Remedies for Joint Discomfort/Pain on AI ( Anastrozole)

Posted by anjalima @anjalima, Jun 22, 2023

Anyone find relief with supplemental remedies such as Collagen or Glucosamine or Cherry Juice?

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Yes, thanks for all the feedback. It did let me know that I shouldn't be worried that my pain is only in knees and shins rather than all joints. That's what made me worry maybe it might be bone mets instead of from AI. I hope the pain for all of you becomes manageable and diminishes over time. I've noticed my body sometimes gets used to meds and some side effects are temporary as in weeks or months.


Hope it works for you as it does for me.


Hope it works for you as it does for me.

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@mglinkhart Unfortunately, I can't tolerate Claritin or any pain meds, but I'm just happy to believe my pain is not bone mets. I hope the Claritin works for others though. I hope everyone will report back with their results.


I'm curious about your joint pain from an AI. Location(s)? How long were you taking an AI before the pain started?

I have been on Letrozole for 27 months for MBC and only started having knee and shin pain in the past few months and mostly at night once sitting or lying down. I was worried the cancer may have spread to my bones, but was told it was the AI causing symptoms. How does my oncologist know that since the pain was not immediate?

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Yes! Exactly what happened to me. Had the frantic feeling also that something bad was happening. Since I was provided a prescription immediately after surgery without what should have been an in depth discussion, i began researching myself. Found it was not unusual for leg/knee issues. I was told after several medical inquiries that ibuprofen/Bengay were reliable solutions. NO THEY WEREN’T. I am on an agreed to 3 month hiatus. No mention of what to expect. While several other side effects have gone - my leg/knee limitation is very very slow to ebb. Again my research provides info that says indeed this particular side effect is much slower to show results. And so it goes. I am very disheartened in this situation but remain hopeful time will tell. It is said that misery loves company. It is indeed comforting to care and share. Stay positive.


I had very similar reactions was on Anastrozole for almost a year before I had leg/knee pain in my right leg. Tried very hard to deal with it but currently on a 3 month hiatus from taking Anastrozole. I was concerned when results regarding many side effects have dissipated but leg/knee issues seem slower to ebb. As usual, I was given no heads up as to what to expect so I have returned to my self investigation. It seems that there are side effects that take a longer time to show progress returning to normal - or at least a tolerable situation. In the meantime I am walking and have scheduled Physical Therapy (The jury is still out on this but worth trying).

As this point the pain has gone from constant to intermittent. I will continue to work on a achieving the quality of life that I remember before taking Anastrozole

Please share your experience as you go along. I would be so interested as I am sure others would be ❤️

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Hi Gini Pariseau:
I am on Letrozole but at the 3 month mark I am having knee problems.

I, like rosa935, avoided knee surgery by taking collagen, glucosamine chrondroitrin, and vitamin D supplements.

I too am in the process of setting up PT as I have now knee pain which I did not have before Leterzole + now dealing with osteoporosis.


Hi Gini Pariseau:
I am on Letrozole but at the 3 month mark I am having knee problems.

I, like rosa935, avoided knee surgery by taking collagen, glucosamine chrondroitrin, and vitamin D supplements.

I too am in the process of setting up PT as I have now knee pain which I did not have before Leterzole + now dealing with osteoporosis.

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My knee and shin pain didn't start until I had been taking Letrozole for about 18 months and that is what made me question the cause of the pain.


@rosa1935 is this limitation from an aromatase inhibitor, do you think? I am sensitive to everything so was surprised I tolerated them pretty well and am sorry you didn't. I have a lot of pain walking due to spinal fractures but as I said, my joints felt better if I could do more. Hope you can return to your walking!

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Yes it’s Anastrozole


I’m fed up running things by the doctor. All u need to do is to make sure collagen and condritin and glucosamine do not react with meds thst u are on. The latter, condritin and glucosamine, wasn’t accepted by docs 20
Years ago but I took it and have been doing very well in it up to now!! 20 years ago I was told by a doctor in Cyprus, Larnaca hospital, that I woukd have to have 2 knee replacements. I started these meds and have t had these ops. Unfortunately,I think that tge Anastrozole is doing more harm than good and is affecting my joints in an extreme way. On the other hand if I hadn’t taken condritin and glucosamine fir 20 years, god know I coukd b in a wheelchair niw. I slsiyhave been taking vitamin D3 fir nearly 20 years and that will have helped me too x

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I started eating these sprouts every day, ladt year. Now I eat them 4 days a week. These are full of goodness and if you Google them, there’s a video to go along with this. I can’t eat them every day cis they are full of vitamin k and I’m on a blood thinner. Have a look x


I started eating these sprouts every day, ladt year. Now I eat them 4 days a week. These are full of goodness and if you Google them, there’s a video to go along with this. I can’t eat them every day cis they are full of vitamin k and I’m on a blood thinner. Have a look x

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Thank you!


Hi Gini Pariseau:
I am on Letrozole but at the 3 month mark I am having knee problems.

I, like rosa935, avoided knee surgery by taking collagen, glucosamine chrondroitrin, and vitamin D supplements.

I too am in the process of setting up PT as I have now knee pain which I did not have before Leterzole + now dealing with osteoporosis.

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I have to confess that if I was given appropriate info at the onset at the start, I am not sure that I would have refused Anastrozole or Letrozole. I opted for Anastrozole and found myself now dealing with side effects that left me HAVING to consider the impact on my day-to-day life. I am self-forgiving enough to realize you can’t get answers when you don’t know the question.

So here I am hoping my body will carry on without Anestrozole - that my diligence through all these years of mamos will continue to be my safety net along with whatever new options become a viable life saving option. I am grateful for all those out there who are working on the future chapters that will offer us any consideration.

My general request is that success be a journey not an event that the Medical profession embraces. We soldiers in the trenches need you to contemplate what you are hearing from us and have the wisdom and professional courage to deal with what you are hearing from us. You are dealing with our bodies. We are living with our bodies.

I think it might be true that the brain fog has left my list of side effects and my confidence has become a welcomed return. This forum has given us all a place to reset and value our hopes and concerns. ❤️

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