Has anybody successfully tapered off of lorazepam (Ativan)?

Posted by healthlady22 @healthlady22, Feb 5, 2019

Has anybody successfully managed to successfully wean off of Lorazepam?
If so how was it done?
And if it was by way of switching to other drugs, were you then able to taper off of those entirely under a doctor's guidance?
My husband has been on Lorazepam for 16 years
He did well for 14 years, but dragged his feet about trying to withdraw while he was feeling better.
In May he had a relapse of anxiety, and insomnia, with brain fog, heart palpitations, and more.
Currently he's doing better, thinking better, but still feels like crap a large part of the time, can't sleep without the drug, can't nap.and still struggles with anxiety.
At this point, I believe it's the drug that is actually causing the problem. Currently he's doing 1 mg at bedtime and 3/4 mg when he wakes up at 2:30 am.
I know it takes 2 years for the brains GABA receptors to normalize after taking Benzodiazepines.
Also know it's really hard to withdraw, has to be done extremely slowly, and the side effects are exactly the same as the symptoms it is meant to help.
My goal is to eventually wean him off of all drugs as functional health tests show they block his nutritional absorption and may be damaging his intestinal lining. I would like to be able to repair his health using nutrition, supplements, and neurotransmitter amino acids.
All feedback is welcomed!

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You are so lucky your taper is going well! I cannot sleep on my .5 taer so went back to taking 1 mg at night. I am tapering per my request to my doctor. I don't know if I can accomplish this. The sleepless nights and the nightmares every night are literally driving me to thoughts of suicide.

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What does your doctor say about your suicidal thoughts?


You are so lucky your taper is going well! I cannot sleep on my .5 taer so went back to taking 1 mg at night. I am tapering per my request to my doctor. I don't know if I can accomplish this. The sleepless nights and the nightmares every night are literally driving me to thoughts of suicide.

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@lindasmith1222 I am also curious what your doctor says about your thoughts and nightmares. What was the reason he wanted you to taper off of it? Were you having side effects?


@lindasmith1222 I am also curious what your doctor says about your thoughts and nightmares. What was the reason he wanted you to taper off of it? Were you having side effects?

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Greetings and a happy new year wish to you. I didn't tell my doctor about suicidal ideation because I don't want to be forced into a hospitalization. I won't kill myself, but not staying alive for myself, but do not want to leave my husband, children and grandchildren that way. My nightmares were dealt with by being prescribed Prazosin which is a high blood pressure medicine that is given to veterans experiencing nightmares and who have PTSD. This never worked for me, in fact, made my nightmares worse, like horror story type dreams. I asked to be tapered due to a move to another state where, even though benzos are type 4 medications, they might be impossible to be prescribed by a doctor here. I didn't even try because I don't want to be labeled a drug addict.


Hi @ch2232 and welcome. You'll see that I move your post to a discussion about tapering so you could connect with member like
@kmhickey13, @jakedduck1, @layla26 who have been through similar experiences.

Have you had any negative side effects so far?


Hi @ch2232 and welcome. You'll see that I move your post to a discussion about tapering so you could connect with member like
@kmhickey13, @jakedduck1, @layla26 who have been through similar experiences.

Have you had any negative side effects so far?

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Not so far. Just more nervous about what might happen.


You are so lucky your taper is going well! I cannot sleep on my .5 taer so went back to taking 1 mg at night. I am tapering per my request to my doctor. I don't know if I can accomplish this. The sleepless nights and the nightmares every night are literally driving me to thoughts of suicide.

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I am so very sorry to hear this! I am always here if you need someone to talk to, please reach out!! I have no idea why it's gone smooth so far but the thought of tapering further honestly does scare me no matter how badly I want to be off of it. I miss life so much before ativan but it did help I will not lie. There was a time I couldn't sleep at all. I wish you the best and happy new year to you


I am so very sorry to hear this! I am always here if you need someone to talk to, please reach out!! I have no idea why it's gone smooth so far but the thought of tapering further honestly does scare me no matter how badly I want to be off of it. I miss life so much before ativan but it did help I will not lie. There was a time I couldn't sleep at all. I wish you the best and happy new year to you

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The other day I decided to take a half of .5 but I had an anxious night I'm not sure if it was mindset related or not. So I'm sticking with .5 for a while. I am thankful for my Dr. she really cares, understands me and take the time to listen. She's told me encouraging things about other patients she has tapered off successfully. The unknown is terrifying.


Do you have another strategy in place in case your anxiety increases as you taper?
I believe it's better to be safe than sorry which is why I often go more slowly than what doctors sometimes suggest.
I definitely wouldn't decrease the dose by 50% as you plan. I'd decrease it by 25% max and probably less. I would stay on each dose for at least 2 weeks before cutting the dose again.
If you have any withdrawal symptoms you can always increase your dose.
Many people have no problems going off these medications and you may be one of them. So if you want to go faster and risk potential withdrawal symptoms that's up to you. If you have withdrawals you can always increase your dose at that point and then begin a slower taper.
I hope you stop worrying about the taper since it won't help anything and will probably make things worse.
Are you seeing a counselor?
THINK POSITIVE AND TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME. No need to borrow trouble. 99% of the things we worry about never happen anyway so what’s the point? The other one percent is going to happen anyway regardless so just deal with whatever comes up with a positive attitude.
Best of luck to you.


Greetings and a happy new year wish to you. I didn't tell my doctor about suicidal ideation because I don't want to be forced into a hospitalization. I won't kill myself, but not staying alive for myself, but do not want to leave my husband, children and grandchildren that way. My nightmares were dealt with by being prescribed Prazosin which is a high blood pressure medicine that is given to veterans experiencing nightmares and who have PTSD. This never worked for me, in fact, made my nightmares worse, like horror story type dreams. I asked to be tapered due to a move to another state where, even though benzos are type 4 medications, they might be impossible to be prescribed by a doctor here. I didn't even try because I don't want to be labeled a drug addict.

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Linda, Until a couple of days ago, I felt exactly the way you do: staying alive not for my sake but the sake of a couple of people in my life. I "question God" just about every night, asking Him why was I born in the first place. I feel so lonely, so isolated, yet my neighborhood is small, In my neighborhood just about everyone goes to church on Sunday yet practically no one says "hello" to me; when I get angry I am reminded of what Gandhi said as to why he did not become a Christian; his answer? "I probably would have become one had I known one".


Do you have another strategy in place in case your anxiety increases as you taper?
I believe it's better to be safe than sorry which is why I often go more slowly than what doctors sometimes suggest.
I definitely wouldn't decrease the dose by 50% as you plan. I'd decrease it by 25% max and probably less. I would stay on each dose for at least 2 weeks before cutting the dose again.
If you have any withdrawal symptoms you can always increase your dose.
Many people have no problems going off these medications and you may be one of them. So if you want to go faster and risk potential withdrawal symptoms that's up to you. If you have withdrawals you can always increase your dose at that point and then begin a slower taper.
I hope you stop worrying about the taper since it won't help anything and will probably make things worse.
Are you seeing a counselor?
THINK POSITIVE AND TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME. No need to borrow trouble. 99% of the things we worry about never happen anyway so what’s the point? The other one percent is going to happen anyway regardless so just deal with whatever comes up with a positive attitude.
Best of luck to you.

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@jakedduck1 Thank you so much for your reply. You actually put everything in a completely different perspective for me. I don't don't another strategy in place in case the taper increases my anxiety but I am absolutely going to do the taper much slower as you suggested. Youre right, I do need to stop worrying so much. I have health anxiety and although its improved immensely it still gets the best of me at times like this. I do have a wonderful counselor I've been with for a few years and im on prozac daily 20mg and it has been wonderful for my anxiety. I feel the best I've felt in years. My hope is to eventually get off of medication but I am in no rush, just wanting to be as safe as possible. I appreciate your words and very very helpful advice. 😊

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