Senior anxiety: How do you manage new on-set anxiety as you age?

Posted by pvctom2021 @pvctom2021, Nov 24, 2023

I am back at this forum as a 77 yr old recently THR patient…recently I have had morning anxiety and just horrible feelings that concern the future and my horrible fear of being alone…these feelings are intense and may subside once I get up and start moving around..any input or feedback would be appreciated

Thanks Tom

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Very interesting topic and one I too have started to look into. My husband is having issues and I may soon have to put him in assisted living or a nursing home. The last thing he did was to start a fire in the kitchen because, since he hurts a lot he doesn't always focus on what he is doing, and caught a potholder on fire. Didn't realize he did it and left kitchen!! I smelled something burning and caught it totally ablaze and was able to take care of the incident before it got worse. We do have a large area on kitchen ceiling now from smoke.

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That’s awful 😢 I sometimes have senior moments and I am thankful at 77 that I still play my guitar and create my improvised music…and your husband is a reminder that these things can happen to any of us.. I am truly sorry and hope you find some comfort in this forum discussion group…take care 👍


That’s awful 😢 I sometimes have senior moments and I am thankful at 77 that I still play my guitar and create my improvised music…and your husband is a reminder that these things can happen to any of us.. I am truly sorry and hope you find some comfort in this forum discussion group…take care 👍

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Sometimes the morning fears seem to take over and I am grateful I can write to anyone here about them…it is good here.



I just returned from Ft Belvoir Hospital where I received skin cancer sprays on my face and was advised to use chemo cream to prevent another mohs procedure on forehead and ear….grateful for this care and the wonderful forums….🙏

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How is the skin healing, @pvctom2021?


How is the skin healing, @pvctom2021?

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Thanks for asking, well the liquid nitrogen leaves some red marks and over the eyebrow there is some rough area, I put a light Vaseline rub with a Q tip..several areas that I will need to spot use/check with Efudex chemo ointment.. I was going to mention this earlier along with my continued morning anxiety upon awakening…thank you and hello to you and all here.. I feel ok here, because it’s good here…👍😄


I am 73 and am on Effexor time released. My dose is 75 twice a day. That curtails all of what you are suffering with no side effects, as I’ve been on it for 25 yrs!!! It is important to control it and not have panic attacks to boot. And if you have any Parkinsons in your family you really want to get on it as they have noted now that GAD is perhaps the precursor to PD as the brain deals constantly with fight or flight, that it electrically shorts eventually. My mother died of it and had high anxiety all of her life. In her Parkinsons care unit the last years of her life I had her put on Effexor too and she had a happier and more pleasant life than she ever would have had. And every other adult child of residents were all asking me why she was so much different than their parent. It was without doubt the management of her overwhelming anxiety! I wish you well and I hope this helps. Oh and my adult children were both on Effexor by 45, as I went on it around 48. They don’t want PD either and were very anxious people!……good luck!


I am 73 and am on Effexor time released. My dose is 75 twice a day. That curtails all of what you are suffering with no side effects, as I’ve been on it for 25 yrs!!! It is important to control it and not have panic attacks to boot. And if you have any Parkinsons in your family you really want to get on it as they have noted now that GAD is perhaps the precursor to PD as the brain deals constantly with fight or flight, that it electrically shorts eventually. My mother died of it and had high anxiety all of her life. In her Parkinsons care unit the last years of her life I had her put on Effexor too and she had a happier and more pleasant life than she ever would have had. And every other adult child of residents were all asking me why she was so much different than their parent. It was without doubt the management of her overwhelming anxiety! I wish you well and I hope this helps. Oh and my adult children were both on Effexor by 45, as I went on it around 48. They don’t want PD either and were very anxious people!……good luck!

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Thanks 🙏 so much for your reply and information..sorry to hear of your health issues but glad you seem to be doing well.


Hello to all on this group thread.. I hope this Sunday and the coming week will be a good one for all…still get this morning
fear…maybe it’s some kind of chemical imbalance.. have been privileged with medical care and attention, but still, this horrid feeling of being alone or just plain uncomfortable feeling … when I get moving I feel much better..since my THR, I’ve been averaging 8000 steps a day…I find that walking the mall is a wonderful therapy and it gets me moving…there are certain merchants that I wave too and thumbs up to.. very lucky in this precarious world…very lucky..😀


I am 73 and am on Effexor time released. My dose is 75 twice a day. That curtails all of what you are suffering with no side effects, as I’ve been on it for 25 yrs!!! It is important to control it and not have panic attacks to boot. And if you have any Parkinsons in your family you really want to get on it as they have noted now that GAD is perhaps the precursor to PD as the brain deals constantly with fight or flight, that it electrically shorts eventually. My mother died of it and had high anxiety all of her life. In her Parkinsons care unit the last years of her life I had her put on Effexor too and she had a happier and more pleasant life than she ever would have had. And every other adult child of residents were all asking me why she was so much different than their parent. It was without doubt the management of her overwhelming anxiety! I wish you well and I hope this helps. Oh and my adult children were both on Effexor by 45, as I went on it around 48. They don’t want PD either and were very anxious people!……good luck!

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I reread your reply and really want to thank you again for sharing your family story and about you mother and children…it makes me realize how delicate our lives and thanks for the thoughts on Effexor..I will certainly look into this meditation and ask my psychiatrist on the 20th…good luck to you


I just saw this and I can't believe I'm almost your age because honestly it sounds ancient. I can't believe it. And I'm terrified. I lost my 23 yo daughter in 2011 in a horrific tragic way that I tried to stop many times and succeeded. It literally destroyed me. I don't know how or why I'm alive. There's no point. I don't have one relative I don't have one friend, I'm totally alone. She needed me, I kept myself from doing normal things with other people, she just needed me. And now she's gone I have nothing in my life.

I tried travel. I've been to Europe five times since 2012, I've taken two long cruises, I learned to ride, I volunteered at church (I no longer believe in that god), I tried to be social. None of it worked.

I was in the ER yesterday, had abdominal pain, needed CT scan, they found diverticulitis (not complicated). I sat there and looked at the photographs of her that I carry in my bag and read the last Christmas card she gave me with a note on it about how much she loved me and how wonderful I am, and how she couldn't speak her feelings as she should. So I started to cry. It was the wrong time to do that, two nurses came in and saw me. I couldn't explain what was going on, I just said it has nothing to do with this (the CT scan, etc.), my emotional reserves are gone. That's true, they are. When the nurse put in the IV for the contrast dye he asked me if I wanted IV tylenol, I said no. But in my mind I formed the words "I want something that will just kill me." Of course I never said it out loud.

I had to leave the house I bought when I moved her and myself upstate. I couldn't stay in it. I moved into a community for over 62, that was 12 years ago. I have nothing in common with any of these people. I'm a single mother by choice, have a PhD in my field, owned two houses, traveled alot, speak three languages, grew up in GV NYC. This is a historic village upstate and these people are original to it, they've never been anywhere, they lived conventional lives. The women might as well be Martians, we have zero in common. And I can't listen to their stories about their adult kids and their grandkids, I just can't.

I want my own house again but the pandemic destroyed the RE market, houses are double or more the price so the house I have in the bank doesn't come close. I'm stuck here. I don't like it here. I'm going to die in this place all by myself one day. I never knew it was possible to be grieving non stop for 12 plus years, never realized how truly awful this old thing it and I'm in fairly good health so far, but how long can that last. Things are starting to happen. I'm never going into any home that's not happening, I'll lose my mind in a place like that. Sometimes I think it would be better to just stop, but I don't have the nerve.


I just saw this and I can't believe I'm almost your age because honestly it sounds ancient. I can't believe it. And I'm terrified. I lost my 23 yo daughter in 2011 in a horrific tragic way that I tried to stop many times and succeeded. It literally destroyed me. I don't know how or why I'm alive. There's no point. I don't have one relative I don't have one friend, I'm totally alone. She needed me, I kept myself from doing normal things with other people, she just needed me. And now she's gone I have nothing in my life.

I tried travel. I've been to Europe five times since 2012, I've taken two long cruises, I learned to ride, I volunteered at church (I no longer believe in that god), I tried to be social. None of it worked.

I was in the ER yesterday, had abdominal pain, needed CT scan, they found diverticulitis (not complicated). I sat there and looked at the photographs of her that I carry in my bag and read the last Christmas card she gave me with a note on it about how much she loved me and how wonderful I am, and how she couldn't speak her feelings as she should. So I started to cry. It was the wrong time to do that, two nurses came in and saw me. I couldn't explain what was going on, I just said it has nothing to do with this (the CT scan, etc.), my emotional reserves are gone. That's true, they are. When the nurse put in the IV for the contrast dye he asked me if I wanted IV tylenol, I said no. But in my mind I formed the words "I want something that will just kill me." Of course I never said it out loud.

I had to leave the house I bought when I moved her and myself upstate. I couldn't stay in it. I moved into a community for over 62, that was 12 years ago. I have nothing in common with any of these people. I'm a single mother by choice, have a PhD in my field, owned two houses, traveled alot, speak three languages, grew up in GV NYC. This is a historic village upstate and these people are original to it, they've never been anywhere, they lived conventional lives. The women might as well be Martians, we have zero in common. And I can't listen to their stories about their adult kids and their grandkids, I just can't.

I want my own house again but the pandemic destroyed the RE market, houses are double or more the price so the house I have in the bank doesn't come close. I'm stuck here. I don't like it here. I'm going to die in this place all by myself one day. I never knew it was possible to be grieving non stop for 12 plus years, never realized how truly awful this old thing it and I'm in fairly good health so far, but how long can that last. Things are starting to happen. I'm never going into any home that's not happening, I'll lose my mind in a place like that. Sometimes I think it would be better to just stop, but I don't have the nerve.

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Thanks for your post.. I’m glad to be here on this forum and in this discussion hopefully 🤞 helps myself and others that I might share with…and more importantly it lets me know I’m not alone…much of my life now is spent remembering old friends or acquaintances that have passed on or moved on, usually without even contacting me….that they were moving…your thoughts and comments are appreciated and I really truly wish you positive vibes and here is a good 😊 place to be…wonderful mentors and folks from all over come here…be safe …

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