Rare serious side effect of Eliquis: Muscle weakness

Posted by cmauncc1 @cmauncc1, Dec 27, 2021

In late July 2017 I was admitted for very high heart rate and Afib. Had been, and still am, on minimal meds. Hospitalist put me on Eliquis, 5mg 2X/day.

Within a month my leg muscles were weakening to the point where I could no longer play Pickleball or walk golf. Within a few weeks my Cardiologist did an ablation and inserted a loop recorder. For the next 2-1/2 years the loop recorder saw MINIMAL Afib, under 0.5%; the ablation did its job.

By November 2017 I needed a walker. By December 2017 I needed to be wheelchair pushed through an Ice Sculpture display as there was no way I could walk the 25-30 minutes of the exhibit.

When I finally got to see a Neurologist at Shands (Univ of FL, Gainesville) in July 2018, he ran an extensive battery of blood work tests but could find nothing to explain the muscle weakness.

Has anyone else encountered similar muscle effects following being prescribed Eliquis?

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My wife has gone throuh something very similar to what you went through.

Last year 2023 my wife was prescibe to E;liquis . Within a few months my wife became weaker and weaker util she could not support her weght. We check her into the hostpital to see what was wrong. Wile she was in the hospital they gave her shots in her spine to find out what was wrong and the day she was released with no explination. No she is permantly stuk in a weelchair. She is 47 years old.

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Sorry to hear about another victim of eliquis, and the hospitals. I believe what happened is the eliquis wiped out the vitamin d in her tissues, this will not show up in blood test, but check blood levels anyway(vitamin d). Statins do the same thing to many, chemo also, could be she was low to begin with. This happened to me! I got a book by Jeff Bowles and got better, slowly over months, I barely escaped a wheelchair and returned to work 4 months later. Worth a try, I'm not a doctor so I won't lie about eliquis.


I started this one week ago and my muscles started in my legs, getting weaker and weaker now moving to my arms and hands. I thought it was just me but now when I read this, it’s got to be a side effect.

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yes consider like statins and chemo may have wiped out vitamin d in your tissues


I was diagnosed with AFib after having Cardiac Catheterization surgery just shy of 3 months prior. No AFib was found and I was given a clean bill of heart health.

The morning after starting taking the sample pack Eliquis pill, I had a very difficult time getting up to use the bathroom and I didn’t know what was causing it. Day 2, same thing but it was worse.

I can barely walk! And I stopped taking the Eliquis and I was prescribed Xarelto. Same thing happened to me.

My Cardiologist said that it’s NOT related to me starting the Eliquis!

What can I show him so that he can see that it’s rare but it is definitely a side effect?

My PCP recommended the Watchman but the Cardiologist said that I would not qualify. As if I am making this up!

I have no life enjoyment whatsoever.

I don’t know what to do anymore.

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i took circulation evergreen as a natural alt to eliquis after dvt, worked for me, the eliquis is poison but doctors give it out like candy and won't admit what it can do

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