Saliva Issue

Posted by chrisself @chrisself, Nov 17, 2023

Latest strange symptom: excessive saliva causing occasional drooling. Brain MRI shows nothing. Neurologist said could be inflammation now in salivary glands. Anyone else experiencing this symptom? Long hauler for 17 months…

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God Bless You! Yes, I have had hypersalivation since Covid last year. I have tried everything from ENT doctor to Infectious Disease Doctor and no answers. I believe Covid attacked the mucosa & salivary gland in my mouth. I do not drool, but, I have to spit a lot and scrape my tongue first thing in the morning. ENT thinks its reflux, Gastro doctor says it is not reflux. I just say, it's COVID. I get choked on this stuff at night. Some things help like Xylitol gum, salt water rinses, and Colgate Peroxdyl rinse, but, its temporary. Eating very salty foods makes it worse. I also try and drink more water as this thins out mucous. Anything prescribed by a doctor to dry out my mouth dries out my eyes too much as I already have dry eyes. I pray we find some answers. I am going the Integrative Medicine route and getting IV infusions for Long Covid. Blessings to you.


God Bless You! Yes, I have had hypersalivation since Covid last year. I have tried everything from ENT doctor to Infectious Disease Doctor and no answers. I believe Covid attacked the mucosa & salivary gland in my mouth. I do not drool, but, I have to spit a lot and scrape my tongue first thing in the morning. ENT thinks its reflux, Gastro doctor says it is not reflux. I just say, it's COVID. I get choked on this stuff at night. Some things help like Xylitol gum, salt water rinses, and Colgate Peroxdyl rinse, but, its temporary. Eating very salty foods makes it worse. I also try and drink more water as this thins out mucous. Anything prescribed by a doctor to dry out my mouth dries out my eyes too much as I already have dry eyes. I pray we find some answers. I am going the Integrative Medicine route and getting IV infusions for Long Covid. Blessings to you.

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Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone! LMK if u find a solution!


i to have a little drooling that i notice at night since having covid.....


YES! Yes. Embarrassing. Have to have a tissue when I talk. Not drooling so much as feeling like the corners of my mouth are always wet. Yes I have had long covid for 3 1/2 years. POTS etc. So many many odd things. Kidney stones. Most likely from dehydration. Things build more symptoms but the root is still covid. No appetite. Even Water sometimes makes my nauseous.

I went to my family's last Christmas and had to carry a tissue . I thought I was having a drug reaction. Or the muscles in my face we're just getting droopy from not wearing my partial while I've been sick. We sat in a group to open Christmas gifts and I sat on the couch. Nobody would sit next to me, or on the couch at all. It was hard. I'm not joining my family for christmas this year. Id rather be alone than think I gross people out. Or going to give them covid. I've had very little empathy from family or friends though I've been sick for so long. People would rather we just go away and ignore us. I think we as a group scare people who want to pretend long covid, or even covid, is a political hoax.

I feel like covid will eventually kill me and people will say "oh, I guess she WAS sick." How many of us years later will die of covid complications and never get counted in the grand total? I want to be counted. Getting covid stole what I had left in life. People need to know. My mother wasn't counted either. Feb 2020. 2 weeks too soon to be acknowledged. Viral infection that killed her after being in the hospital for a few days so she could get into rehab for her knee. Killed her. 2 weeks later they would have called it covid. Instead they called it pneumonia. How many others.


YES! Yes. Embarrassing. Have to have a tissue when I talk. Not drooling so much as feeling like the corners of my mouth are always wet. Yes I have had long covid for 3 1/2 years. POTS etc. So many many odd things. Kidney stones. Most likely from dehydration. Things build more symptoms but the root is still covid. No appetite. Even Water sometimes makes my nauseous.

I went to my family's last Christmas and had to carry a tissue . I thought I was having a drug reaction. Or the muscles in my face we're just getting droopy from not wearing my partial while I've been sick. We sat in a group to open Christmas gifts and I sat on the couch. Nobody would sit next to me, or on the couch at all. It was hard. I'm not joining my family for christmas this year. Id rather be alone than think I gross people out. Or going to give them covid. I've had very little empathy from family or friends though I've been sick for so long. People would rather we just go away and ignore us. I think we as a group scare people who want to pretend long covid, or even covid, is a political hoax.

I feel like covid will eventually kill me and people will say "oh, I guess she WAS sick." How many of us years later will die of covid complications and never get counted in the grand total? I want to be counted. Getting covid stole what I had left in life. People need to know. My mother wasn't counted either. Feb 2020. 2 weeks too soon to be acknowledged. Viral infection that killed her after being in the hospital for a few days so she could get into rehab for her knee. Killed her. 2 weeks later they would have called it covid. Instead they called it pneumonia. How many others.

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I am so sorry. Remember you are not alone. I am so happy I found this online support group and I hope it will be good for you as well. I have had doctors and coworkers not understand why I am so sick. My primary care physician did not believe that some of my issues were real due to all the negative test results. Family members at first were telling me to just push through this it was mind over matter. After years this has now stopped. Coworkers and family are much more understanding. I tend to avoid going anywhere if my symptoms are worse than usual. I am lucky have a job that I am able to do from home.
When people do not understand something that is going to be frightening to them and unfortunately they react in odd ways. I barely eat but gained an insane amount of weight. I have POTS, Neuropathy, CRPS the extreme form of Neuropathy in certain areas, gastroparesis, brain fog, etc. Now my teeth are falling out. I am being tested for Sjogren's Syndrome which they are finding that people who have POTS from Long COVID also are being diagnosed with Sjogren's syndrome. I feel like a fat disgusting blob and losing my teeth is not helping. Sjogren's causes your salivary glands to now work correctly. I have talked to family members and asked them to be patient as I have brain fog and getting upset or constantly correcting me is going to make me anxious which will make it worse. That has improved. They finally understand I am not going to get better, I am just going to be able to mitigate some of the symptoms.
This has been miserable and a difficult path, but I have finally accepted I am not going to be who I was before. I am not going to be slim anymore. Luckily you can replace your teeth at a very high price. I have found things that I can do while sitting as I can't tolerate more than 20 minutes of physical activity at a time. And some close friends of mine are now planning monthly get togethers. I care more about seeing them then how I look.
Try to find things you can do now that will make you happy. It makes a big difference. I also have cats, low maintenance pets, that make me happy and feel like I am not alone. I really hope you are able to find some good things that you can adapt into your life now. If you have anyone, a particular family member or friend who is understanding try to keep them close in your life. One person is better than none. Again I am so sorry you are dealing with all of this. I wish I had the magic answer to cure all of us.

In reply to @bettyjackson "What IV LongCovid??" + (show)

What IV LongCovid??

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bettyjackson, I am going to an Integrative Medicine Doctor who treats long Covid. I am getting IV infusions with vitamin C, Vitamin D, B Vitamins, Zinc & Glutathione (Sp?). I am having to take it slow as I am so sensitive to even the infusions. I cannot tell yet if they are helping, but, I am continuing to go because he "thinks outside the box" for Long Covid patience. I found out last week that I have a gene mutation that isn't allowing my body to detox NOR does it absorb B Vitamins. I have had this since i was born and I inherited this gene from both parents. This explains why my immune system is so crummy, I catch everything and have so many upper respiratory infections. I have an appointment next week to see what we will do. I am also going to have environmental allergy & food allergy testing done. Histamine issues and Mast Cell issues can also go along with this. Look these up. It's very interesting and it is said 40% of the population has gene mutation issues. I hope this helps. Blessings.....


I went to Integrative Medicine for help with another issue several years ago and it was amazing! I have an appointment to return to my acupuncturist.

I have had dry mouth and dry eye lately. Add that to my growing list of symptoms. Ughhhh….They were terrible at first but improving a little now. Due to all the mouth rinses and mints I used for dry mouth, I developed acid reflux! Now taking Pepcid and making major dietary changes. Ughhhh……No more coffee or tomatoes! Will this ever end? I received a PM from my ENT today that we’d review everything at my next appointment. He diagnosed me with post covid syndrome.


About 18 months for me. I had a lot of saliva and mucous along with dry mouth. My Covid pulmologist recommended flonase and prescribed a recombinent inhaler. That helped with lung issues and smoothing out mucus and coughing.

The bigger issue I believe is being dehydrated. I just don’t drink enough water and always feel thirsty. Maybe it’s partially the meds. I’m a sucker for energy drinks to keep my energy levels up, but I’m really trying to get to more water and no soft drinks. If you have an Apple Watch, I found mine was a water reminder on it.


About 18 months for me. I had a lot of saliva and mucous along with dry mouth. My Covid pulmologist recommended flonase and prescribed a recombinent inhaler. That helped with lung issues and smoothing out mucus and coughing.

The bigger issue I believe is being dehydrated. I just don’t drink enough water and always feel thirsty. Maybe it’s partially the meds. I’m a sucker for energy drinks to keep my energy levels up, but I’m really trying to get to more water and no soft drinks. If you have an Apple Watch, I found mine was a water reminder on it.

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What inhaler have you found that helps with mucus? My son has tried every kind of nasal spray, albuterol inhaler and Flovent inhaler and none of that works. He has almost all of the long covid symptoms but the mucus is the worst.

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