Seizure Treatment and causes: Will stopping smoking and drinking help?
I do have seizure. I smoke and drink alcohol. Will the Seizure stop if I stop this drinking and smoking habit?
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I am on keppra for seizures and it is a very bad pill.I have been on it for eight years and it has a lot of bad effects.does anyone know of a pill with less side effects.When i have a seizure they last 20 to 30 minutes .The doctor told me i should be dead from having these long seizures.i really need to find another pill to take.
Hi Dave,
Have your doctors ever told you that when you have 20 to 30 minutes seizures you’re in Status Epilepticus?
Hopefully you don’t live alone and if you’re married or similar does your mate have an emergency med to administer or call an ambulance? I used to have 20 minute seizures also and was often put in an induced coma. Do the doctors ever put you into a coma?
Which individual or cocktail meds have you been on?
I don't remember what drugs you've taken but I'd ask Neuro about Dilantin, if not completely effective you might ask about adding Phenobarbital.
Lamictal is a med which most people find tolerable and helpful. If memory serves it was found to be the most effective with Keppra second. It's also a broad-spectrum anticonvulsant. However, the benzodiazepines seem to be the most effective like
Diazepam (Valium),
Lorazepam (Ativan), Midazolam (Versed)
Dilantin and Phenobarbital are also used for Status seizures. Speaking of phenobarbital, I suggested to a man in Africa who was taking multiple meds to ask Neuro about it which he did and his doctor ordered it. He now only takes phenobarb and hasn't had a seizure in 3 or more year's.
I assume you’re on monotherapy and are only taking the Keepra. How much Keppra are you taking. Have you tried adding a secondary medication to the Keppra, if so could you share what it was?
How often do you have a seizure? How long do you sleep after such a long seizure. Sometimes I would sleep for five days straight.
Take care,
Keppra is the only drug they have given me since 2014 500mg twice a day and i feel really bad taking them they gave me 5mg valium to help.My memory is really bad cannot remember the last seizure but i have what the doctor called mini seizures.I get this flushed feeling threw my head that last for about 2 minutes and it go's away but i feel cold for hours after I have one of thoughs mini spells in the doctors office and he said that is nothing to worry about and he even wanted to take me off keppra and I told him I was worried that the mini might go to grand mal if I stop the meds so he agreed with me.
I can only only tell you from experience that smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol makes them worst.
What is the title of the nutrition book that you mention in the previous posting.
Thank you.