Senior anxiety: How do you manage new on-set anxiety as you age?

Posted by pvctom2021 @pvctom2021, Nov 24, 2023

I am back at this forum as a 77 yr old recently THR patient…recently I have had morning anxiety and just horrible feelings that concern the future and my horrible fear of being alone…these feelings are intense and may subside once I get up and start moving around..any input or feedback would be appreciated

Thanks Tom

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Hello to all

I have been away from the forums…my morning anxiety has been somewhat deteriorating…I really feel like I need a group of people who share the same fears that I’ve mentioned before.. have tried my Remeron and to no avail…stopped it 3 days ago..I did not do well on it…plus blood pressure spiked during my recent illness with a cold/sinus infection?? I took some NyQuil a couple of nights , then some coiricidin HBP pills ..they worked on my nose and head cold, but have left me jittery and nervous…I am here because I feel like talking about it to anyone who reads this…I think one of the most terrible feelings that a person can have, is knowing or feeling like “that whatever happens to me in this world, I am on my own…”
I also believe in the saying “that this too, shall pass”…. 🙏 pvctom


Hello to all

I have been away from the forums…my morning anxiety has been somewhat deteriorating…I really feel like I need a group of people who share the same fears that I’ve mentioned before.. have tried my Remeron and to no avail…stopped it 3 days ago..I did not do well on it…plus blood pressure spiked during my recent illness with a cold/sinus infection?? I took some NyQuil a couple of nights , then some coiricidin HBP pills ..they worked on my nose and head cold, but have left me jittery and nervous…I am here because I feel like talking about it to anyone who reads this…I think one of the most terrible feelings that a person can have, is knowing or feeling like “that whatever happens to me in this world, I am on my own…”
I also believe in the saying “that this too, shall pass”…. 🙏 pvctom

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Talk to your primary doctor about more psychological help. I know pills suck but sometime the chemistry will work and help. As a senior I have spoken to geriatric doctors too. They helped too.


Thank You for your reply and advice…I will be having a follow up psych appointment on the 1st of February.. this will be a 2nd visit for me with a different doctor..perhaps the initial appointment with the other psychiatrist was to do a baseline work up for this doctor..yes, I will mention everything to her..🙏


Hello to all

I hope all is well … my morning anxiety has been acting up and it’s been very intense…I see the psychiatrist on the 1st of February .. I have been given good advise and still this awful feeling (I'm sure it stems from senior anxiety daily stress General Anxiety Disorder) persists…once I get going, my daily routine, a walk at the mall, some interaction with some merchants, a call home to my wife, and a call sometimes to my sister - I get better..but as the night comes I feel uneasy…I am constantly worried about my wife who is one year behind me in age and has some health problems…I am worried about her health and I am concerned about my health as well.. but I’m going to fix the worry part or try to with hopefully the help of the psychiatrist visit/visits…I have read some interesting information on the correlation between daily anxiety and cortisol awakening response…but even with this information, the feeling of fear and dread as to what lies ahead momentarily scares me..sorry group, I just had to type this out to this discussion group…I hope a good day for all…..🙏 pvctom


Hello to all

I hope all is well … my morning anxiety has been acting up and it’s been very intense…I see the psychiatrist on the 1st of February .. I have been given good advise and still this awful feeling (I'm sure it stems from senior anxiety daily stress General Anxiety Disorder) persists…once I get going, my daily routine, a walk at the mall, some interaction with some merchants, a call home to my wife, and a call sometimes to my sister - I get better..but as the night comes I feel uneasy…I am constantly worried about my wife who is one year behind me in age and has some health problems…I am worried about her health and I am concerned about my health as well.. but I’m going to fix the worry part or try to with hopefully the help of the psychiatrist visit/visits…I have read some interesting information on the correlation between daily anxiety and cortisol awakening response…but even with this information, the feeling of fear and dread as to what lies ahead momentarily scares me..sorry group, I just had to type this out to this discussion group…I hope a good day for all…..🙏 pvctom

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I hear you and I'm with you. I am anxious over every little thing and mornings are the worst. The catch-22 is that worry does not help, yet how to turn it off? Gotta get back to deep breaths and letting it go; hope, pray, and don't worry. One day at a time--which means today only. As Kellogg's used to say--the best to you each morning!


I hear you and I'm with you. I am anxious over every little thing and mornings are the worst. The catch-22 is that worry does not help, yet how to turn it off? Gotta get back to deep breaths and letting it go; hope, pray, and don't worry. One day at a time--which means today only. As Kellogg's used to say--the best to you each morning!

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Thanks for your reply and your advice..this kind of response and all of the nice reactions by people here always help me feel better ❤️‍🩹 and not so alone.. I had a bizarre dream this morning before I came to awareness, it was an attorney that I went to a long time ago over a work situation.. liked this guy,,his demeanor and personality were loose and positive..he used to tell me, why worry about something that hasn’t happened yet.then he would say ‘think happy thoughts’. In my dream I started to tell him about my morning anxiety and there was silence on the end, I realized he had quietly
disconnected the phone..then I woke up….thank you for your helpful response…🙏 pvctom


Thanks for your reply and your advice..this kind of response and all of the nice reactions by people here always help me feel better ❤️‍🩹 and not so alone.. I had a bizarre dream this morning before I came to awareness, it was an attorney that I went to a long time ago over a work situation.. liked this guy,,his demeanor and personality were loose and positive..he used to tell me, why worry about something that hasn’t happened yet.then he would say ‘think happy thoughts’. In my dream I started to tell him about my morning anxiety and there was silence on the end, I realized he had quietly
disconnected the phone..then I woke up….thank you for your helpful response…🙏 pvctom

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One more thing I just realized this morning: I was feeling better than usual, then I sat down to read the news. I actually read just headlines and one article. Now I'm shaky and anxious and heart rate is up. I hate feeling "uninformed," but my mental health cannot continue to take the beating that national and international news provides. From now on, I plan to stick to my "good news" site only.


One more thing I just realized this morning: I was feeling better than usual, then I sat down to read the news. I actually read just headlines and one article. Now I'm shaky and anxious and heart rate is up. I hate feeling "uninformed," but my mental health cannot continue to take the beating that national and international news provides. From now on, I plan to stick to my "good news" site only.

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Interesting you should mention this. Last week I found myself feeling increasingly pessimistic about ...everything... As a news junkie, I was reading WAY too much of the negative news on my feeds, listening to the talking heads in the car, and generally OD'ing on negativity.

Sunday morning, I got up and resolved to read and/or listen to only local news from my two communities, good news and science and nature articles for a week. I switched the car radio to an all music channel. Halfway through the week, I am feeling much better.



One more thing I just realized this morning: I was feeling better than usual, then I sat down to read the news. I actually read just headlines and one article. Now I'm shaky and anxious and heart rate is up. I hate feeling "uninformed," but my mental health cannot continue to take the beating that national and international news provides. From now on, I plan to stick to my "good news" site only.

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I agree with you and I pretty much stay away from all cable sites…and a certain all new radio station here does nothing but blather one bad news story tidbit after another, then dozens of negative (designed to help?) ads by companies and then there are the studies that say
or suggest any number of ways people are going to have to deal with bad health issues….that are bound to happen….
It’s much better to come and share and possibly help, with
positive feedback from others who come here to share their experiences and to receive and sometimes I hope help by sharing and offering good advice.. I feel like I have a place to come to
when I’m feeling worried about any number of things…you are doing the right thing by turning away from the bad news channels…unfortunately there aren’t many good news stations that I’ve been able to come upon….may your day go well..🙏 pvctom


Hello to all

Just an update for my journal to share…today I woke up in a sheer panic..just momentary, but it was quite a nasty wake up call…I got up, made coffee, went to the mall, said a short prayer, and hoped to forget about the arrhythmias from the night before…We go to Walter Reed Bethesda tomorrow for annual checkups with our PCM…thank God I had the left THR last march done…I can walk Normally but osteoarthritis in right hip lets me know to take it easy….hopefully my PCM can shed some light on my morning anxiety…did not and do not let myself be drawn into the world of politics and any cheap sensationalism that floods the radio, tv and internet and YouTube…I hope all have a nice evening and day tomorrow 🙏

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