRI's without contrast to keep an eye on them once a year. If my AAA reaches 5.5 cm they will do MRI every 6 months and my other Aneurysms once they reach 4 cm they will do MRI once every 6 months also. Being 81, I really don't think the Aneurysms will have anything to do with life ending for me. More likely it will be my CKD and since it was cancer I could not get on a transplant list. I would suggest you ask your doctor about an MRI so you at least know where you stand. I cannot have CT Scans either because CT Scans basically need the Contrast to see what needs to be seen.


What is the current measurement ? 4.9 gives you a fair bit of leeway I would think. I have al arger measurement and more recent measurement . The treatment is similar to you. See my problems in Introduction to Aortic Aneurism . Incidentally I had my pacemaker lead repositioned successfully two weeks ago.


Hello, I was diagnosed in 2009 with 4.8 cm. The aneurysm is just next to Valve Dr stated the chances of death were much greater with Surgery than odds of artery failure. I also have CKD so I am unable to have a dye CST to determine size. Worry sometimes.


Hello everyone in the Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm group. Today Mayo Clinic produced a Q&A on this topic. It is about 10 minutes and length. Here is the link to the video


Had a video appointment today instead of annual echo since dr is not concerned based on stable small size. Mine was 4.6 then 4.4 then 4.3 tbd in 6 months hopefully COVID concerns settle down. Thinks maybe when I’m 80 will need valve work. I hope that’s the case. Hope all are well



I hope the cardiologist your going to see next week will give you a valid information. Based on what I see, I don't think you have to worry that much. I am much younger than you (43 years old) with the same size of ascending aorta. Based on the what I know the older you get the bigger the size of Aorta. What that mean is that, given the same size, mine is worse as compare to yours. To compare the previous size with the current one, you have to measure with the same technology. Don't think, the size grew by 0.2 cm after last year. This may be due to margin of error due to the two technology. Unless, you have observable symptom in you daily health such as chest pain, tiredness OR other underlying health conditions, don't worry that much. Ask the Cardiologist about the root of Ascending Aorta from the Echo, that is the key to make surgery decision due to the risk. Since you have tri-cuspid aortic valve, yours is far from surgery recommendation. I think for tricuspid, the guideline is 5.5 cm based on The Society of Thoracic Surgeons. For bicuspid it is 5 cm. It may take the next 10 years for you to get to the 5.5 cm recommendation. Update me what the cardiologist said next week. Please don't worry!

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How is everyone during this pandemic , I hope ok

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